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Count Bassie

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Everything posted by Count Bassie

  1. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1337942211' post='1667667'] Marshall Major and 4 Vox Foundation cabs, 18s. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54H3EUAzpVg[/media] [/quote] The singer sounds like the guy from Stories... both bass players too (same guy?). And I dig the fat 'bump' of those 18s...
  2. Here are a few more... [b]"Room EQ Switch"[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/Sloom/Amps%20and%20Gear/Polytone/Polytone%20Bass%20Combo%20212-300/PolytonelabelRoomEQ.jpg[/IMG] [b]Power amp[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/Sloom/Amps%20and%20Gear/Polytone/Polytone%20Bass%20Combo%20212-300/Polytonepoweramp.jpg[/IMG] [b]CTS 12s, date-coded 1974, still sound great[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/Sloom/Amps%20and%20Gear/Polytone/Polytone%20Bass%20Combo%20212-300/Polytoneopened.jpg[/IMG]
  3. Alrighty, I did a swap a month or so ago wherein I traded my Trace Elliot Commando 15 (150 watts) and an old pair of JBL mains for a Polytone 212-300 bass combo amp. It sounds clean and clear, seems very 'uncolored'- I joke that I can almost pretend to hear the wood of my bass... So a nice lady at Polytone amps named Dianne spoke with me after leaving a few messages, and told me shed go find the manual for it that they'd have on hand and mail me a photocopy. "Great!", I said and thanked her very much. A few days later I got a phone message that she could not find any info on the amp, and that perhaps it's an older model than she'd thought. I'm still waiting for more info, having left two messages since that call. They're not really known for being on top of their customer relations unless you're Ray Brown, and he's not my uncle. Anyway the amp is a 2x12 cab, preamp up top with a front panel, and the power section bolted to the bottom of the inside of the cab. Front panel controls are Bass, Treble, Volume. There are two identical channels, 2 jacks each for plugging in to. 180 watts of spanking clean signal into a pair of CTS 12s from 1974. Pix below. I'd be very interested to hear any info or insight, wisdom, etc., anyone might have to throw in here. Thanks very much! I've got more pix stashed but these'll give you the presentation... it's in pretty great shape for an amp built in 1974 or so.
  4. Got all that- thanks Phil! I'll post some kind of finding...
  5. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1339706610' post='1693237'] I used to see loads of Fane speakers back in the 80's. They had a dedicated bass range back then - Studio 10/12/15B - 250W 8Ω drivers. Those drivers really punched one hell of a wallop in a well designed cabinet. [/quote] I'd like something to really be a good custom fit... it'll be about what I can learn and execute.
  6. That cab is divided into two, down the center. So I'd be routing a hole in it, I imagine. One thought was to build an enclosure for an amplifier into the cab, making it a combo. It could become pretty Borg-ish if I let this run into the ether very far! So I'm just riffing now... I'll go throw it around and come back. Thanks again all, much appreciation for your help!
  7. ...and would make for a funky-looking box!
  8. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1339705623' post='1693202'] Thinking about Mr F's comment I'd also suggest considering having one driver on the top panel and one directly below- that way you get better horizontal distribution (hear it more clearly from the side) but retain the monitoring benefits of the angled top speaker. You could easily enough play with this to see which way you preferred. The benefits of vertical stacking speakers is another subject that has been done to death here and on talkbass... [/quote] Yes, all us Talkbass hang-outs are now authorities on this topic! I hadn't even thought of it seriously for this however, but it's interesting.
  9. Went and downloaded the pdf for the 10-125, will load them into WinISD over the weekend and see what they might look like in this old box I've got here. I'm thinking that my Trace AH250GP7 head might make a good mate for that smooth idea. Funny that I've always had more of that peaky thing going on, and esp when playing reggae I've had to dial it out. All lows with some attack on top, no mids...
  10. A remark made about the 300 from Phil: [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1339660674' post='1692014']...The deep bass is really clean and effortless but almost unspectacular as a result.[/quote] Can you elaborate just a bit here?
  11. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1339701544' post='1693089'] Hey Rog. Love you really. P x [/quote] I know it man. Now let's have a look at that namesake of mine?...
  12. Wow, some really good info here! Thanks Phil and Lawrence- I just got in from work, didn't even have a chance to ring you up... I'll give it all another looking-at and add it to the pile of notes. The idea of a sealed box is interesting, and frankly would cut out a bit of math and cutting plugs and new holes... Mr. Foxen, yes indeed, the drivers are written into the plan as facing upwards from the angled half of the baffle. It's originally about having a monitor for FOH shows, and being enough as a solo unit for small rooms. Alright- thanks everyone, I shall return...
  13. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1339664605' post='1692090'] ? [/quote] Sorry, should've posted somewhere else! Nancy's fascination with my non-screen name has just come to my attention, and I made a comment. All of it silliness, pardon my out-of-place remark... please carry on!
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1339617882' post='1691690'] Phil Starr has I think used a Fane 10" PA driver, you could PM him. They're not one of the fashionable names in bass guitar land but they definitely used to make good PA speakers, and AFAIK still do. Dunno if they'd be a very economic option in the US. If you want that flat PA driver sound in bass cab have a look at stuff from Faital and 18Sound maybe? [/quote] Willdew, thanks!
