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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1400070010' post='2450403'] Anyway, another observation, that a high end bass comes with no guarantee of sounding good. I'm sure Victor Wooten's bass is capable of sounding as good as a precision if it's set up properly, but it seems he ought to hire a decent tech. [/quote] Nothing to do with basses but I have a cheap Yamaha acoustic that I brought for about £150 and the guitarist in my band said it sounded better than his Martin which are up there in the 100s. Then again I personally think Yamaha make some absolutely outstanding instruments for the prices they charge.
  2. People playing covers on youtube has been a great tool for me. Theres times where I'm struggling to work out a certain bit to a song, i can just look at a bunch of 'bass covers' videos on youtube and work it out quicker. I also find it interesting to see how different people play different songs.
  3. I suppose at the end of the day you have got to let him find his own path, I say give him both options, leave him to it and see which one to hear him playing the most. My betting is you will hear the bass for a good few weeks and then start hearing the guitar more when he gets bored of playing roots (if he does) or he will try and start playing more complex things on bass. Whichever one it is, if he's playing along to a song, after he's finished pop your head in and tell how great he sounded and give him encouragement. There is nothing worse than feeling like you suck when you are trying to learn something that's difficult for yourself - especially when you are new to an instrument and expect yourself to be really good really fast. That little bit of motivation might urge him not to give up so quickly.
  4. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1399894881' post='2448666'] One that springs to mind is Black Veil Brides. I may be a mile off with genres.... [/quote] Ah... now I feel for you... More interested in image than music IMO... The guitarist are very technical and often play harmonics with each other - which might be why he's having trouble learning any of their songs. The bass lines are extremely dull and is just root notes, and the singer make me question my sexuality as I'm not sure whether he/she's a girl with a deep voice or a man dressed like a girl.
  5. I play in a covers band where 99.9% of the time I'm playing root notes so compared to the guitarists in the band I have the much easier option. It takes me 5 mintues to find out what notes are being played from somewhere like Ultimate Guitar tabs and all I need to do then is just learn the structure of a song and I'm done. Guitar is a far more technical instrument with the range of chord shapes and finger picking techinques. Its also far less forgiving if you fluff up a part of a song as it is the leading instrument. The audience always notice if a guitarist messes up as thats what they are actively listening to. I play both and personally I think Bass is the easier option of the two.
  6. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1399841421' post='2448306'] its vice and drill time [/quote] Ahhhhhhhh!!!!
  7. I want this!!
  8. I said 'St-aaah-tus' in a farmers accent. Made myself laugh anyway...
  9. I think high-end / budget / mid-range / beginner categorisation is bollocks IMO... You buy whatever bass you like the look and playability of. If you are buying a bass soley because it has the 'high end' price tag you need to question what you are buying the instrument for. Yes there is a certain element where you get what you pay for but it all boils down to how you feel about the instrument infront of you. Just because you hand over thousands of pounds on an instrument it doesn't turn you into a better player. Plus, Mr & Mrs Doe in the audience don't have a clue what's 'high end' or 'budget' anyway.
  10. He looks like he's finger tapping as well!
  11. Metalica are a bit 'cheesy' if you ask me and I dont think they will suit the audience usually attracted to Glasto but maybe it will bring a more diverse crowd in.
  12. I once witnessed a Hermes delivery man litterally throw a package of mine over our garden wall. Fortunately for that fella he realised his mistake and was on his way quickly by the time I'd pulled into my drive and got out my car. Thankfully it was nothing breakable and was packed very well but its the first and last time I will buy anything from a company that use them as their courier
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1398176991' post='2431213'] That's rather underwhelming. I was hoping for [url="http://www.bas-extravaganza.nl/?page=bassen&BassenID=18"]this[/url]. [/quote] If there was ever such a thing as a guitar horror movie, that thing would be the mass murderer!
  14. Going to see the Winery Dogs this year in LAAANDAAAAN- absolutely cannot wait to see Billy in action!!
  15. If you are going to end up needing them in the future theres no point selling stuff to just go and buy the same things again when you decide you need them in the future. I did this with my paintballing gear, sold everything due a bad knee injury which meant I couldnt take part in any physical activity for a year or so, sold everything cheap only to then go back and spend even more money on new gear when I could start playing again! And if any of you play paintball with your own gear, you'll know its even more expensive to do than bands, guitars, amps etc! If its gear you dont like or dont really need, and selling it wouldnt bother you, I would sell away.
  16. My guitarist/singer friend uses an Ipad Mini for lyrics, it looks 10x better than a music stand full of paper and folders etc. Not sure what App he uses on it but he just types all the lyrics up and swipes across to get the lyrics for the next song. Easy as you like!
  17. I recently made the decision to just keep it to two basses - both Precisions. Nothing annoyed me more than spending £££s on basses I wasn't playing. At the end of the day they just got in the way as well. So I only have two MIM Fender P basses.... both exactly the same bass but different colours so I know they will both get used and justify the grand I've spent on them.
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399042550' post='2440393'] We have to pace it like this as the energy levels just couldn't be there from song 1. The other idea is to start as strong as a lot of bands finish on, but again, pace is the key or you just wont last the hour, and neither will the audience... [/quote] This is my bands problem, all they want to play is fast stuff all the time! I always worry it turns into a big noise eventually.
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1399038114' post='2440324'] We're playing the Great Eastern in Brandon next Saturday? [/quote] I will get the mankini out....
  20. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1399035908' post='2440291'] Yes. We have open positions for scantily clad maraca shaking backing singers, if you're interested? [/quote] OMG YES! When and where do you need me?
  21. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1399031876' post='2440194'] Set 1 – 1. Learn to Fly 2. Beautiful Day 3. Run to You 3. Clocks 4. It’s my Life 5. How you remind me 6. Alright Now 7. Mississippi Queen 8. Hole Hearted 10.Roxanne 11.Wild Night 12.Pump it up 13. Should I stay or should I go 14.Hash Pipe 15.One Vision 16. Fall to Pieces 17. You shook me all night long Set 2 - 1. Helter Skelter 2. White Room 3. Gimme Shelter 4. Rock ‘n’ Roll 5. Superstition - Beck, Boggert and Appice 6. Burning down the house 7. The boys are back in town 8. Wanted Dead or Alive 9. White Trash Millionaire 10.Cochise 11. Hammer to Fall 12.Plug in Baby 13.The Pretender 14. Dakota 15. Highway to Hell 16. Sex on Fire 17. Sweet child O mine [/quote] Can I be in your band?
  22. I have one of these and they are absolutely fantastic
  23. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1398853812' post='2438213'] Websites are a subjective beast. I think as a start point social media is brilliant for building interest. If you get to a point where your following is building nicely, then a website makes sense. If you are trying to get functions/paid gigs then I would imagine it becomes a fairly essential tool. I guess you need to weigh up the expense involved, I have seen some sites that have cost a fortune that are awful so be weary would be my advice. And remember you want to be able to add content to it easily. Do you have a logo you are using? [/quote] Indeed, I've seen a fair few duff one as well, but i'm the type thats not happy with something till its perfect haha! Logo's is something that we've been discussing but noone can agree on - typically. I'm half tempted to just use one and make the descision for everyone.
  24. A band calendar is an excellent way to avoid these situations completely as well...
  25. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1398849165' post='2438133'] When a player is temporarily substituted when they can't make a gig. Short for "deputising" I guess. [/quote] Ahhhh thank you, this thread makes sense to me now! Back to the OP, If I was in the position and needed to be 'depped' I guess I would be nervous of being shown up by the replacement and being kicked out of the band Maybe you could try reassuring him/her that you love them lots.
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