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Posts posted by ubit

  1. 12 hours ago, Woodinblack said:

    Easy load in from the road a couple of foot from the back door



    I remember we played at a gig on the island of Mull. The landlord booked us because a load of students had come up and he wanted entertainment for them. He put on a big pot of chilli for them and they tucked in to that free of charge. The place was heaving and we had a nightmare getting the gear in around and through them. We got set up and they all f***d off! We played the whole night to half a dozen locals.

    A complete bunch of selfish, ungrateful pricks.

    We have avoided anything to do with students from then on.

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, SteveXFR said:

    They just refuse to let all that colonising and stealing of historical artifacts go.



    I have never been happy with the way Britain is always portrayed as the bad one. Every country that could back then, would try to make an empire and expand her borders. France, Germany, Portugal to name but a few. It was just that Britain was pretty good at it and also brought civilisation to these countries. Yes there was exploitation but you show me one country that doesn't have skeletons in her cupboard.




    And I'm a Scot by the way.

    • Like 2
  3. 19 minutes ago, SteveXFR said:


    Alice Cooper's bassist uses an Epiphone Vintage Pro Thunderbird live. I'm sure he's in a position to buy any bass he wants.




    That's it. I'm getting one. The gas monster has been aroused once again.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, cetera said:

    I completely understand the reasoning behind using occasional vocal help on songs you sang high years ago, in order to see out the tour in style, giving the fans the show they deserve. Much rather that than a non-singer (Roth, Vince Neil etc) croaking his way through a set and leaving fans with a sour taste and sad memories.



    Pop audiences have been getting ripped off for years with artists miming. I doubt rock audiences would be too perturbed if a rock singer got a little help through technology. Further to my earlier post about Iain Anderson. He had videos of his younger self hitting the higher notes and also had backing singers who would hit the higher notes. We didn't feel short changed. I mean we know the guy is very old to be performing. Same as DLR. I was/am the singer in my band and we started tuning slightly lower to help me with my voice. No one can sing at 50-60 the same way they could at 19-25.


    DLR is a legend and to kick him off a tour because he isn't hitting the notes and may affect ticket sales is rubbish. People will still buy the tickets to see Kiss and some will also buy tickets because DLR is playing. He could certainly do with some help with his voice but there are ways around it. You don't kick someone off a tour because they are not good. You are the headline. It makes you look better. As I said we saw Kiss a couple of years back and they had a painter supporting them. Yes he was good but a painter? We kept waiting for him to finish and some band to come on but no, that was the support.

  5. I saw Jethro Tull a while back and Iain Anderson clearly has aged and we all know age does not come alone. The performance was cleverly interspersed with video of him singing the higher parts plus backing vocals from his band. no one felt short changed or anything. We all could see a legend playing his part in a show.

    I have seen video of Diamond Dave singing where his band are singing backing and you can clearly hear that it's Eddie and Michael's voices that are coming through. I thought that was a bit off as I am sure his band can at least have a decent effort at providing backing singing.

  6. I think it's a pretty low blow. Kiss certainly do not need the money and people would flock to see them one last time anyway. Dave however most likely does need the money and although he is past his best, he is still a showman and can disguise his vocals with backing tracks. At the end of the day, a rock show is a show. It's not all about ability, it's a show with all the smoke and mirrors that that entails.

  7. Welcome Ian, lots of friendly folks on here to help with anything you want and you will have a laugh along the way. Playing the bass is a great way of honing hand eye co ordination. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  8. I have to admit to being in the past a bit of a musical snob when it came to band gear. I saw a couple of poor bands using cheap gear and just thought once you have reached a certain level you should be using good gear. Since then I have seen a few very, very good bands and the bass player has been using Squire or Epiphone gear. I myself own a Squire five string bass and I just cannot find fault in it. It sounds the mutts.

    I think now that you should not be like I was. It doesn't have to be Fender or Gibson.

    I think there is another school of snobbery that has to have guitars that are in the ultra expensive band. do these guitars/basses sound £3000 better than a Fender or for that matter Squire? I myself used to have a Spector Euro. I could not for the life of me think how you could justify buying an American Spector when you could get the sound out of the Euro. Yes, people will argue the point but is there really THAT much of a difference?

    • Like 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, neepheid said:


    The neck through Epiphones* (the Vintage Pro/60s Thunderbird - the one with the separate bridge and tailpiece - in particular) are leagues ahead of the bolt on thing.  The bolt on is cheap - it's half the price and the only part of the Thunderbird experience you're getting with it is the body shape.  Nothing else about it is even remotely legit.  The controls are also VVT - I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel now for similarities ;)


    There was the Classic Pro, which had the 3 point bridge and Gibson TB+ pickups (the same ones which were used on the Gibson T-bird at the time) - that was similar to the contemporary Gibson model but some might say even it has lost its way somewhat.


    * I'd rather ignore the active "Pro" model with the very obvious neck laminations - it's a generic active bass in a Thunderbird body.  Still better than the bolt on, mind.


    TL:DR - get a Vintage Pro/60's and THEN decide if you like Thunderbirds.



    I might splash out on one at some point. I am going to have to get rid of a few before buying anymore. I think I would rather have three or four guitars and basses that I really like/ want rather than loads of ones that I quite like.

  10. 4 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    If it wasn't the vintage pro, it was the lesser bolt-on version.




    Yeah, it was the bolt on neck non Vintage Pro version. Whenever I changed over to it from any other bass I had to turn up at the amp. It just felt cheap and nasty.

  11. On 22/08/2021 at 16:12, ProfJames said:

    Female bass on a Thunderbird!!  love her!!



    One of my fave bands but Mrs Ubit hates the guys voice so always fast forwards their songs when they land on random. 




    Edit. I watch their videos often but Nikki, the bass player still looks like she was recruited yesterday and is unsure of her bass parts. She always looks embarrassed to be on stage. I know she is decent but she needs to work on her stage craft.

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