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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1425029847' post='2703046'] Endless rehearsing really winds me up and means the end for a lot of bands. All the expense and monotony and no gigs! [/quote] This my main gripe with my band at the moment, I'm very much considering leaving because we've done 9 gigs in two years... I never even realised it was that pathetically low until I just counted...wow...just wow... What the hell I have I been doing?!?!?
  2. Sweet mother of pearl...
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424748261' post='2700009'] I will tell any woman up front that shows interest in me; [i]"Cool, I think your cool too, however understand that music and gigging will always be number 1 and you will always be number 2."[/i] Blue [/quote] Damn straight! [size=2][i](I would never have the balls)[/i][/size]
  4. I think playing or hearing a band play the cheesey oldies is embarrassing for some musicians including myself because for me I dont want to be one of those sterotypical cover bands that plays songs that have been done time and time again. Personally I prefer doing newer songs that were released in the last 5/10 years but theres no denying that something like Johnny Be Goode goes down better than our entire 'Noughties' repitoire combined... For me its really fustrating because as a result you only get bands interested in doing that type of stuff - but I guess you cant blame them!
  5. I'd agree that getting a good drummer is the most difficult thing to do and trying to find one that knows how to use a mobile and the internet is even harder.
  6. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1424690009' post='2699093'] I'm in an odd position as SWMBO and I don't live together but spend weekends together. Therefore, in her mind gigs are an intrusion into *OUR* time. [/quote] Whilst my girlfriend and I are on the same page now about me being in a band, I still have that problem if we've both been busy all week and then I'm gigging at the weekend.
  7. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1424684758' post='2699025'] Having said that, if we had children I'd give up playing out in bands altogether as I would want to be doing my fair share of parenting duites. I'd never expect her to look after the kids all the time whilst I was out gigging. [/quote] With kids involved this would be me to, until they are able to look after themselves. I had difficulties with my girlfriend when I first joined a band because when I was out I was with the band, and when I was with her I was looking at and buying new guitars and gear. My life and money sort of revolved around music, and admittedly I forgot about my girlfriend a bit. We had a fair few arguments about it because she was saving for us to move out and I was saving for me to buy guitars. My first thought when I had some spare money was immediately to buy something musical rather save for a house or take her out, but since she made me see what I was doing I've completely changed. I think sometimes you have to look around and question how much energy you are putting into certain things. Responsibilities need to come before a hobby.
  8. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1424385548' post='2695904'] At a wedding gig a little old lady came up to me with a tea tray, tea pot cup n saucer etc. and asked if I would like a cuppa. She then poured the tea, pulled over a chair and left the tea on it for me. [/quote] I'd love that!!!
  9. [quote name='b7l4s' timestamp='1424433456' post='2696219'] It's nothing to do with improving tone, but I became a more useful bass player when I started boosting the height of my cab (by using the keyboard combo as a handy amp-stand) during rehearsal... I could hear what noise I was actually making, not what I thought/hoped I was making. [/quote] Yes this, especially at gigs it makes an absolute massive difference - providing the guitarists do it as well.
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424140322' post='2693151'] A guitarist asked me a few weeks ago after he noticed I grab a lot of notes with my left small finger (pinky) on the neck. He asked me how I do it. My response, [i]"You really have to build up strength in your pinky finger and that takes time, dedication and of course practice".[/i] Blue [/quote] Haha I play a lot with my winky, especially with big hands using it makes playing a breeze. I know its not 'Free' but they are extremely cheap so I would suggest looking at guitar pick choice and how you connect with the strings whether you use the face of the pick or use the side of the pick. Also look at picking the string closer to the neck and closer to the bridge, both make a difference as well.
  11. Mr Big. I love Billy Sheehans work, just dont really like Mr Big!
  12. Because it was easier! I got my first electric guitar when I was 13 which was a Squire Stratocaster (still have it) and I taught myself by playing along to Green Day mostly. I always wanted to be in a band but was never confident in my ability to play the guitar so I had a go at playing my dads bass and it was just 10x easier. I didnt like the idea of being a bass player and I still would much rather be able to be awesome at playing guitar but my lack of patience and lack of drive to learn properly (Scales for solos and all that stuff) just makes the bass an easier/lazy option for me. Plus there are 101 'Bass Player Wanted' ads so getting in a band was easy. Controversial reason I'm sure but I'm just being completely honest. Dont get me wrong I love playing bass - I wouldnt have carried on doing it for years if I didnt!
