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Count Bassie

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Everything posted by Count Bassie

  1. The SVT went because I was worried about the potential expense of tubes and maintenance. I was a new import to Rhode Island from Miami, where everyone wants to scalp you. I was living on my lousy paycheck and didn't want to be caught short. The Sun 300T went, years later, because it was a hard year and I had two young daughters who were going to need to have a Christmas... Here that means spending... I'm not sure either were great reasons.
  2. Yes. Because I was younger, and dumber. (Even my scrawny derrière could carry them around fine...)
  3. No! I wasn't trying to come off as snarky, I could have been more clear in saying that my particular quest is more personal in nature- I'm trying to re-up some inspiration, in part to take a shot at doing right by some old mistakes. No, in earnest I appreciate your contribution, thank you.
  4. I have always said that the only person who really cares what you play through is you, lol...
  5. I'll still have the SWR Bass 350 (red face) to go with the SWR cabs, so there's that. I agree that a SS head is a good working amp, but I'm all about inspiration at this point...
  6. This is going to be taken as a newb question, and really it should be. I'm just trying to clear out the rubble in my head so I'm throwing this on the table. I have a Peavey MK-III, refurbished and rocking like you read about. I'm running it into SWR cabs, a G-II and a Bag End-loaded Big Ben. I used to have, and am now looking at a Fender Bassman Pro 300 (Sunn 300T). If I want the 300 I have to sell the Peavey, and another head, and fill in the balance with $. The seller seems willing to deal with what I've got to do. My question is, what should I do? Newb-City! Right?? I love the sound I'm getting from the Peavey, even though it does get a little mushy down low- not entirely super-tight. But it's definitely an old-school punch-you-in-the-face tone, which I like. But, I remember the 300T I used to have, and that was pretty danged stellar, and I've had tubes before (V4-B, SVT, Sunn 300T), and honestly, that's where it's at. That's where my sound lived, and I miss it. So I'm just looking for some perspective from someone who's got experience with this stuff, and who's coming from outside my head here. Thanks for your time.
  7. Good story bro! That's the way to do it, and he obviously heard that your playing was good (ears, chops, feel, etc), and helped you bring it into the context. That's what musicians do- on both sides of that story. Way to be.
  8. I didn't mean *yours*!
  9. I suppose you could, I've only heard of them for musical applications though. Like, if you don't want the extra-bright shimmer at the top end of your sloppy fingering to come jamming it's jagged shards into your listeners' ears. 🤭 But hey, frequencies are frequencies! (Just trying to have a little fun here!)
  10. Most of your sound's "very-lows" are harmonic anyway. 50Hz isn't actually very useful, contributing to Sonic 'mud' for your FOH person to wrassle with, and that's not good for you. In a live mix those lows contribute pretty much nothing musically: they're hard to discern, they beat up your speakers, and take a lot of your amp's power (headroom) to reproduce. This is what the HPF is good for dealing with. Don't think of it as totally eliminating them, it's more like it discourages them.
  11. The 140 is cool because you can chain the gains and they function as a single channel. Set one channel for bite/snarl and give the other some deep belly. Adjust respective volumes as needed, and you've got a beautiful thing going on. I always thought the 370 was louder, and it does a nice, head battering thing when pushed. Nice rig either way you go
  12. Maybe Markbass was the one having trouble. Ampeg had a running issue also. I'm not surprised that maybe this stuff has gotten tweaked over time. User error? Lol, I dunno, as a sandwich press maybe? 🤪
  13. I have always been a pant-flapper, sure to the fact that everything made of fabric and thread is baggy on me. So I take the liberality of making sure to take advantage of that otherwise someone awkward personal characteristic. Some things are a given.
  14. My amp tech, who's spent years as a player back in the day and works with some high end studio peeps, reports that class D amps are prone to shut-down if they're hit hard with spikey transients, like heavy slap/pop styles. He's dealt with a few of those little guys, and that's his assessment. They can sound great, I'm just happily self-deceived into my own private, dreamy world of lovely lo-fi obstinacy. 😍 I did play a GK MB500 and that's a very nice amp. Loud as bombs, as one might say. Also had a Trace Elliot Elf, also a fine little piece- different than the older Trace gear. I really like my SWR red face 350 and my SWR cabs. And the preamp in my Peavey head is a gem.
  15. Haven't heard of those as replacements- over this side of the pond the buzz is Eminence BP-102s. But I like the neo idea
  16. Dude, is that your only cab? 😁
  17. Lol. I'm recouperating from surgery and looking side-eye at my pile of somewhat heavy gear. I could sell it all and find a lightweight combo/extension cab, but the last time I put my Tbird through the SWR Bass 350/Goliath-II, the sound was just sweet and authoritative- at the same time. That's in the ballpark of what I find an inspiring sound. But, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what I play through, there's always something good there to work with. Same with the Peavey. And now I'm looking at a 70s Peavey 1x15 to match it with- loaded with an EV-L driver. I'll have to lose something to justify it though. I should stop... 😅
  18. That little Trace machine is pretty heavy! Certainly for it's size.
  19. It's always been quiet in my neighborhood, but that's changing unfortunately... Even my old dingy boxes might get expressed out of my 15 year-old Toyota hatchback. I am considering swapping out for a couple of those GK things- the combo/powered cab stack, just for the easy 3 a.m. car-to-house chore. Just had two hernias repaired, and I'm 60 (though being 60 isn't bad at all really). But that SWR stuff is kinda hefty.
  20. Hm. Depending on the neighborhood I guess, I've done similar. But overnight, not even in my car. If I don't want it I'd rather get some bread for it than lose it.
  21. Nice pile o'cartage we've got! I think I've got the only garage-womper here so far, you guys have some nice pedigree going on. I can't pick my favorite...
  22. Listening to the bands who were hot when I grew up helps remind me of why I started playing. I know the trend is cleaner and more hi-fi these days, but there's no replacing that simpler, earthy, somehow more 'flawed' sound... For instance: Peavey MK-III into an SWR Big Ben (Bag End) 1x18. Not high wattage, but sounds like an 800lb toad with teeth, with my Epi Thunderbird (Classic Pro, Gibson clone) driving it. There's a Goliath-II to stack up if needed, someday... What's in your basement?...
  23. I get it. And I'm not contesting you, but for perspective, maybe... You've got 12 even-tempered notes and a closed mathematical system (theory), a small universe of popular instruments, and you're mostly surrounded by ears that like concise, catchy melodies. The only thing that's new is the next bundle of personal energy that picks up a guitar- it either lights up or it doesn't. The way I found to enjoy them was to let go of my opinions (hangups) about presentation and let my ears do the listening. Abba, despite my dismissive sensibilities at the time, did a thing that my ears enjoyed hearing. Can't argue with that, even if I liked them in secret when I was 20!
  24. This situation was fragile indeed, and it seems that was going to happen in a minute anyway. There will be other opportunities to play, it doesn't take but a word gone in the right ear to open a door. The fact that you're not with him anymore will speak well for you.
  25. Sounds like he spared you! 😆
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