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Posts posted by thebeat

  1. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='340757' date='Nov 29 2008, 08:45 PM']wish I had the readies for this mate, I'd have it back in an instant. - I love these Asat basses

    this one is very light for sure,the semi hollow I had at the same time weighed more

    best of luck with the sale

    some great G&Ls up for sale on here at the moment[/quote]

    Hi there Keir. I just can't seem to get on with the neck...love the sound, the look, the weight...all that, but the neck just does my head in :)

  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='340750' date='Nov 29 2008, 08:29 PM']lol :huh:
    I was later told that he was a Karate expert and wasn't allowed to street fight or he'd lose his licence or whatever. I don't know if that's true or not (sounds like crap now *shrugs*) but it might explain the dude in the vid's self control.[/quote]

    There's certainly an element of truth there. A mate of mine from Grangemouth was an instructor and lost his licence after fighting someone and being charged for it...he did do some pretty severe damage to the guy though by all accounts and served time for it. He's actually gay and knits jumpers on his computerised knitting machine for a hobby believe it or not. :)

  3. I'm astounded at the guys self control...10 seconds in and i'd have nutted the dick :) but right enough..i'm now waiting for the follow up video of the guys house with all it's windows smashed and the bike burning on the local foootball pitch.

  4. [quote name='Pissman' post='340189' date='Nov 29 2008, 12:38 AM']I agree with the man strings argument. Grr. :)

    Plus, theres about ten thousand guitarists in every city. About five bassists :huh:[/quote]

    {start double entendre laden post}You realise that one of those days that your gonna get your man string snagged in your man strings if you keep playing with yourself like you are in your avatar? {end double entendre laden post}

  5. [quote name='Wil' post='340216' date='Nov 29 2008, 01:10 AM']Something like that. Obviously its not as black and white as my statement, but for the sake of a poor analogy lets imagine a general good egg, lets say a monk, who has never hurt a soul in his entire life, has given all his belongings to the needy, helped the infirm etc etc etc yadda yadda yadda, gives into temptation one day and gets drunk, steals a traffic cone, wears it on his head, then steals an old womans mobility wheelchair and does donuts in the monestary car park.

    Is he a good person or scum?[/quote]

    Jesus Christ on a bike...and you had the cheek to question my analogy...

    ....as long as the monk didn't try to cover up his crime and he didn't have a pile of mobility scooters that he could have sold, but instead decided to hang on to them cos he was a self centred bastard of a monk, to send the old womans mobility scooter back to her, then yes, i would have forgiven him.

  6. [quote name='Wil' post='340202' date='Nov 29 2008, 12:56 AM']What I'm saying is people make mistakes. I've made tons of mistakes in my life, and anyone who says that they haven't is either a liar or a saint.

    And to be fair, stealing a bass isn't exactly comparable to genocide, is it?[/quote]

    That was an 'analogy'. People use them to make points and whether you like it or not my point was and still is valid.

    I've made a shitload of mistakes in my life and will probably continue to do so, however, i do take responsibility for my actions unlike some wrongdoers who always seem to have some mitigating circumstances to excuse themselves. If i had done something along the lines of what the thief did, not that i would, you wouldn't have to ban me...i'd be too bloody embarrassed to come back here...the fact that the thief isn't speaks volumes about him in my opinion. If he was any sort of man he'd ban himself and save the forum all this acrimony.

    As for him possibly being depressed? Well i suffer from chronic clinical depression and i have debts, but i've never felt the need to deceive someone the way this guy has done.

  7. [quote name='Wil' post='340178' date='Nov 29 2008, 12:24 AM']As Peter so aptly put it in another thread, you can't judge a persons worth based on their actions.[/quote]

    Ermmm...how else are you supposed to judge someone?...that's like saying that Pol Pot shouldn't be judged too harshly just because he killed so many Cambodians....seems to an awful lot of psuedo philosophers here with very little grounding in reality...wish i was as cuddly and nice as all you nice guys.

  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='340148' date='Nov 28 2008, 11:43 PM']So let me get this straight.

    The over sensitive, prissy types in this forum got outraged over BBC's somewhat close to the mark posts, and effectively started a campaign to have him banned and succeeded.

    So now, a member steals a large ammount of money from someone half way across the world, thinking that he can get away with it and then decides to rectify the situation four months later after trying to cover his tracks, only because he had no choice but to do so. The forum response is to forgive him, blame it on his young foolishness, feel sorry for his 'problems' (which you don't even know exist, happy to take his word on that are you?), say that he shouldn't be banned from here, oh and pay the sizeable shipping costs to get the bass to its original owner for him.

    Right then.[/quote]

    Sums up my feelings pretty well too...and as for Burpsters comment vis a vis having something to hide : :huh: it's not worth qualifying by trying to defend myself or the others who see this saga for what it is. There seem to be lot of people here that live in some fairy tale land where the sky is always blue and everything smells of roses :)

  9. [quote name='kay123' post='339401' date='Nov 28 2008, 11:12 AM']Im a TOTAL beginner and i'm just looking for a bass to learn on something which sounds pretty decent and that'll last for about a year or so until i upgrade to a way better one. Which would be better a squier affinity or a westfield b1000 both are packages costing less that £250. Baring in mind im just looking for something temporary. Please help i'm looking to buy over the weekend.[/quote]

    You'd probably find something better in the 'for sale' section here...if you can wait that is :)

  10. [quote name='noelk27' post='333297' date='Nov 20 2008, 06:00 PM']Thank you for the selective quotation from, and loose, but inaccurate, interpretation of, my posting.[/quote]

    Piss poor grammar :) ...sorry for the selective quote :huh:

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