  13. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1424079891' post='2692200'] I saw them live when they supported Green Day and they were OK as a show, but their music kinda sucks. I think Simon Rix plays some pretty good lines but I still dont want to listed to them. [/quote] I saw them support Green Day as well and I found them overall just boring.
  14. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1423905855' post='2690172'] Don't hang a generation on Miley Cyrus! [/quote] But that's what we will be remembered for
  15. I don't think there will be because with the internet people can listen to whatever they want to as there is such a huge range of music genres now. I also think that the lack of any music venues promoting new original bands you will never get any local followings like you used to. I constantly wish that I was born in the 60s, or 70s because the state of the music industry and the way its using sex to sell absolutely awful records nowadays is devaluing music. Some of you will probably argue thats always been the case but I don't think it is nowhere near as hilariously bad as it is now. Its seems now that the bigger 'booty' you have and the more you shake it on your music video, the more records you sell. I'm bored of hearing songs about 'Da Club', 'Pimping', and 'Drinking from da bottle'. Music now has absolutely no message or substance behind it and because of that the only 'movement' you are going to get from me is turning the radio off and plugging my ipod in... Take me back and send me to the 60s I say...
  16. Where are you based? (Sorry if I'm being blind!)
  17. Just spotted this on GAKs Second Hand section... Looks pretty awesome for £200! [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/esp-ltd-phoenix-204-sw-snow-white-pre-owned/109671"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/esp-ltd-phoenix-204-sw-snow-white-pre-owned/109671[/url]
  18. I would have had that in an instant if it didnt look so battered!
  19. I've never understood how we still have magazines and newspapers when we have the internet and 3G/4G now where we can all google and find out whatever we like instantly. I'd be interested to see a graph showing magazine/newspaper sales before the internet arrived and what its like now. I cant imagine they are making hardly any money at all! They must all be running off what dentists and hairdressers buy for the waiting rooms! When you are already paying for your internet and mobile it seems insane to spend more money to buy a magazine when you have all the information in the world at your finger tips you are already paying for.
  20. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1423732176' post='2688311'] I would say you want to be looking at over ear, not on ear or in ear, just for overall comfort more than anything else. These are pretty much the standard in reasonably priced over ears: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sennheiser-Closed-Dynamic-Stereo-headphones-black/dp/B0007XJSQC"]http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B0007XJSQC[/url] [/quote] My college used these for all their computers for our Film and Media classes and I have to say they are terrible cheap quality Its like putting a pair of tin cans on your head! Buuuuuuuuut that was a long time ago and they might have improved looking at the reviews... I personally will always buy Sony headphones, because I've just had a great experience with them. My 'In-Ear' headphones I have now have been in cups of coffee, down the toilet, dropped in puddles and stood on and they still work! I've had them for about 4/5 years!! Unfortunately I dont think they sell them any more - couldnt see them on amazon!
  21. Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love One Way or Another - Blondie I Love Rock n Roll - I Dont even know who by I just know its cheesy as hell. We entertained these a for a while before a couple of us just refused to carry on playing nicey haha. One of the members of the band seem to like suggesting songs from 'Dads Rock 100' type CDs you see on fathers day or the playlist from a karaoke machine.
  22. Heeeerrreeeeee comes the gig guide!
  23. It might sound daft but I never suggest songs that I personally enjoy in fear that I become sick of hearing it or we absolutely ruin it. I also would become completely anal about every single part and it would bug the hell out of me if someone was doing something wrong. We tend to play in the 'Poppier' side of things so I generally don't have to worry!
  24. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1423495588' post='2685483'] Haha, to me thats unforgivable. you are there to entertain - not just play the notes but make people feel part of the show aswell. [/quote] I know it annoys me to, its something I have mentioned and I even suggested they put their 101 pedals behind them so they could at least do a little swivel every few songs
  25. Get the Shazam app on your phone! Its great, just press a button and it listens for music and will tell you what song it is straight away!
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