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Everything posted by ubit

  1. We have not played for a while, but I am the bass player and lead vocalist. I always found that simplifying bass lines helped. Above all, first you have to know both parts like the back of your hand. Funnily enough, quite complicated lines that "walked" around the fretboard tended to be less of a problem. It was when you had odd syncopation that I hit problems. Take the bass line in All these things Ive done" by The Killers for example. Dead easy bass line. But I could never play and sing it properly because of the odd timing of the bass in the verse. It stumped me and annoyed me for years. I got away with a simplified line and no one seemed to notice. I was however, very cheesed off that I couldn't get it. I think the secret is, as it is with anything, practise, practise, practise.
  2. Mrs Ubit got us tickets to see Kiss with Skindred supporting. I can't wait for that.
  3. The music we played just didn't call for a high C on a bass. I guess it's all down to the type of music you play, whether you feel the need to use six strings.
  4. I agree that their version of Cinnamon girl is better than Neil Youngs. I have played it to death. I love them and have all of their material. A pale Horse called death are worth a listen too.
  5. I played along with one guy and he had said his address was in Coventry. After the usual, I said oh, I have just found out I'm coming down to Coventry next week. If you give me your address I will drop it off to you. He immediately left the conversation.
  6. Facebook market place is full of scammers. My mother in law is selling a table and chairs set and has had a number of obviously fake enquiries about it. They are almost identical to the scam attempted on me when I was selling a bass. They say they are going to send a courier to pick up the item (unseen) and give you the money. Then they ask you first to pay the insurance (but don't worry, you will get this back later). I'm sure someone, somewhere is falling for this. She asked where the latest one came from and after a five minute pause, they wrote Tobermory. I mean why would someone from Tobermory send a courier to pick up an item from Oban?
  7. Hit the Share option and copy the URL. Then paste it on here.
  8. Mrs Ubit got me into Alt J recently and I am really enjoying their music. The videos are so good as well
  9. Oban is terrible for live music these days, unless you play traditional music jazzed up perhaps with drums. No one is interested in putting live music on anymore and when I count the places we used to play that have closed down or turned into restaurants, I get depressed.
  10. Going to see Volbeat in December. Skindred and Napalm Death supporting.
  11. I still remember hearing Neon Knights for the first time. We were at a gig waiting for the main act to come on and they played it. I was blown away and had to get hold of it. what a voice!
  12. For a good few years now I have been unable to gig due to the constraints of my job, or mainly the shift patterns wouldn't allow me to plan ahead. I have now changed onto a more regular shift pattern and went to see my mate, our guitarist and said let's get the band back together. He sounded quite up for it and our drummer is very keen. Over the next few weeks it became apparent that he wasn't bothered about it at all. I spoke to the drummer and he agreed that the guitarist wasn't showing any signs of wanting to get together for a jam and basically can't be arsed. Now we are struggling to find a guitarist. I never would have believed that a guitar player would be a problem. It's usually drummers that are hard to find. What to do?
  13. You would have been handy for getting carry outs for the other kids. You look older than twelve!
  14. I can still remember our very first rehearsal. It was in the scout hall, which we had hired. My mate the guitarist had got a guitar for his Christmas and we had decided to form a band. I got hold of a horrible old bass which had a kind of hook horn that had been glued on to the top and then painted with Dulux gloss paint and my other mate got a cheap drum kit. We learned Ride On by AC/DC, or at least we learned bits of it. A local musician heard us and popped in. "Ok guys let's hear you." We started and he was like "stop, stop, you have to play together!"
  15. Yup, why no new music from people who used to churn out hits every month? I am always amazed when you hear about old bands and you find out they are still going but their last album was in 1994 or something. I think what are they playing then? Just their old stuff over and over.
  16. This is something that has annoyed me for ages. To me a band is the singer. That's who you identify a sound from. Yes, the guitarists may have a particular sound and obviously some bass players are famous but when you have bands that have one original member and it's the drummer, you have to think, wait a minute?
  17. We saw Rory Gallagher once years ago at a festival. He was fluffing his guitar work and disappearing for long spells and letting his bass and drums fill in. It became apparent that he was absolutely out of his face drunk. It was a shame to see such a legend in that state and he died not long after. I realise this is different to an ageing rock star but it was still horrible to see an idol drop so low.
  18. But they are enjoying themselves. Isn't that the point of playing? Plus they will improve with practice. I wish people would live and let live. I used to hear the folk behind us playing music loudly and thought, magic, now I can play music without worrying about complaints. We used to rehearse quite loudly in my spare room. I worried that it was too loud for the neighbours and Mrs Ubit went out to monitor the noise. She said you could hear it quite loud but I said you are standing right out side the house and everyone round here has double glazing so they would need to be standing in our garden to hear it loudly. We never ever had any complaints anyway.
  19. Why not try to sound proof the summer house? I s that possible option? Is it actually used as a Summer house or as a shed?
  20. So true. Plus if a song that you find boring means a lot to some punter who claps and cheers your performance then why shouldn't you suffer for your art as they say? There is nothing better than people enjoying themselves and you think we are responsible for them having a good time.
  21. Going by some members comments on having the same flat wound strings on for years I reckon this is quite normal for some.
  22. Rammstein Cardiff. Simply incredible!
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