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Everything posted by thebeat

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='329453' date='Nov 14 2008, 10:42 PM'] [i]"Dat'll be the small black bass that we loaned Mrs Clayton's son no doubt. I'll pop down this afternoon and see if they've finished playing cricket with it."[/i][/quote]
  2. [quote name='mike257' post='329366' date='Nov 14 2008, 07:47 PM']Saw [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Custom-Fender-Squier-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Neck_W0QQitemZ130268024611QQihZ003QQcategoryZ42455QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262"]this[/url] on the 'bay, the seller has two of them listed. The description he gives is very vague, but I reckon it's a Squier VMJ neck with a Fender decal thrown on. I've emailed him a question to this effect, saying I might be interested in buying one (which is true), but could he just confirm that's what it is for me. I've had no response, and was wondering if any VMJ owners want to confirm my suspicions. I am after an inexpensive maple/black blocks neck for a project, but I'd like to know what I'm getting. The price looks like it may go a bit steep for a re-badged Squier neck with no tuners, it's around the £50 mark already. Thoughts, anyone?[/quote] It's Fender Squire neck...what's the issue here? The guy makes it perfectly clear it's from a Squire...obviously he's stuck a Fender jazz sticker on it...but he never states that it's from anything other than a Squire, which after all, are made by Fender.
  3. Selling this cos i've got a 62RI and don't really need 2 P's. It's in very good condition...'specially considering you just have to sneeze on the nitro finish to mark it. It's been fitted with Kent Armstrong Hot vintage pups and an 0.43 cap rather than the greasbucket tone control found on the 'Upgrade' model...so no Bad Ass either. Sounds like a P should. Fitted with some dodgy Fender flats. The price asked is [i][b]SOLD[/b][/i] £320 inc post. Straplocks are not included but i will replace the missing screw from the pickguard Payment by Bank transfer only The following images show the marks on the bass...or mojo if you're that way inclined. But first here's a pic of my cat after stuffing his fat face and listening to some tunes. [u][/u][u][/u][i][/i][u][/u]
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='329422' date='Nov 14 2008, 09:33 PM']Which bass would that be, then? [/quote] right Ted!
  5. This has been on the Bay about 4 times already...think he was looking for about £350 the last time...like the colour...sort of.
  6. thebeat

