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About eBassSix
- Birthday June 30
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I think the mono strap is a good idea, and yoga exercises, they certainly can't hurt! My bass is fairly heavy (never weighed it, but compared to some I've played) but I'm nearly 6' tall and the weight of the bass is distributed nicely due to its length and shape. I use a pretty wide, padded "comfort" strap for it. Plus, I'm hardly ever standing still onstage. When I'm playing funky riffs/slap basslines I'm always dancing, even leaving the stage area to join the patrons on the dance floor. That, and I look around the room a lot... not really focusing on anything in particular, but I don't look down at the bass that much. I've had some back pain now and then which I don't think even relates to playing, but nothing like what you describe. Try keeping your head up as much as possible, look around more... across the room/club, maintain good eye contact with band members, etc. which keeps you all "tighter" too. Maybe seeing a chiropractor would help? I've found that helpful in the past when I've had issues with my back now and then. Haven't in a long time now, touch wood!
#1 for me is sound/tone, but I want to put playability in that slot too...of course, the amp you run through affects so much of your sound as well. Ok, I guess sound and playability (how comfortable/easy to play on it is) are almost equally important, to me. They are my top priorities, before the appearance of the instrument. I've seen a bass I really didn't like the look of at first, but the sound and ease with which it lent itself to being played/slapped on sold me! I'd absolutely buy it, if I had the money right now!
Wow, warwickhunt!! Very, very nice! "Thumbs up", if you'll pardon the pun - in this case, hehe! I had a Warwick Streamer bass years ago and sold it, along with some amp equipment, to partially cover the cost of having my custom F-Bass built. That Warwick was a beauty and sounded great, of course!
Aww, watton_earth! There was no need to edit out your "rude joke"... I did catch it, but just chose not to "go there". Hehe! Silly guy! No worries, I assure you. [quote name='watton_earth' timestamp='1397341340' post='2423092'] That is a lovely bass, and yes it does look nicely balanced. I apologise for my silly sense of humour... #rude joke edited out# [/quote] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
Aww thanks, Rhys! It really is... I just [u]love[/u] it. Wouldn't want another, except I'd like a nice little 4-string for heavy-duty funk/slap playing (my specialty). Oh, and maybe another fretless (had one years ago, that I sold). And... haha, think I'm going to be suffering [i]serious[/i] "G.A.S." here. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1397339259' post='2423066'] Nice Bass! If I was still really into my bass playing an F Bass would be high on my list of wants - superb instruments. [/quote]
Maybe, yondergo... although I'll stand or sit wherever I fit. Well, I'll move out to the front a little when I'm playing a slap solo or something, but I'm often back beside the drum kit, because I've always had this kind of "connection" happening with the drummers I've played with, which just synchs up better when we're really maintaining good contact... you know what I mean. I've had a Fender Precision and a Fender Jazz bass in the past, and really liked the Jazz bass best, out of the two... for playability/comfort and tone. They're [i]nice[/i]. [quote name='yondergo' timestamp='1397338952' post='2423061'] Personally I think there's a strong correlation between wherabouts you stand on the stage, or would like to stand, and the kind of bass you want. I'm a stand next to the drummer, classic precision/jazz kind of guy as opposed to an up-front soloing kind of chap with some wacky modern alien-sh*t shaped french polishers nightmare of a thing, although i did own a lovely sounding Yamaha RBX something or other donkey's years ago that i had to let go because it looked gross. The simple truth of the matter on such a personal topic is: it's horses for courses and if we all liked the same thing the world would be a more boring place, albeit one in which properly fitting spare parts would be easier to obtain. [/quote] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
Hi molan. Yes, I'll be down at the shop sometime soon-ish and I'll pass your message on. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1397343754' post='2423111'] Say hi to Marcel Furlanetto from Barrie if you're in at F Bass any time - I've got a team in his football fantasy league I may be bottom of it though [/quote] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
Well not this one, Bert. Maybe I just don't have friends who are given to using ugly, derogatory terms... or haven't heard that one, because no one's ever said that to/about me, or about anyone else. in my presence? Don't know... but apparently, not everyone here uses it. Either that, or I'm actually living under some kind of giant rock these days. Which is entirely possible! Yes, I've been noticing Taffies located in the south of Wales on this site. My dad would feel right at home here... although when he was 10 years old, he moved with his family up to Rugby, Warwickshire and lived there until he married my mum and they decided to emmigrate to this country. I've visited Rugby several times to see our family there and loved it... some great people there. Aha... so you're in Norway. I sit corrected! Beautiful place, from all of the photos I've seen. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1397339177' post='2423065'] Sorry lass, I was under the misguided impression every Canadian knew the term. An Ontarian friend of mine taught it to me, and he told me it's an ugly derogatory term for canucks, but not necessarily meant to harm: "Hey, kanuk breath! Great seeing you! Come sit with us!" As to South Wales, there's many of that particular faith here on BC. That's one part of why I couldn't resist that bit (the other part being that I've been there for work a lot, and love it to bits). As to my location, I'm not in NL. I'm in NO! But to better answer the question: I'm Dutch but live in the extreme South of Norway. [/quote] [color=#ffffff].[/color]
Hey Glenn, welcome! An uncle of mine lived up in Hull... visited him there years ago.
