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Everything posted by Count Bassie
Yeah I know I might be opening a can of worms here, but I had to ask! I'm going to run it by a local tech when the amp arrives (I just bought it from a dude in the next state- craigslist!), and if it's weird-but-do-able, I'm going to go for it. If not, hey. I'll still biamp it, and someone on TB suggested using a guitar cab for the highs. Said it would likely be a better way to go than a 210, and I'm thinking I agree. We'll see, and I'll get back on it... especially if it turns out to be a good idea! Thanks for the replies!
Here's one for the amp tech-savvy folk: I'm waiting on the arrival of an old GK 800RB, and want to know if it can be modded to split the signal at the effects send/return so I can control where the return goes to. Know what I mean? I want to distribute the effected, returned signal between hi and lo (it bi-amps). Can this be done? I want to send the effected signal to the hi side of the crossover only, to an open-back guitar cab, sending no effects to the lows. I want to get the effects return split [i]after[/i] the EQ, and [i]before[/i] the Boost. I'm concerned that if my signal goes [u]through the Boost on the way to/from the effects loop[/u] it might end up being [u]too 'hot'[/u] for the effects, especially on the 'hi' side. Thoughts?
[quote name='Balcro' post='1254450' date='Jun 2 2011, 02:18 PM']Have fun with that. I find both brilliant and maddening! Check out the "Help" menu on how to enter data and in what order. The minimal entry of data seems to work best. Try the Eminence 15" Kappa LFA. Balcro.[/quote] It's hell in a graphic user interface until you get a clue! I think I've found a driver that rools off near 45Hz- might have been that Kappa you mentioned, or the 3015 (not LF). Anyway, I think I'm getting near a purchase. And some PVC for new porting. Thanks!
[quote name='Balcro' post='1253878' date='Jun 2 2011, 08:03 AM']Did a quick check based on your measurements. Cab seems to be 105 litres. Will come back to you later today. Balcro.[/quote] I just downloaded WinISD. Maybe I can make heads or tails of it.
[quote name='Balcro' post='1253750' date='Jun 2 2011, 06:33 AM']As it stands, from my onscreen diagnosis, that looks like an 85litre cabinet (approx 5300 cu.inches) (net of driver, ports and handle recesses). Just so happens that........ [url="http://www.eminence.com/pdf/DeltaliteII_2512.pdf"]http://www.eminence.com/pdf/DeltaliteII_2512.pdf[/url] ....and what's the largest recommended size for a vented cabinet????? You'll need to check the dimensions, the pattern and diameter of the baffle securing holes for yourself, but that looks workable. Balcro.[/quote] The cab, on the outside, is about 24" x 18" x 19". It's full of insulation, and due to life here being less than friendly to industrial-oriented projects in the home, I haven't pulled the insulation from the cab to measure it inside... but it's 3/4" ply. It's got 4 1/2" x 2" ports in it, but I can adjust those once I find some pipe that's of that size. I'm also thinking the 3015 will do, but I have to look again (I'd rather go cheaper!). Thanks for looking at the specs for the recommended volume! Tell you what, I'm pretty distracted for a guy trying to focus on this kind of thing. I tend to be very slow about all this...! Thanks for the reply.
Any of you guys ever seen one of these? I'm wondering what the best inexpensive speaker might be for it. I'm thinking along the lines of an Eminence Deltalite-II 2515, that kind of thing. Ideas? Thanks!
[quote name='BottomE' post='1242455' date='May 23 2011, 06:24 PM']Superb. You look like a match made in heaven. Does the strap position work for you? And do you play with the headstock pointing in a northerly direction? Can i ask if it is down to a back problem that you have re-poistioned the strap buttons and removed the top cutaway on the bass body? Funny but it is really difficult to remember what it looked like before the project. Could you post a before and after when you get a mo? btw - It's my birthday tomorrow and the kids have secretly informed me about the soldering gear i,ll be getting and the other bass related stuff meaning i'll be starting the Ibanez rebuild soon.[/quote] Thanks! I need to play it out a bit before I'm truly sure of it, but so far I like it quite a lot. The strap position works very well, and I find myself doing more of the Bill Wyman thing with it as time goes by here. I have an Ibanez BTB 5 string also, and that one spends more time vertical than this one does... but it's not a back issue, it's a nerve thing in my left arm. Arm extended, palm-up is trouble almost right away. The underside of my arm from the elbow down to my palm gets cold and somewhat numb. Not just playing, but I was using a palm sander on the interior walls of a house the other day and the same thing happened, only quicker. I'll get Before/After pix up tonight if I can. And happy birthday dude! Do post your project. McDaddy, I've gotten some ambivalent responses to the whole idea, and especially while posting progress shots... but there have been a few 'converts'! I can't say I don't miss the old shape either, but it was all about function changing the form. For my part it worked out well. Glad you can dig it, thanks for the good word.
[quote name='Delberthot' post='1241107' date='May 22 2011, 10:44 PM']Don't mind if I do Chicken and eggs are my favourite[/quote] Which did you like first?
[quote name='Delberthot' post='1241098' date='May 22 2011, 09:42 PM']Yeah, c'mon pictures. I'm standing here with my Thunderbird and a circular saw waiting for something to happen so I can copy you [/quote] Chicken...
Disclaimer: These are cell phone pix, and I hate being photographed- so my aspect is one reflecting discomfort at the thing. Oh well, it's only me. Here's the deal with the bass, so far... Because of the strap button positions, it tends to be very well balanced and stay where you position it... Still sounds hugely phat and slammingly excellent.
[quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='1234692' date='May 17 2011, 01:34 PM']hiya , yep both basses are active , but with the trace heads ive set them to passive and just adjudted the gain control so they dont overlaod, i ran the 4x10 through one head and the 2x10 and the horn through the other , it really sounded good untill the band started ! and its hard to be restrained when you know you are a tad queit !(no sound engineeer). then the ex bass player of the band saif to e there were certain bnotes he couldnt hear . mayb sour grapes. !!!![/quote] Ah, yeah I'd keep the jury out if that's all you've got to go on at this point! I can't believe your rig isn't doing its job there.
[quote name='amnesia' post='1233453' date='May 16 2011, 02:07 PM']Its a 1048H (10"x4, 8ohm with Horn) Its 300W, and probably from the late 90's. I have one with the TE badge stuck on it like yours that I bought new in 1996 or something like that. I have another with the TE logo printed on, and that is a later model.[/quote] Thanks amnesia. I just couldn't remember...
Hey all, I have a green-carpeted Trace Elliot 1048, I think it's an "H" with the horn and attenuator knob on the jack-plate. It's got the tunable ports, black steel grille, supposed to have a red racing stripe (but it was coming undone so I pulled it), and it's on casters. Pretty heavy bastard. Looks to me like the SM/SMX era, or nearly afterward. I'm wondering if, from the description and photo here, anyone might be able to discern the pedigree and wattage of it? I'm pretty sure it's 8 ohms... I might just have to open 'er up... thanks!
Ah, can't figure it. Your eq looks relatively 'flat' like. You might be trying too hard- maybe just one rig, and are your basses active? Maybe you have too much eq stages and they're stepping on each other, cancelling out some of your more useful signal?
[quote name='BottomE' post='1232035' date='May 15 2011, 09:49 AM']Count - that is amazing! How does she sound? The colour has calmed down and she looks silky and sexy. Are you pleased?[/quote] Pretty much, yes. I still need a couple refinements, but I've plugged 'er in and it's still a great rumbling beast with some nice smack on top- so the wood loss has come up mostly negligible. And light as a feather! That and the near-perfect neck make for an effortless player. I'm too busy at present to get nice pix up, or pix of how the strap button placement works. I will though! But yep, I'm pretty happy with it, thanks for the good word dude. I need to get some playing time with 'er now. I'm off to Portuguese band practice, I'll plug it in there and have a run- it's been a long time!
No more clogging the site with pix after this, until I get a playing-shot. She's essentially finished: Off to find my iron...
The top of the concentric knob for the 2-band pot is missing- I have it, but need the proper size allen-key to get it fastened on. And it turns out I'm going to need a pick guard...
[quote name='BottomE' post='1224955' date='May 9 2011, 07:01 AM']That is looking sexy Count. It looks like a really pro job. I love the way the cut of the bass makes the headstock look even more classy. They match up well. And the colour of the spray has chilled out and looks silky and gorgeous. Ooooohhhhh inspiring stuff.[/quote] Thanks for the good words... interesting how it worked out. Now I just need a couple screws and a jack! Everything takes so long...
Two almost-done pix: Note the hole in front by the knobs. The new hold (I drilled) is where the concentric knob is for the pre. The output jack goes in the old one that remains. My strap-button scheme. It pulls the bass to my right, bringing the headstock (aka "first position") closer so I don't have to extend my arm so far. This is the standard configuration for any of my basses now. Nerve issues...
and that 2-Tek just might happen down the road apiece...
[quote name='BottomE' post='1221437' date='May 5 2011, 02:24 PM']Theres still time to cut a big hole in it and whack in a 2-Tek. Seriously - i know its going to sound even better with the new paint job. My birthday is coming up and have asked Nicole, my wife, for soldering kit and a bass kit with rulers, gagues and truss rod things. As you might have guessed i am a complete noob at this kinda thing but you have inspired me to start tinkering. I have a mate who asked me to "take a look at his bass and sort it out" He is a guitartist and bought it (old Ibanez) for people to use in his studio. He is under the impression that i know what i am doing I've never even put a scratch plate on and always given jobs like PuP swaps to techs. 1 willing victim + inspiration = ? Is it possible to die from re-wiring a bass incorrectly he mused to himself. Can't wait to see the next set of pics when she's all tackled up.[/quote] Go for it! Inspiration is everything. Okay, well everything else follows! But as long as you're having a good time, it's worth doing. Glad I could be a part of forward motion- and that is what it is. One thing I have learned from my tinkering/modding/shade-tree engineering/failures: Always keep it moving forward. It's all motion towards something, and there are no mistakes. I look forward to seeing a project! I'll post more pix when I get the pickups in. Time is a dollar bill on a shop floor...
Staying with what I've got for now, getting some Radio Shack knobs just to get it working. I need it playable... I'll move up the scale as I go along here. Pix asap!
[quote name='witterth' post='1217598' date='May 2 2011, 09:38 AM']I once sold a pre EB stingray which Ive tried to but back, for serious cash,but "no dice". smx's are ten a penny, keep the Mark IV Im right you know.[/quote] You are, actually. The SMX is on craigslist, unfortunately... but it's the lesser of evils.
[quote name='hubrad' post='1217408' date='May 2 2011, 07:08 AM']Just to chip in.. I have the AH250SMX, which I bought new way back when.. also tank-like and never let me down once! Keep them both unless you really, really have to let one go![/quote] Hate to, and ideally I'll try not to, if I can. But hey. It's stuff, and there'll be more stuff! I'm trying to keep the best of what I've got so I have fun stuff to use. As long as I don't feel like I'm "losing" I'm alright with giving something up... does give me pause though, gotta admit.
[quote name='squire5' post='1217358' date='May 2 2011, 06:27 AM']LOL Any wonder I couldn't find it.I'll get back to you on that.Ta![/quote] Sure! Yeah, only in America! Hey, we got everything ova heah...