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Posts posted by ubit

  1. 2 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    I didn’t know about this until I watched a documentary on sky arts one night, really interesting program, it’s worth watching 🙂



    I saw that years ago. I suppose if you dig deep enough into any artists personal life you are going to find stuff that normal people put up with. When you add extreme artistic talent to that you usually get someone who is very vulnerable underneath. No one can stand massive fame without getting some kind of backlash along the way. Unless you are Dave Grohl. That man is so down to Earth it's untrue!

    • Like 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, ezbass said:

    the reverence they are held in escapes me.



    Probably because they were the biggest selling act of the time and since then their songs have taken on an almost legendary status. Movies have used their songs and there has been stage shows too. I didn't like them at the time but even I have realised what they did for music.

  3. Another area that annoys me is the fact that some people tell others that they are in an original band and use that as some kind of badge of superiority over cover band members. Sometimes it is a total accident of  location that can decide whether you meet a singer or guitarist who is just that something extra and can write decent tunes that get noticed. Other times decent musicians are lost in the mire of mediocrity.

    It can be a chance meeting with a guitarist or bass player who writes great songs that can carry drummers and other bass players on the road to fame. 

    Look at some famous bands and look at the rhythm section and see if they are all incredible musicians or just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Jus Lukin said:

    I understand. I'm terrible with phone calls and confrontation! At the age of 42 I am on a low priority list to see if I may have ASD- and it would explain so, so many things.



    Im the same. I can never think of something quick enough to say to people. Mrs Ubit is amazing on the phone. She just knows what to say at the right time. Theres no issues with me apart from being dim witted. I think of something smart about half an hour after the situation.

  5. On 30/08/2021 at 21:22, Bunion said:

    How about a nice Ampeg SVT either a full tube amp or an SVP pro pre amp

    lovely tube creaminess and depth when clean 

    5 mid settings for adding or scooping mids (slap it like it’s a pert bottom on a French hooker) 

    That nice ampeg fat bass sound to add a bit fullness and if you want a bit of distortion just crank up the gain and drive those tubes. 
    plus none can pick it up and run off with it so security and peace of mind. 



    This is what I have. I can second everything in the above statement. Especially the anti theft feature with it weighing the same as a large sheep!

    • Haha 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, kendall said:

    Hey Mands.  I had the 1980's equivalent of what you are looking to purchase when I was 15 years old.  It was awful, badly set up and the amp was useless. But...... I loved it, because it was my first bass.  I learnt the basics on it, learnt how to change strings, tune it, set it up etc. I also posed in the mirror practicing stage moves that I never actually had the balls to do. I covered it in stickers and used it at an audition for my first band.  I got the gig, and after about 10 months of unfaithful service I upgraded it.  It still lives in my mothers attic (so she tells me).




    I had the Hondo II from my mothers catalogue. As you say it was terrible. The action was about half an inch high, the hardware was all sharp edges, it was just awful. How I stuck with it and actually gigged with it is amazing. I remember the pole pieces in the pickup fell inside the housing and I had a job sticking them so that I could hear the thing. If anyone can push. the boat out just a little bit, it makes such a difference.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Mands said:

    it as a hobby for fun without a view of wanting to join a band or anything like that. Plus,if he's awful at it at least it'll annoy our horrible neighbour 🤣



    Be careful Amanda, once he learns a couple of tunes he will be looking on the classifieds for a guitarist and drummer and your neighbour may have a lot more to contend with. Then there is the GAS monster (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) where he will want to improve his gear as he improves, as we all know better gear makes you play better.


    Seriously, I hope you both enjoy his new hobby and just remember there are lots of helpful people on here if he needs it.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Steve Browning said:

    I would expect that she has looked at what other options there are. Rather like the thread about 'workshy' youngsters we don't know the circumstances and should maybe just answer the question asked without coming over as a bit preachy.

    I hear you mate but we are trying to help her make the best choice. She came on a bass guitar forum and we are members of said forum expressing worry about buying catalogue deals which are the worst possible way to buy a musical instrument. Music shops can offer interest free deals for a higher quality instrument.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Geek99 said:

    I think the lady says she is on a tight budget 



    False economy buying from a catalogue. As said above a Squire may be a bit more expensive but in the long run its a better deal and can be sold later if as mentioned, the playing bug doesn't bite.

  10. Can I just add? You are the best for doing this for your guy. He will love it and you can point him on here when he gets the bass and he can get lots of help from like minded souls.

    • Like 4
  11. 34 minutes ago, Mands said:

    Thanks for the advice but as I'm on a tight budget I really need to get it from my catalogue so I can pay in installments...so its between those two...thanks anyway 



    Music shops offer finance deals. It would open up your choice. As said you cannot go wrong with a Squire. Good luck.

  12. 1 hour ago, neepheid said:

    I effin hate playing Don't Stop Believin' (boring song which doesn't seem to go anywhere) but punters love it, doesn't seem to matter what age.



    I always had an ability to not bother about horrid songs if the audience loved it. We played Brown Eyed Girl. Wagon Wheel, Whisky In The Jar etc. and as long as the floor was full and people were enjoying themselves I was happy.

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