    Adding Growl

    I haved a set of EMG P and J pups for sale, theyre active though...you could have them for £60 posted. I also have a pretty decent chrome red P body routed for P and J that you can have for £20 plus post. The body has a couple of dings and a few extra screw holes that cant be seen when the pickguard is on. PM me if you're interested. As for the sound...i'd agree with the above posters opinions...doesn't sound totally like a P when the bridge is rolled off completely...wee bit more mids to my ears.
  7. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='327305' date='Nov 12 2008, 09:12 AM']With Ampeg reportedly suffering problems since their move to Vietnam I wonder if Ashdown are trying to grab some of the market share that they have lost. Starting manufacturing in the USA would certainly appeal to a lot of the Americans who swore never to buy Ampeg again.[/quote] Still smarting about 1975 and their ignominious exit from Saigon no doubt....or am i reading too much into here? Anyway, who wants a manky old amp full of glass tubes in this day and age? Old bearded hippies and people who still buy turntables, that's who
  8. [quote name='markbass555' post='327062' date='Nov 11 2008, 08:08 PM']Hi, This is a feeler at the moment possibly looking to sell a 1996 USA std Jazz in a rather rare and beautiful peacock blue. The bass is in good condition no visible dings buckle rash to the back but paint fully intact. Looking £500.00 plus postage from Northern Ireland. Comes with Fender Strap, tools and Moulded hard case. Any dark spots than can be seen on the photos is actually dirt on the camera lens. Tried to clean it but wont come off [attachment=15887:DSCF0004.JPG] [attachment=15886:DSCF0005.JPG] [attachment=15885:DSCF0006.JPG] The marks on the images are actually dust on your cameras sensor...you can rub the lens for ever and nothing will happen cos they aint on it, depending on whether you are using a DSLR you can get swabs and cleaning fluid from places like Warehouse Express etc.....nice bass though! [attachment=15884:DSCF0002.JPG][/quote]
  9. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='326193' date='Nov 10 2008, 07:29 PM']Where's GARETH then?[/quote] Either in Coventry having a double helping of Humble Pie or in his bedroom w***ing.
  10. I've just spewed. That is one hell of an ugly bass.
  11. [quote name='NickThomas' post='325330' date='Nov 9 2008, 03:32 PM']I'd certainly go to this one with no bad thinkings behind also. Nice looking bass [/quote] See...i'm a bit partial to some of the old bad thinkings behind, i am. Not so keen on French basses though...or many other French things for that matter, Emile Zola and Luc Besson excepted.
  12. I use the bass to chill out...i have no kids and live on my own, my basses are me kids , so need to worry about annoying anyone with my crap playing...i do have 2 cats but they both seem to like my style...especially the white one who needs to get as close to me playing as possible....that cat has taste i tell ya!
  13. [quote name='The Burpster' post='324970' date='Nov 8 2008, 08:21 PM']Thats a starting point. H1 is essentially a US model but with a thin coat of cellulose paint for (alledgedly) better tone because its thinner, a BA2 bridge, and comes in very limited color ways, and gigbag rather than all teh case candy and HSC of a full US model you cant get Maple fretboard options either. I've yet to see a bad or shonky H1. The same cant be said for MIM. You Could get an absolute doosey (as the neck and body are cut out in teh US plant but from lesser cuts of wood) you could also get a very average instrument as well that frankly a decent Yamaha or Ibanez would kick its ass.[/quote] Earlier Highway 1's, such as mine, did not have the Bad Ass bridge or greasebucket tone control...the upgrade version has only been available for around 3 years.
  14. [quote name='spongebob' post='324858' date='Nov 8 2008, 04:38 PM']Thanks guys. This post is really growing, all great advice. Another question - what's the actual differences between the Highway 1 and the standard bass? Is it down to the country of origin, and the price!![/quote] Standard are made in Mexico, Highway 1 are made in the USA.
  15. All the factors say that this bass should be easy to intonate, but as suggested above, the bridge has run out of adjustment. I don't really want to move the bridge as then i lose the string thru option...as it is the intonation is not bang on but it's playable enough for a hack like me. As for the reason for putting a 20 fret neck on a body that had a 22 fret neck...i don't have a 22 fret neck...but i do have a 20 fret neck. Its an American Deluxe jazz body in Olympic white Pearl that i picked up cheap on Ebay. I've just wired it as passive but might go active later.
  16. I have Highway 1 2003, without the grease bucket or bad ass, you can have it for £350 posted if you like...it's had Kent Armstrong pups fitted and comes in VGC...colour is Honey Blonde. These are a really good intro to the p bass being American made with a lovely flat nitro finish. Only reason i'm selling is that i already have a MIJ 62 RI.
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='324517' date='Nov 7 2008, 09:29 PM']If the 20th fret is in the same place relative to the bridge as the 20th fret was on the 22 fret neck then it'll be fine. Or to put it another way, if the bolt holes are in the same place relative to the frets on each neck then it'll be fine. Or another way, if the distance from 12th fret to bridge is about 17" then you'll be ok. Do Fender basses with more frets just have a longer fingerboard but the same neck length / bolt position? (Asks the man who's never owned a Fender-alike...) Alex[/quote] Fender basses have extended boards. The bridge on the bass is approx 17 inches from the 12th but i still cant get the bugger to intonate....guess i'm gonna have to get another 22 fret neck from somewhere....this is turning out to be one of theose 'cheap projects' that end up costing bings.
  18. If i put 20 fret neck on a body that originally had a 22 fret neck will this cause intonation problems? Thanks
  19. [quote name='rohan' post='322894' date='Nov 5 2008, 07:15 PM']PMed[/quote] Replied As i've removed the switching jack socket from the pre i'll revise the price accordingly: OBP2 ; 30 quid plus post EMG J bridge pup : £30 plus post EMG P pup ; £30 plus post. Payment by bank transfer please.
  20. Are these my feet?
  21. thebeat


    [quote name='rasher80' post='323300' date='Nov 6 2008, 11:29 AM']Having decided that i might have to abandon my quest for a Fender Japan bass, and from getting some good advice from members of this board, i'm now considering doing a build my own project using Warmoth. What i want to do is have a 54 P bass body with the matching neck, but with the Jazz profile at the nut. The trouble is i'm a bit thick when it comes to guitars, and once i have all the pieces the eye can see, such as tuners, nut, knobs, control plate, bridge, scratchplate and pickup - then i have no idea about the innards. I wouldn't be able to do the work myself cos i'm useless, so i was going to enlist the help of a local luthier to put it all together. I saw a Lindy Fralin pickup which they will overwind to give the sound a bit more oomph! I just need it to not be overly expensive, or there's no point is there? I'm not concerned about re-sale value, as being a left hander there's by and large no such thing sadly! So is this a worthwhile option or should i just forget it?[/quote] The 'innards' of a P bass are pretty basic. all you have to wire up are 2 potentiometers, or pots as their known, one for volume and one for tone and a jack socket. Loads of wiring schematics on the net for P's...it's pretty easy stuff, especially if you have experience with a soldering iron, if not then it's an ideal project to give you some experience.
  22. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='319766' date='Nov 1 2008, 06:57 PM']Looks like a Highway 1, so I'd say the price is about par.[/quote] I'd say it's a bit high for a Highway 1...i paid £350 for mines on Ebay.
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