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Count Bassie

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Everything posted by Count Bassie

  1. Nowadays in the USA we just basically steal it off the Internet. I only hear about streaming and downloads nowadays. I still like to go into a record store, but that's not the mainstream. Now it's like a retro-novelty thing.
  2. This seems to be unfortunately true. It's part of the same current that feeds our lately emergent hard-right movement, also unfortunate- but I don't wish to go there. American cover bands often want to be a jukebox rather than exercise their own signature on a tune, partly because they think the audience wants that- I find myself guilty of that and lately have striven to put a new spin on a thing rather than cop the bass line, getting technical about details and nuance. What have *I* got to offer?... Being a jukebox takes the fun out of the experience on both sides of the mic. Anyway I am not a big fan of American pop, but I do like rock n roll. I find Nickelback very annoying, but give me some Supersuckers, deep-track ZZ Top or Cheap Trick's first record, there you go. But there's definitely an angle with Brit rock/pop that goes by/over the head of an American dive-bar audience. The cultures are pretty different. There's a good percentage of knuckle-dragging, flag waving mindset here. On the other hand we do have blues and early rock and roll history, it's our backyard... My .02.
  3. Life takes you down the river... Have *not* gotten to this! But this coming week I've got an appointment with a friend's panel saw...
  4. Plywood this weekend, and a trip to my friend's panel saw.
  5. Well. Just now getting into this! There will be progress/completion pix...
  6. This dude is a character. I think it's funny the way he laughs after playing a passage! Kind of a kook, but it's a pretty good review. I'd watch another I suppose.
  7. Subscribed...
  8. This. You should be able the make a sound that inspires the bringing forward of your voice. Then, right, what this guy said. 😀
  9. You seem to have successfully addressed a 'quality of life' issue. The tension of making music needs to be rewarding, for all the reasons we know. Well done! Go on and break a leg!
  10. @Sonic_Grooveokay duplicate comment, I can't seem to work out how to delete it. Lol, I feel a little like a non-playable character in a video game trying to participate...
  11. ...and thank you @Sonic_Groovealso for the correction... And I didn't know that was Lee Sklar on it, alright.
  12. That's right! I always do that... Thanks for the fix
  13. The bassline from 'Spectrum', by Herbie Hancock. That's a pretty cool steal.
  14. Your white igniter thing looks about like mine. I'll have to ask the guy I got it from whether it was marketed here or in the UK. The 240v marking has me believing it's an import. Anyway ok, I guess that's what it is! Soon as I get the box built I'll get it to the bench. My tech'll be onto it. Thanks you guys!
  15. I might come along here and there with another question, remark, etc. And, well, here's one: this little white blocky part has "240v" printed on it along with other info I can't discern the meaning of. Is this a mod, or does it mean it uses a 240v power supply?... That's the UV light case there in the bottom of the photo... It's not in a box yet...
  16. Well then, thank you @BassBod! Shopping for plywood soon as I can get to it.
  17. I didn't know about that white reflective strip... But I guess that's in the top photo @Matt Psent. I'll have to find something similar, unless BAS or someone has it. Thanks for mentioning that.
  18. I wonder why the electric guts are mounted upside down?... Just musing...
  19. Got that, very clear. Thanks for taking the time to do all that @Matt P you have been way helpful. I'll be off to scout up some plywood and go hit my friend's panel saw ASAP!
  20. That's great! Thank you, yes that's very helpful. If you happened to have details about the inside structure that might help make sure I don't put bracing where something else should go... Call me an over thinker. I appreciate this man, thanks again. Rounds are on me if we find ourselves in a pub one day!
  21. Hey, @Matt P, if it were handy, could I ask you for the dimensions of your MK IV enclosure? I have to build one before my tech will have it in his bench, just so it's ready to load when he's done with it. I'm not in a hurry, in fact I've got too many heads... But, you know. This happens...
  22. Hm, ok. There's just so much 70-90s tech around here that that seems very 'niche'. But yes, you like what you like, fair enough.
  23. What did he *not* like? Just curiosity.
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