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Everything posted by bassslug

  1. I've been using the Harley Benton Power Plant from Thomann for over 2 years, only had one fuse blow on it. Other than that, no problems at all. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_powerplant.htm"]Power Plant[/url]
  2. [quote name='redstriper' post='1151427' date='Mar 6 2011, 01:18 PM']Hi DDM, I'm in an Anglesey band looking for gigs, check us out and let me know if you can offer us anything: [url="http://myspace.com/tacsiband"]Myface[/url] [url="http://facebook.com/tacsiband"]Bassfook[/url] Cheers, Steve. PS: Your myspace says you live in Madrid - is that near Aberystwyth?[/quote] Hi, ill send you a proper message in a day or so when i have things confirmed here, but how would you guys be for a gig on the 22nd/23rd April?
  3. [quote name='Shockwave' post='1154025' date='Mar 8 2011, 04:36 PM']Sure am! And Oli who you seem to know is currently living at my place! Small world eh.[/quote] It is a very small world, especially when its got something to do with Aber. The six degrees of separation dosnt really apply here. Can usually be done in 3 or less.
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1152125' date='Mar 7 2011, 02:00 AM']Student at Aber same time as you. Was learning to play bass and tried forming a band with Raj, but Joe stole him from me. Er, big green coat, that I still wear.[/quote] Ah yeah, got you. Hows things?
  5. [quote name='Shockwave' post='1152448' date='Mar 7 2011, 01:19 PM']We're you the sound engineer at the Roc Sock meetings? I remember introducing myself as a basschat member a while back to the sound engineer who very kindly lent me their GK head and alesis compressor.[/quote] That would be me, hows things going? Still with the band?
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1152114' date='Mar 7 2011, 01:08 AM']Ha, I know you. This is Oli.[/quote] Hi Oli, please remind me of yourself. I'm Sorry, I've gone blank. How do you know me?
  7. Thanks for the welcome backs. Ill try not to go this time...
  8. [quote name='deaver' post='1151599' date='Mar 6 2011, 04:26 PM']Another welcome back, I should be in Aber the second week in April - if there's anything on gigwise that week give me a shout[/quote] Im pretty sure I have a few things on then so ill let you know
  9. [quote name='redstriper' post='1151427' date='Mar 6 2011, 01:18 PM']Hi DDM, I'm in an Anglesey band looking for gigs, check us out and let me know if you can offer us anything: [url="http://myspace.com/tacsiband"]Myface[/url] [url="http://facebook.com/tacsiband"]Bassfook[/url] Cheers, Steve. PS: Your myspace says you live in Madrid - is that near Aberystwyth?[/quote] The Drip Dry Man is the singer, he lives in Madrid now and plays over there as solo then we meet up every few months and tour for a couple of weeks. Im off to work shortly, but ill check you out tomorrow and see what I can do.
  10. Hi everyone, It's been a while since I made any real contributions to this site, so I thought I'd reintroduce myself and get back on here. I've been playing bass since I was about 13/14 so about 15 years altogether. Not been playing so much recently as Ive been somewhat busy with work. I'm a full time live and studio sound engineer as well as promoter for a venue in Aber. Currently playing a Yamaha SPV 500 with a GK head alon with a number of pedals. I'll have pics of my rig and board up soon. This has been a great forum that I'm constantly coming back to and this time ill aim to get on here a fair bit more. Cheers, Matthew
  11. pm sent, im still very interested
  12. Pm'd Re: B:Assmaster
  13. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93725"]digitech[/url]
  14. Glad you decided to get yourself one. You're right about how to turn on the cab sim, just hold down the pedal as you plug it in. Its not an obvious effect and there are no controls other than on and off, but it is there and can be useful. Hope you enjoy the pedal. Matthew
  15. I've had one of these for a couple of years. Picked it up 2nd hand for £35, looked completely unused. Its been very reliable both at gigs and for studio use and the tone is constant. I've not noticed any degradation in my bass tone when it is bypassed. Its very easy to use and dial in a useful sound, which can go from adding a subtle sheen to a quite over the top sound that is still usable in certain songs. With my acoustic bass it sounds very lush and full and really thickens up the sound on my electric. I often use it in conjunction with my other pedals (ODB-3, FZ-2, SYB-5) which accentuates the harmonics. The amp sim that you get with it is okay but not great. Though I have used it when I've gone direct to PA through a DI mainly with the acoustic and it does add a little something. I don't tend to use the emulator often though as it is no substitute for an amp and cab. Of the few choruses that i have used it is my prefered pedal and would replace it with the same if it was to break. Its a sturdy pedal so as long as the electrics stay fine there should be no problem. On the negative side it eats batteries so get a power supply (I use a Harley Benton Power Plant - works fine). It also has a digitally sound which is a bit crisper and cleaner than an analogue pedal, but I like this as as I mentioned before helps accentuate the harmonics especially when running though an overdrive before in the signal chain.
  16. pm'd re: sansamp bass driver
  17. [quote name='JohnnyLightyear' post='656781' date='Nov 17 2009, 11:53 AM']Back to the top![/quote] pm'd
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