Oook, watton earth. It balances out the overall shape/style of the body quite nicely, I think... and that deep cutaway is kind of necessary. But hey, we all have different tastes and that's great, because it keeps things interesting. It's nice to see all the different bass photos people post on here. Some of them are just beautiful (I tend to appreciate high-end basses with beautiful wood grain with an oil finish, like mine) and some, I find quite ghastly in appearance and wouldn't find comfortable to play... but if they were all the same, things would get pretty boring, fast. [quote name='watton_earth' timestamp='1397297514' post='2422534'] Lower horn makes me feel funny [/quote]
Oh my GOD... Alembic Series II? I want, I want, I WANT!! Just beautiful. Ugh, I have serious "G.A.S." now. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1397296272' post='2422516'] Yes I think these are pretty attractive. [/quote]
[b]Rhysp: [/b]Bore da! Noticed you're a Taffy. Thanks for the welcome... and no worries, I never get bored by "middle aged bloke-iness". I enjoy people and wit/humour... and I see plenty of that here! Your avatar cracked me up the moment I saw it, since I've been in the UK enough to "get it". Is that actually a real sign? Don't tell me there's a place with that name?! My dad is from Aberaven, to answer your question. I see you're in Cardiff... I've been there, as we have family in that area. I have a few cousins living right in Cardiff and some more family not too far from there. [b]ezbass: [/b]Hey, great username... starting with an "e" and having "bass" in it. My, what good taste you have! And well, I hope I don't fit the term "Canuck", which always makes me think of the typical "hoser" type of Canadian... lumberjacket, toque, beer-swilling, hockey fan who's always hanging out in Tim Horton's and saying "eh?" at the end of every question. No... nothing like me at ALL. I don't hang out in Tim Horton's because, well, their coffee is pretty bad now, for some reason. It used to be really good... but not anymore. I can brew better right here at home, so I do. Thanks for the welcome... and glad you've enjoyed your visits here. I'm a little worried about getting GAS though... but I have "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" all the damn time anyway. There's a new internet acronymn suitable for any musicians' forum: "Oh no! I've got serious GAS!" "EZ Towers", huh? Is that anything like "Fawlty Towers"? I've watched a lot of your comedies with my parents over the years... great stuff. This was by far my favourite episode: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfl6Lu3xQW0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfl6Lu3xQW0[/url] [b]Allie:[/b] Hey! A UK member? Noooo WAY, on HERE?? I'm simply amazed. Haha, thanks... and enjoying this place [i]is[/i] the plan. [b]madshadows:[/b] Hi John, and thanks! [b]BassTractor:[/b] Ummm, Bert? What exactly is "Canuck breath?" I wasn't aware that we Canadians have exceptional breath, compared to anyone else? No one I know does, anyway... but the standard of personal hygiene here that most people have tends to be pretty high. Thank god! Haha @ "the South Wales bit". Don't worry, my dad will [u]not[/u] be following me to this forum. You have enough Taffies here already (and he doesn't even have a computer, let alone use the internet). So... what part of NL are you in?
Hey, Weststarx! Well this is all a very subjective matter of course, but like any of us, I'm rather partial to my own choice of instrument. You can see it in my signature and profile, but here's a bigger, better photo where I'm playing it, albeit "unplugged"... It's a "Furlanetto" or "F" Bass, custom designed and handcrafted by luthier George Furlanetto and crew, here in town. In my personal opinion, there's just no bass like an "F Bass". Check them out and feast your eyes: [url="http://www.fbass.ca/"]http://www.fbass.ca/[/url]
Hi everyone, I realize this is a UK website/forum and as such, I've seen only British members here so far. Hopefully I'll still be welcome as a Canadian... but if it helps, my parents emmigrated from the UK, so my background is British. My dad's from south Wales and my mum was from the south of England. All of our relatives are in the UK and I've visited many times and spent a lot of my summers there, while growing up... travelling all over England, south Wales and visiting Scotland as well. So... I've been playing bass since my early 20s, after starting out on piano. I studied piano throughout my childhood and into my teen years, completing the grade ten Royal Conservatory course. However, classical was not really for me, and the piano wasn't really [i]my[/i] instrument, like the bass is. I'm a naturally rhythmic, funky person - if you know what I mean, and I'm sure you do. My musical tastes are pretty varied, but mostly I listen to and play jazz, funk, r&b and reggae... and even some classical once in a while when I'm playing on my own at home, just for the fun of it! While I have gigged steadily in the past and recorded in the studio, etc., I'm sad to say I haven't played much in years. Too many serious life events have gotten in the way and stressed me out - I've had a lot to deal with. I intend to pick it up very seriously again though, because I'm like a fish out of water, with my BASS! (Pun intended.) Oh, I just spoke with George Furlanetto on the phone a couple of hours ago. There's a member on here who has one of his basses... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/410-geoffbassist/"]geoffbassist[/url]! If you see this, hi! George couldn't remember what the outcome was, when your bass had that unfortunate accident on the motorway. He says he thought you got a replacement neck, is that right? So anyway, feel free to reply, say hi, connect, whatever... and are there any other Canadians on here? P.S. I love your British [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/"]"Status"[/url] basses. Ahhh, one day...