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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. ESP make quality instruments in my opinion so I don't think you can go wrong with one. Even if you were near a shop its next to impossible to find them stocked, all my ESPs have been bought in the dark haha. Its just whether you want to risk it!
  2. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1435670110' post='2811198'] Make sure your fly's are zipped up. and enjoy it, You will get better the more you play out. [/quote] I disagree, you should most definitely rock out with your cock out!
  3. Personally I would say just keep practicing on the regular. Theres all sorts of old wives tales about methods of doing it but I think its all nonsense and are probably coming from new players who don't now what they are talking about. or if you are REALLY desperate... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gorilla-Tips-Medium-Finger-Protectors/dp/B0091C03YG/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1435668335&sr=1-1&keywords=gorilla+tips"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gorilla-Tips-Medium-Finger-Protectors/dp/B0091C03YG/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1435668335&sr=1-1&keywords=gorilla+tips[/url]
  4. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1435321253' post='2807654'] Isn't tonight the night? [/quote] We had the gig last night and she was there. I was really pleased how well we handled her actually. She is a gobby cow for sure, but everyone there comes down to see the bands apparently, so everyone knew who she was and looked like they were fed up with her turning up every week heckling the bands anyway. So the only damage she was doing was to herself. She came up to us after the gig and threatened being even worse the next time we are there, we were all just really polite and didnt give her much of a response. She seems like a really nasty piece of work, and seems to only be there to heckle the bands to make herself feel some sort of power i think. The trouble is she has cancer, and I think she is using it to her advantage in that she seems like the type of person that would play the[i] 'You cant say that, I have cancer card' [/i]if anyone were to give her some banter back. Regardless of that, the gig went well with a promise of a rebooking. I suffered a cramp in my index finger on the last song which meant it was rendered useless so I had to change my fingering which was really interesting! I think I got away with it...
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434752694' post='2802649'] Well my mum is getting on for 80, but whatever works for you... [/quote] Ah well I'm 22! Thanks for these suggestions guys, keep em coming so I have an arsenal of comebacks should I ever need them ahah!
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434750061' post='2802619'] In this case, practice leaving only a second or two between songs. Otherwise say something obliquely insulting such as, 'Mum, I told you not to come to our gigs any more!'. [/quote] Haha or refer to her as 'Grandma' that would be killer!
  7. Hi Guys, We've just booked a gig for next week due to a cancellation but been warned by the band that cancelled that there is always one lady that goes every week and likes to heckle the bands. Personally I have never had anyone heckle me in any band I've been in, so I'm a little unsure how to deal with it! Apparently her favourite line is "Get on with it!" in between songs. Any advice on how to cleverly deal with a heckler? Thanks
  8. I dont understand, whats the problem with EMGs? I have an ESP T-406 with EMGs in and it sounds like a monster!
  9. I have no idea, but I have the same filing cabinet as you at work.
  10. I have one strap with 3 different basses with all the same strap locks on. This is the strap I use: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Planet-Waves-Inch-Guitar-Strap/dp/B0002F6UA2/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1432906731&sr=8-13&keywords=planet+waves+guitar+strap"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Planet-Waves-Inch-Guitar-Strap/dp/B0002F6UA2/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1432906731&sr=8-13&keywords=planet+waves+guitar+strap[/url] Its great for a heavy bass.
  11. My girlfriend saw the Foo Fighters at the Radio One Big Weekend, and she said it was the best atmopshere she has ever experienced. Personally I dont like big out door gigs because of the sound mix. I dont think its just the Foo Fighters, I just think its big out door venues that are crap.
  12. If you can play the C note and are happy to play it 100000000000000 times then you can play: ZZ Top - Gimmie All Your Loving ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man Both songs are pretty much exactly the same bass line, so its super easy to learn both really quickly. The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe Bryan Adams -Summer of 69 The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So Jimmy Eats World - The Middle Foo Fighers - My Hero Vertigo - U2 Feeder - Buck Rogers They are a few that come to mind that are easy to play. 90% of your Pop/Rock songs are easy to pick up once you've played for 2 weeks. Then if you are not lazy like me, you can start looking at more difficult songs from bands with good bass players like: Muse Red Hot Chilli Peppers The Winery Dogs (Brace yourself for that one) etc etc
  13. Weststarx


    Not a clue what that is, but its the most ugly looking guitar I have ever seen! What happened to the headstock?! It looks like it broke off!
