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Count Bassie

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Everything posted by Count Bassie

  1. Just so all you riveted readers out there can exhale, I found enough info on similar models on the BAS site to deal with what I might have to deal with. Yes, it's alright now, you can all go back to work... yes, thank you, have a good day...
  2. Hi folks, I have this old AH250GP-11 amp here that needs a little sprucing up, and I can't find any documentation for it on the local go-to sources (i.e., BAS and TE site). Any of you vintage Trace enthusiasts (I didn't say fanatics) have a clue as to where I might find some hard-copy on this venerable old avatar of 80s-Flash boutique-ness? Thanks! Here she is...
  3. [quote name='icastle' post='1016739' date='Nov 8 2010, 02:01 PM']LMAO - get out of my damn head Liam! I'm sat here halfway through making one now! [/quote] Hey, you know what you could do is...
  4. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1016446' date='Nov 8 2010, 10:07 AM']I think is better not to have more cables than you need fighting to wrap themselves around your legs... back pannel wiring is the way for me! When you plug your cables you're not playing and you don't need to have your amp all the way against the back wall! just pull it a bit to front, plug all your cables with the greatest of ease and push it back to it's place! If you're flightcasing then ask for a back door on the case when building with the necessary size and location to alow you to get to every socket without effort![/quote] Sure, ruin a perfectly good gripe session...
  5. [quote name='icastle' post='1016416' date='Nov 8 2010, 09:44 AM']The little engineering demon on my shoulder is whispering to me that I should really drill some holes in the 1U blanking plate and run extension sockets from the rear of the amp. ...but then again, it's good to have something to moan about occasionally [/quote] Right, keep the moaning about the little things... still... do it! I made cables for same purpose to run from the back of my H&K Fortress preamp. But jacks in a plate would have been better. Don't worry, you'll find something else to moan about!
  6. I have always been scratching my head about why Effects Send/Return loops and other potentially useful connections are so often at the back panel. I do all my playing and pedal-stomping from the front-side of my amp, where I stand when playing. The only jack I want to see at the back is the Speaker jack(s). Put the rest of 'em on the face! I think it's a useless feature that requires one to spend time leaning over their amp in the dark. My older Trace Elliot AH250 has Send/Returns on the front panel, and the newer GK heads do also. Well-done.
  7. [quote name='Grant' post='1014730' date='Nov 6 2010, 04:33 PM']I don't clean it as often as I should - and I suffer from sweaty hands when playing. This has meant I've had to replace the bridge because of rusty grub screws and intonation screws, rusty pick-up screws, rusty pickguard screws and rusty pole pieces, which have become so bad that I've given up cleaning them and replaced the exposed pole piece pick-up covers with blank ones. All that rust is ok if you like the "relic'd" look, but my jazz bass just ended up looking like i left it out in the rain. Still not as hot as I should be as the frets have started to go a funny brown colour, especially up at the dusty end, which is strange, as I rarely venture that far east (or west if you happen to be watching me play). Maybe a re-fret will change my habits and force me into looking after it a bit more... [/quote] Maybe fretless with nylon-wound strings? Wood pickup covers?
  8. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1014182' date='Nov 6 2010, 08:43 AM']Every year on my birthday, I change the strings, wax/clean the fretboard (depending on whether it's the washburn or the yamaha), check the pups, the jack sockets and the knobs to make sure they're all working properly, buff the hardware a little and just give a good clean to get rid of all the dust. This way, it feels like I have two new basses every year! I also tend to my cases to see if the locks are sticking or to make sure the joints aren't getting too rusty etc. Day to day I keep them in open soft cases. I also carry out basic checks on my cabs and amp. I know it sems ridiculous to carry out all this work once a year. After all, if something breaks... it breaks! But for me, my birthday is when I first started playing bass 9 years ago and it just really makes me happy and it's just a day that I can set aside to do stuff that I really want to do. I actually get really excited! Truckstop[/quote] I like the idea of presenting yourself with your basses in 'like new' condition once a year! Pretty good way to stay happy with what you have to be happy with.