  15. And don't forget your safety goggles. : )
  16. Didn't read everything, but I did read about bumping up your low-mids, and that's good advice. Keep your eq uncluttered, might even pull some lows out of there (and if it sounds a little ugly or thin solo'd, well that doesn't say it won't be great in the mix. I'm thin and a little ugly, and that seems to work for me...). Keep some space- some 'air'- in your playing, that's been said also; be pretty bold about that! Bring everyone else in the band forward with your bass line and provide a hefty floor for 'em all to walk around on. Then, voila! Shakin' bootys-a-poppin'. Your rig sounds tight... Pedals? Eh, I'd want to make sure my gear were 'tuned up' first. Less... more.
  17. Here's a picture of the cab... I'll post again as it moves along, might be a while though! The speakers here are a pair of Emi 10s from an Avatar cab, set in the bottom holes... where the ports are going to go. [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/Sloom/Amps%20and%20Gear/EAW4102.jpg[/IMG]
  18. Thanks for the responses- I realize too that we're talking about things in "Subjective-Land". On Talkbass.com you get lots of talk about math and thermal tolerance, etc., and I'm really just trying to stay anecdotal here, so this is all great. I'm only going on a rec from a dude I totally trust as an authority- however he uses stuff that's 'not for everyone', as he says. I use a pair of Eminence Kappalite 3015s in TL-606 boxes when I need big guns, and they can take a beating! Very robust, lots of excursion, a tad strong in the upper-mids. I use the eq on my GK head to pull the excess mids out, and when I give them a little push they sound great. For the 10s however, I'm a little less worried about the abuse-factor, as it'll be either a small-club amp or used with a font-of-house system- so I won't have to fill the great outdoors with it. Anyway, still tuned in here, thanks all.
  19. Just recently was educated about these, and thought I'd throw it out here, since they're English, apparently. Anyone around here use Fane drivers? I picked up an old 'one-off' EAW (Eastern Acoustic Works) 410 box, no drivers. I think it was built on the sly, in spare time, at the factory by an employee. I've never seen another like it- I'm converting it to a 210, as it's a bit small to really throw much low-end as a 410 I think. I'll shut two of the speaker-mounting holes in the baffle and they'll be come ports, and maybe I'll build a head into the box, for a combo-like thing. I'm doing the math, and still looking around at speakers... which of course is part of the math... A friend and long-time 'avatar' of mine since I was an upstart recommended Fanes to me. He uses a 100-watt (I think) re-issue Hiwatt head with [s]a 215 cab[/s], loaded with the Fanes. So that's it. Thanks for your time. Edit: I do believe the cab is a 4x12 with Fanes... yep, not the 215. Pardon!
  20. Why Nancy Johnson- you jammy little man, having fun with my real name ([i]you old sneek[/i]) from [u]all the way over there![/u] ...you funny, funny, funny guy!
  21. Here's the cache, updated... The Commando is a surprise... the sealed cab is actually not my preference, but apparently it's a useful way to create a powerful, tight-sounding, loud-in-the-mix 150w combo. It's my regular gig-amp now. Nice heads there- I had a Mk IV, sold it for family-investment reasons... my eldest plays harp, and she needed one, so it went toward that. Miss it, but it's for the cause.
  22. Hi all, I'm interested to know about where the DI and the effects send are tapped in the signal flow of the SMX250 head? I'd like to be able to use the dual-band compressor for recording purposes, and if I send straight to the board, will the signal have gone through this section of the preamp? Thanks!
  23. At request of the bassist of this venerable bare-knuckled faction of 80s South Florida Swamp-Rock virtuosity called [i][b]Cats On Holiday[/b][/i], I've compiled this collection of recordings in mp3 format for distribution. With the departing from this present level of existence of lead singer Ezra Pike, and to honor his most fond memory, the tracks have been liberated from the bondage of commerce and made available for [url="http://soundcloud.com/doctor-roger"]free download on Soundcloud[/url]. Of particular interest is bass player Ray Harris' highly creative and aggressive work within the form, contributing to more dynamic the the genre really is used to containing... first time I ever saw him play, I walked into the club, watched and listened a minute, and thought to myself, "ohhhh... THAT'S how you play the bass". You may have had a moment like that in your life as a new player. Never left me, going to see Ray's bands became required listening for all us upstart music-cans in the area. I could say more, but I highly recommend poring over the tracks there- specially noteworthy are the tracks "Nothing From Anyone", "Skin of My Teeth", and "Creep (Slip, Stumble & Fall)"... Happy 'saving'... and thanks for listening.
  24. Appreciation for the comments! Many thanks... and yep- those "Bullet" spiral cables are my favorite! Pretty danged indestructible too. Not too cheep at $35 US or so each, those and the 3015s are the pricier parts of that little stack. LennyP, 2x 3015s are in fact impressively more potent than one- as long as they're in the same design cabs and linked together. Tons of lows and whatever headroom you have in your amp is realized at that 4 ohms load (each speaker/cab is 8 ohms). I think the number is a 6dB boost from linkage of the two cabs. I think... Bill Fitzmaurice knows the figure on that- but you can hear it, for sure. Munk, yes, a Ric! It's in my blood, I'm afraid, but it's not a disease. This coming year I hope, if I can gig a whole lot. Gotta believe! And the avatar... I stole it from some other site, can't remember now. Right-click, "Save As..."!
  25. For all you non-believers out there, this is what freedom looks like: '85 GK 800RB, 2x well-abused TL-606 cabs upgraded with snazzy new Kappalite 3015s. Not sleek or elegant looking, but my bass rig has now become invisible to my tired sensibilities. There's nothing quite so refreshing as... NOTHING!! G.A.S.? Well, I still want a Rickenbacker bass.
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