  14. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1432221062' post='2779361'] I have been in Soul / Motown/ Funk bands for years, and every time we have worked with a keyboard player, it all turns to crap. It seems the better a player he or she is, the more they feel they have to prove this by stamping all over the 'space' that Funk / Soul / Motown has to have to work properly. With a bazillion synth and fake sounds at their disposal, they can turn a good band into a Bingo warm up act, with all their synthy /brassy/ stringy sounds instantly available.They take up as much space as a brass section, or a couple of guitar players, and the poor bozo standing behind the keyboard player, with no space whatsoever might as well go home as he can not be seen by the audience, and feels completely removed from the rest of the band.....The 'bozo' is also known as the bass player.....A keyboard player has a habit of holding down block chords ( particularly with his left hand, ) which absolutely ruins any bass lines, or sounds you USED to like playing. Image wise, nothing looks worse rhan the back of a keyboard, with wires spewing out of the back, and a music stand on top of rhe whole wretched thing... It looks gash....My only concession would be a piano player, as this is a percussion instrument, in that when you stop hitting it, it stops making a noise. If you are fortunate enough to find a keyboard player that does none of the above, does not have an over inflated sense of self importance, and also understands the less he does, the more it makes every thing else stand out, then you are extremely lucky, or a miracle worker.Personally, I would avoid a keyboard player like the plague......get a good sax player or sax and trumpet...they look great, take up less room, and act as punctuation in a band,instead of an avalanche of what's not needed...... There you go..... My fire and brimstone anti keyboard sermon is over, but it's true.. [/quote] Im with this guy ^^^ I've always found with a keyboard player, its something you want there on some songs and not at all on others. Its also another person to keep happy and less 'room' you have to play with as a band at gigs. I have seen it work though plenty of times with a singer/keyboardist [i](is [u]keyboardist [/u]a word/thing?) [/i]with the keyboard off to the side of them using it occasionally. Personally and probably immaturely I also think its slightly uncool to have a keyboard ist/player/piano man
  15. [quote name='TPTroll' timestamp='1432027762' post='2777310'] In the rare event that you ever feel like selling, consider me front of the queue. If there isn't already a queue. I read that Yellowcar got this originally from wunjo's bass shop in a find of the century, so now have an excuse to visit them a lot more! Enjoy the bass, looks brilliant. [/quote] Haha thanks I certainly will!
  16. [quote name='TPTroll' timestamp='1431954197' post='2776518'] Great, after much searching and finding out about these, these attitude pluses seem to be the rarest bass in the world. Just while I'm on the lookout for a P-bass and was more or less settled on a BB424x. Noooo! [/quote] It felt like an impossible task for me too, but then a hero came a long on his noble steed
  17. I had a great weekend, I had a spa day on Saturday and came home to a message from 'theyellowcar' to say he was happy to travel to Cambridge from London to deliver this fantastic bass to me. I still can't get over how much of a hero theyellowcar is, to take time out of his weekend to deliver this is absolutely amazing. I cant thank you enough! So here it is! The only unfortunate thing to happen is when I was putting strap locks on the bass I manged to over tighten one of the screws which caused the screw to snap inside the body. So will have to take the drill to it at some point to do a new hole.
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1431933482' post='2776218'] Wish this was closer! [/quote] And me! Trying to find anything of that style of music is really difficult in Cambridge. All people do around here is eat cucumber sandwhiches listening to folk music.
  19. If I could be in an orginals band and tour I would drop my job in an instant.
  20. We played to a bar with one person in before and he came over to us and said our sound levels were wrong The bar closed down though so we don't worry about that one anymore... I get really nervous at sound check, once thats done whatever the audience size I try to enjoy it!
  21. Anything Beyonce, Jay Z or Kanye West gets turned off immediately. (I really like Bring Me The Horizon )
  22. Nothing worse than old strings! Would it not be an EQ thing? You've been playing with old muddy strings for ages and now you have new zingy strings?
  23. Any guitar for £15 is worth it hahaha Looks like it should be in a museum!
  24. Nice find! Currently looking at Charvels myself. What are the Floyd Rose's like to use? I know a lot of people really dont like them but have no experience.
  25. I'd never have the balls to order anything directly from China. Cant wait to hear what its like!
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