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Everything posted by ubit

  1. I get that. In their day they were all that. My point is they had their day and what they are serving up now isn't worth going mad for and forking out close to a thousand quid for a ticket.
  2. Many years ago I crushed my index finger of my fretting hand under a very heavy belly plate of a Cat D9 bulldozer. It was agony. I went to the hospital to get it checked and they just dressed it. No stitches. It took ages to heal and at one point the doctor told me that it had become infected, and it was possible I would have to have the top of my finger removed. We were very busy with playing at the time and I was terrified. Luckily it was ok and gradually healed. I have been left with a wonky looking finger tip now and the nail grows off to the side. Again, this took a long time before I could comfortably play with it, but my mate, the guitarist insisted we play a gig we had booked less than a week after I had done this. I said I can't play with this. Oh, you'll be fine, he said. Foolishly I agreed and had to play trying to avoid using that finger. It was a horrible experience and probably put my recovery back, because muscle memory kept kicking in and I would fret my index finger, which resulted in a lot of pain shooting up my hand. I am also the singer so this made for some strange noises coming from the PA. All I can say is let your injury heal itself and don't try to rush it. It will take time, but you will be able to play again.
  3. I wouldn't go if I was given a ticket. I admit to quite liking some of their stuff back in the day, but they had their time and I certainly don't think they are legends. Liam sings in a monotone style that grinds. I think he uses about three notes.
  4. I did this four years ago. I went to the medic and he said I am going to have to stitch that. I nearly passed out. I was lying down with my arm out and said to him when are you going to stitch it? Steeling myself for the experience. Oh, Ive done it he said. I never felt a thing. He was brilliant. It still gets numb and I don't think I will ever have feeling on the end of my finger pad, but I can play again. It took a long time before I could put pressure on it though.
  5. Now I am well used to playing live and I will say well done for them not lip synching, but people are going mad and paying hundreds of pounds to watch this. Legend? Thoughts?
  6. I have never understood the attraction of Springsteen. I find that kind of music quite tedious. I realise it takes all sorts of tastes, but the big thing about Springsteen is that his live shows give "great value for money" by going on for 4 hours or something like that. I couldn't think of anything worse. Bands tend to forget that people have been standing for a good few hours longer than their set. Even when I was young I hated standing for a long time. Now we never book standing tickets. I usually end up being behind some tall bugger anyway.
  7. Join a Status Quo tribute and then you don't need to learn all of the notes on the neck.
  8. I went to see Alice In Chains when they last toured. We were reasonably close and enjoying the show, when they played one of their better known songs there was a group of young people came barging through to get to the front. I reacted badly and shoved one of the guys. This girl started mouthing off to me and I mouthed off to her, neither of us hearing what the other was shouting. I mean these people were not even born when Alice In Chains came out with these songs. I realise its great that they have young fans, but I felt a bit cheesed off as I felt they were my band, not theirs.
  9. They certainly are. I will be there on the 17th too. Great band.
  10. I feel sorry for you (see in songs you hate with a passion thread)
  11. You can learn anything if you just play it a thousand times, then a thousand times more. Most people, including myself, can't be bothered putting in the time. Oh, to have those teenage bedroom years back again. All you had was time to practice.
  12. My favourite ever pizza was a CO-OP one. Garlic chicken. It was lush, but the CO-OP closed down round our way and I have never seen anything similar.
  13. I guess it's a British thing isn't it. We like to build people up until they become successful. The underdog all the way and all that. Then when they become successful, we like to knock them down. Flash twitt.
  14. I agree. To me the whole song is what matters. If Adam Clayton was dealing out complicated riffs, they probably wouldn't compliment the song. Look at the song Waterfront, by Simple Minds. It just works.
  15. Even mentioning it, I can now hear it going round in my head. This is torture!
  16. Many years ago, I watched a documentary about UB40. It was probably made because the Campbell brothers dad was a famous folk musician. Anyway, they had only released two albums I think at the time. They said we won't sing love songs. We sing about real life struggles and oppression and all that stuff that's important when you are young. If you ever hear us singing love songs, you know we have sold out. I guess they sold out then.
  17. Actually, after reading through the comments, I had forgotten, probably because my mind had pushed them away somewhere safe, but back in the 80's there was a fad for video juke boxes in pubs. My local had one and every Tom, Dick and Sally used to put on Walk of Life, Road to Nowhere and Dancing in The Dark. Ever since I have had a hatred for those songs. They were played to death. If I hear them I quickly avoid.
  18. I absolutely detest American Pie. I can't describe the disgust I feel when those first notes ring out. I hate every rendition of it by every artist. I feel similarly towards The Doors music. I realise they were a great, groundbreaking band. I just can't stand them. I feel the same about The Beatles music.
  19. For me, the bass is the bridge between rhythm and melody. That's where it should stay to complement the song. When players come out of this pocket, that's what turns me off. I hate w***ing of any kind over a piece of music, be it bass, vocals or even gratuitous overly played guitar.
  20. How the Hell do you Knick a guitar? Apart from smash and grab, I can’t see how you can sneak one out of a shop.
  21. This used to annoy me about our guitarist. We would learn a new song, but being the singer, I had to learn both parts to expert level. He would say let's do the new song. Just because he knew his part and could see that I could play my part reasonably, he would assume we could do it. Far from it. I needed to know the bass part without having to think about it. You can't sing if you are concentrating hard on your bass line. It needs to be second nature because you can't sing on auto pilot.
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