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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. Hello chaps, The fuse in my Laney RB9 amp head blew today at rehearsal just as I started getting warmed up. I've never had a fuse blow before in an amp, is there anything I should be worried about? I didn't have any fuse replacement on me and had to use an Fender RUMBLE 350 from the studio for the rest of the practice (which was absolutely awesome btw) Thanks
  2. If you think you are going to play it a lot and often go for a Fender. If you are going to play with it once or twice buy a Squire. As long as niether are made in China I think you'll be okay. I recently had a Fender Dimension bass from the Chinese factory and it was bloody awful!
  3. Anyone going to see them this July? I got tickets for the 8 July in London, I cant wait!
  4. I like to buy new stuff under the delusion that I need it. My drummer laughs at me because most weeks I turn up to practice with something new. When you talk about changing basses because of the neck etc I would put it down to natural progression. I did the same by selling my other basses and exclusively playing Precision Basses - it just feels right in my hands and was the sound I was always looking for. I think you can put something down to GAS if you are buying something you don't need. For me I have two Mexican Precision Basses both I love and both get played, if I brought any other bass it would be because of GAS alone because I dont need anything else nor would I use anything else other than my Precisions. The road to complete satisfaction with your gear is impossible, you'll always want to experiment and change things its a never ending expensive cycle. The real delusion is buying stuff thinking it will make you a better player!
  5. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1402484163' post='2473952'] To the OP - have you come to the conclusion that what you currently do with your bass playing is self-serving, that it's become an indulgence for which you've developed a guilty conscience? Rather than giving up playing you could turn the entire thing on its head and offer your services to other young aspiring bass players and become a TEACHER. What was once an indulgence then becomes a service to others. It's a bit like spreading the good word isn't it? [/quote] I was going to say something similar that maybe what you're feeling is guilt for spending too much time playing etc. If so its no reason to give it all up and sell all your gear, if this is the case I think you should maybe just moderate how much time you spend playing music and spend more time with whoever it is that you feel you should be spending more time with. If god created man, he (IMO) created music as well. Therefore there should be no reason for you to completely quit music altogether. It might well be worth having a break, because I myself have to put down the bass once in a while and I always come back excited to play and refreshed. I hope you find the answers you are looking for pal.
  6. Excellent! How did he get away with the cigarette in doors as well?
  7. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1402252719' post='2471393'] Interestingly today was the drummer's first real session with us and although I've played with him before and he was our original first choice for this band (wasn't available six months ago) it wasn't until today that I realised just how right he is and how much fire he puts under a band. It was good to be able to present a prospective new band member with us on form, firing on all cylinders and in a positive frame of mind. [/quote] Its amazing how much a decent drummer makes. Our drummer in our band is fantastic and I just feel so comfortable playing knowing he's keeping it solid.
  8. Well I'm a pick player so maybe I will get some and only use them for a special occasion haha!
  9. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1402055609' post='2469568'] They do employ people to go around and take random samples actually. Also many corporate chains (e.g Starbucks) will tend to have their music piped in from a central source, or buy in particular compilations to be played in every branch (or commission them). This makes the tracking of royalties much easier, and it's the larger chains that will tend to be targeted by collection agencies (PRS being just one of many). The little cafe in the village is unlikely to keep tabs on what they play, so as mentioned above it tends to go into the admin pot unless someone claims it. I've had tracked royalties from all over the place, from cafe chains to airlines. I don't make mega bucks, but it all adds up. A good friend of mine [u]does[/u] make a living from this as it's his full time job. He once bought a yacht with his MCPS, PPL and PRS collections from one year! [/quote] Well i'll be damned! I guess the playlist thing makes a lot of sense. So if i were to be approached say, I would point them in the direction of the landlord or manager of the venue?
  10. Hello all, I've recently come across the DR neon coloured bass strings. They absolutely awesome, especially under UV light and some green ones would look cool on my blacked out P Bass. The question is to anyone thats used them, do they sound any good with all that coating on them? Price wise they cost around £30 a set so I would like to think they do!
  11. PRS sounds like a massive con to me. I just don't understand how they know what song/artist has been played to be able to determine where the money goes.
  12. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1401712703' post='2466031'] Clicking the link in your sig, I thought maybe this bass was for sale. When I first saw the pics, for a split second, my wallet and bladder threatened to simultaneously empty themselves! Fortunately this is just a porn thread...and it worked! NICE bass! [/quote] I just did exactly the same thing...
  13. To me Gibsons feel like cheap guitars. They feel completely unbalanced and the finishes are generally poor. I feel they sell on brand name alone and people see past the averageness 'because its a Gibson' PRS in my opinion really show them up. (I own a Les Paul and a PRS Paul Allender Sig)
  14. I always ask for peoples opinions and end up buying what I was going to buy in the first place haha. If I find a lot of people have the same experience with something then I will listen, but if its just one persons opinion against mine on something, I always go with mine.
  15. Woo! Basschat! Yeaah!! Nice bass dude good luck with the sale!
  16. Yeah I looked at 'Mini' Pedal boards but too small for my needs. I have a Boss ME20B which takes up a lot of the room. But again £50 for that and at that size is incredibly unreasonable if you ask me haha
  17. Cool stuff guys, its given me a good idea of what I can do. Now when it comes to actually building the thing will be a completely different thing altogether as I've not built anything before in my life! I will post back the results!
  18. Hello Basschatters, I need a pedal board, but looking at the pedal board market it seems its either cheap and nasty or £100 for what's basically a bit of plastic. Has anyone made themselves one or used something that could be used as one as a cheap alternative? I just need something to fix my pedals to so they don't move around all over the place. It would be really interesting to see some photos as well! Thanks
  19. Don't mind a good tribute band myself... I cannot stand The Blues Brothers tributes though...
  20. Be warned, if you buy a Precision bass you will never want to buy anything different ever again.
  21. As well as the Squires, take a look at Yamaha bass' as well, they make some brilliant instruments. Amp wise, you can't go wrong with a Laney! I would say though Bass amp wise, whatever you get go for something 30 watts or more. Anything lower either doesn't really produce any bass and they are only 'good' at extremely low volumes - good maybe if you live in a flat though.
  22. From your post it sounds as if you've just joined a band that play louder than your used to normally rather than it being any problem with anything else. Changing your string gauge to something different to what you've used for years will probably have an effect on your playing more than anything - It will take some getting used to the different feeling of the thicker or thinner strings and probably make you feel uncomfortable as your not used to it. If you need more 'meat' to the tone just fiddle around with your amp settings.
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