  9. Play it, feel good about it. Set up and adjust as needed. Try and never change the strings...
  10. [quote name='Big Mick' post='1010223' date='Nov 2 2010, 07:58 PM']That's good to know, the guy looking at it is actually a mate of mine and a bit of an electronics guru. Cheers, Mick.[/quote] The Peavey site has a forum which might be very helpful; also you can call them and speak to someone (Google "Peavey" and find the number through the 'contact' link). The people there tend to be knowledgeable, helpful, and interested in hearing about the older gear still in use. Best o' luck man!
  11. [quote name='Big Mick' post='1010210' date='Nov 2 2010, 07:48 PM']Just got my Peavey TNT150 with 2x8 extension cab. It's currently at the shop waiting to be checked out as it is distorting at anything over about 10% output. I'm making do with my lad's Roland Vdrums monitor. (which actually sounds better than any 30w practice amp I've tried) Depending on the news from the shop, i might do a self build cab!!!!! Cheers, Mick.[/quote] If your amp is passing signal it can be fixed. And it might be real simple... capacitors or something similar. Probably, knowing Peavey (that's good).
  12. [quote name='sambassman' post='1009555' date='Nov 2 2010, 09:08 AM']no i cant say iv tried that. sorry mate[/quote] No worries, thanks for the response. I'm betting it's going to be a nice sound though.
  13. [quote name='zbigniew' post='997265' date='Oct 22 2010, 11:33 AM']Great setup, I especially like the cabs, for their portability. Would be right up my alley. z[/quote] 2x15- my favorite thing... nice.
  14. [quote name='sambassman' post='1007527' date='Oct 31 2010, 12:30 PM']stack-ige [attachment=62702:Photo_0054_e1.jpg][/quote] Have you tried stacking 2 of the 15 cabs? I'll be curious how you compare the two stacks, if so?
  15. [quote name='tippbass' post='1007460' date='Oct 31 2010, 11:35 AM']...Might even start lookin for Old Trace cabs again !! Cheers[/quote] I've just found an 1153T cab by chance, in perfect time. Got it for under $200 US, pretty good deal. The stuff is around...
  16. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1006870' date='Oct 30 2010, 07:37 PM']Well at the moment I'm using a GK 2001RB-II (in a 4u rack with tuner) into a 410RBH cab (for practices, I'm expecting another to show up for large gigs, but that's not really relevant to this thread). What I'm seriously tempted by is a GK MB 500 into two Neo 112 cabs. There's a few reasons, firstly a backup head never hurt anyone. The MB heads are small enough that I could keep it in my gigging backpack and if anything ever did go wrong with my 2001 (unlikely, they're built like tanks but always a possibility) then I'd have a backup. Second reason is that the rack case holding my 2001 weighs more than some cabs on it's own and the 4x10 is like trying to lift a small rhino. It is my dream amp and if I could only have one, I wouldn't ever dream of swapping it, but for practices, a micro head and two lightweight cabs would do the job nicely but just be far easier to move about. It'd also give me more options for recording and small acoustic gigs where I won't need a huge rig. Also with the smaller cabs, even though they're slightly larger for two than one 410, because they can be moved independantly, it gives a little more flexibility on packing if it's a tight space in the car. On the other hand, I can't really afford it, but the GAS is taking me. I've got car insurance coming up, could use a new PC and I'd like another 5er instead of only having my 6 string if I need a back-up (would like some variation from my Warwick too just so I can change depending on mood). I was hoping most people would be replying saying "I only have one rig" but you guys aren't doing my bank any favours. Edit: Just looked up the specs. 2001RB-II is 42.5lbs, 410RBH is 96lbs. Compare that to the MB 500 at under 4lbs and the Neo 112s (though I'd need two) are 30lbs each. So my current practice rig (which I don't have the luxury of leaving at the rehearsal studio where we practice at least once a week) weighs over 140lbs (including rack and tuner)!![/quote] You know, you could find an old GK 400 or 800RB for a back-up/lighter rig. It'll be more like your regular setup, still rather lightweight, and less $$ than what you're looking at now. Cabs... Avatar makes a very hip 212, and the neo 210s are solid and sound very good. I got quite a lot of low end from a single neo 210, and that's coming from the drummer of a reggae band I gigged with regularly for two years. There is something to be said for consistency, and affordability. Also Markbass are the new Bic Lighter for disposable amps... bust it, they send you a new one. For my bread, I'd rather have a GK, who stand behind actual workmanship. .02...
  17. I note quite a few rigs I never heard of on this site... Burman, a few others I don't bring the names up for just this second. Got a photo of that Burman?
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1006399' date='Oct 30 2010, 11:04 AM'] Fancy coming on this GAS-zone and asking if you need more gear! FWIW, I have an Ampeg combo (that I'm using tonight for a small pub gig) and an Ashdown head + 210 and 115 cabs. I sometimes think about getting an even smaller combo for practice. But having been lurking and posting here for the past few years I've concluded that my real deficiency is on the bass front. Will I ever be able to hold my head up again if I confess to only owning one? Yes, I know, it's hard to even comprehend isn't it![/quote] If you play regularly, 2 is kind of a given, even if your 2nd is a stick with a pickup installed. Beyond that, well, yeah you should definitely be ashamed of yourself!!
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1006271' date='Oct 30 2010, 08:34 AM']...Can I ask what the point is of two (or more) different amp/cab combinations which you use for different sessions? If you reason it out then you'll end up rehearsing with one 'sound' and end up gigging with a different one!...[/quote] Good point... for my part, I play in more than one gig; I use the combo for toting around to rehearsals on a hand truck, and since the stuff is all Trace product, the differences in gig-rigs are easily tweakable from band to band- I'm using the combo to power its cab and an extension (1153). The heads are back-up, and the cab (ext for combo) is just meant for moving more air; so the 715-S combo is the center of my rig. At a gig the rooms change and the bands tend to change a bit as well, so it's not really a very tight science anyway. Nonetheless, there's a pretty good degree of consistency in my gear, even if I have to mix n' match with heads/cab/combo. Also I kind of like the adventure of dealing with what I've got in the moment- make the music anyway! It opens the door for a certain randomness that brings a degree of spontaneity into the evening! But you've got a great point to make there. Jaco would agree with you, for the most part I think.
  20. All older Trace gear: 2 heads (AH250 MK-IV/GP-11, and an AH250SMX), an 1153T cab (1x15), and one Series-6 715-S combo. [i]Various combinations of above...[/i] *Easy carting the combo around on wheels, it's plenty loud and present for rehearsals and lots of gigs; *715 Combo + 1153T ext cab; *AH250 head + 1153T cab; *Backup head... I'm building a Bill Fitzmaurice cab over the winter, an older design- Omni Tallboy 15- to use with the AH250 heads also, for bigger gigs. Though honestly, I don't really think I need to! You can have "too much gear", but this is relatively spartan, without the Omni cab built yet.
  21. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1005941' date='Oct 29 2010, 07:41 PM']I am seeking [/quote] Lol! Then you shall find!
  22. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1005939' date='Oct 29 2010, 07:36 PM']U could be right. Plus i love the shape of the J... Just a pity noone will trade me [/quote] Seek...
  23. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1005936' date='Oct 29 2010, 07:29 PM']Its annoying because i love the sound of both basses and i love the feel of both. The P neck doesnt bother me in the slightest which is a plus but i like the versatility of the J.[/quote] I dunno. Sounds like you might want t J...
  24. [quote name='bassically_speaking' post='1005907' date='Oct 29 2010, 06:25 PM']P is the standard sound you can't go wrong. P if in doubt[/quote] You know, if you were in a spot and had to pick, not knowing what your direction was going to be, that would be my answer too. But... I had a US Jazz and used to crank the neck p'up- I had some kind of dealy where you didn't get hum using a lot more of one pickup- and it was nice and dark, and punchy. If you can get that to happen and you love the look and feel of a Jazz, well that's [i]almost close[/i] to a P, and very much Fender. I think the trick, for my sensibility, is that it sounds like a [u]Fender[/u].
  25. Hey, I see I'm late in this conversation, but do you guys know the dimensions of either the 210 cab or the 1153 1x15 cab? Just curious to know if it's a modular arrangement, size-wise, with the 715S combo. Not a real issue, but it would be fun if they could 'lock' together.
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