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Everything posted by thebeat

  1. Band fans should try and get their hands on a copy of the box set 'The Band; a Musical History....some really great, rare tracks with the Hawks, some grainy, but interesting film footage on the DVD and some really good photos in the book.
  2. [quote name='bassbarber' post='627109' date='Oct 15 2009, 05:11 PM']hi i like the ibanez agb200, was wondering if thay are any good and is it acoustic? if i put it though a line 6 amp will it sound electric???[/quote] The AGB200 is an electric hollowbody, it can be played without amplification but it's not a true acoustic. I had one last year and they're nice, well made basses with a nice deep sound from them but they're also short scale and i prefer 34", so it got gone to another basschatter
  3. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='622064' date='Oct 9 2009, 10:03 PM']Heard Jackson Browne Running On Empty on he radio a couple of nights ago - thanks Simon Mayo - think BG was on that. On a tangent, Zevon was the only musician I ever interviewed who turned out to be a total sh&%. Decided there and then I wouldn't let my personal opinion of a musician get in the way of enjoying the music. That man had good taste in bass players but a giant chip on both shoulders - 'Why did everyone else make it and I didn't'? Oh, and don't read his book, that's even sadder...rant over, back to Bob Glaub! [/quote] +1 Warren was one of my heros for such a long, long time and then i read the book The man treated those who loved him so badly and even though i realise he was obviously mentally ill for most of his life, reading about his dirty life and times has tainted my opinion of him. Still think that he was a genius though.
  4. Playing devils advocate here, but as someone who's had problems with a commercial enterprise causing me problems with excessive noise, i can sympathise with the complainer. Surely the venue should have soundproofed before they started having gigs? Doesn't take a genious to realise that close neighbours might be affected by gigs and complaints may follow. My downstairs neighbour is a funeral directors and when i first moved into my property they had the cheek to complain that my music was disturbing the services as their chapel of rest was below my lounge. I pointed out to the manager that if they could hear my music, have they ever thought that i might be able to hear every word and every note that is played, loudly i might add, at their services...of course they hadn't thought of that cos all they care about is the money they make from the bereaved. When i asked why they as a commercial enterprise hadn't soundproofed their chapel of rest, knowing that they had a neighbour directly above them, they had no answer...they just wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Being a nice guy, sometimes anyway, i have agreed to keep my music down when they have services but i still have to listen to them as they don't seem to give a sh*t that i can still hear their noise...there's only so many times i can hear the Lord Is My Shepherd before i go postal and then they'll be sorry...it's be back to Going Underground at full belt if they're not careful
  5. [quote name='KevB' post='610958' date='Sep 28 2009, 04:22 PM']If there's anyone in the know I'd be interested in Deep Purple's 'Made In Japan' album. It's pretty much a classic of its genre and I don't think much of it was fixed in the studio. It took them until a rematser years later to fix the fact that Blackmore was put onto the 'wrong' side of the stereo mix so I doubt they tinkered too much with it at the time. Some of the tracks on that album are for me the definitive versions (Smoke, Strange Kind Of Woman) over the studio versions.[/quote] +1...another one of my favourites is Wilcos Kicking Television...such a together band that i doubt they neeeded many overdubs.
  6. [quote name='dlloyd' post='610923' date='Sep 28 2009, 03:37 PM']Rick Danko's playing confused the hell out of me for ages! Apparently, it's been 'addressed' in a recent remaster... they switch to the original bass part when Rick's in camera shot. Interesting article on the concert here... [url="http://jmdl.com/library/view.cfm?id=1217"]http://jmdl.com/library/view.cfm?id=1217[/url][/quote] I read in Barney Hoskins' book, that at the premier, when asked what he thought of the film, Ronnie Hawkins stated that he felt that there weren't enough close ups of Robbie Robertson...sarcasm is great
  7. Parliaments P Funk Earth Tour sounds about as live as my granny and she's been dead nigh on 20years. My gov't mule albums sound very live and don't seem to have many, if any, overdubs....same again for Slade Alive The Allman Brothers At the Fillimore.
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='605969' date='Sep 22 2009, 07:16 PM']Might as well just buy a set of 30. One of them will fit.[/quote] No sh*t? I have umpteen sets...i want to buy a t handled one though....and before anyone asks why i don't just get the size from one of the umpteen i have?...the answer is that they are all long necked versions and i cant get access to the nut.
  9. Can anyone help me with the size of the hex nut to adjust the truss rod on an Epi EB3? Thnaks in advance
  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='601580' date='Sep 17 2009, 07:02 PM']I bring your attention to a certain Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Throbbing Gristle. The Stranglers.[/quote] ...and lets not forget the Clash...ermm, actually lets forget the Clash ...as for Kings of Leon? well there's a lot worse out there.
  11. The way i buy and sell basses, i've probably given away the equivalent of a £1000 last year alone
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='596201' date='Sep 12 2009, 12:25 AM']I'm sorry - all that went [i]straight[/i] over my head. I'm just an EADG numptie [/quote] ...you're one up on me...i'm more of an EAD numpty...i occasionally use the G when i fancy a change or just to remind me what it sounds like..
  13. [quote name='Golchen' post='593273' date='Sep 8 2009, 08:51 PM']No price and I'm not interested. People should just Man up and stick a tag on it.[/quote] +1
  14. Mothership Connection by Parliament does it for me...funktastic!
  15. Sod the looks! more importantly, can you get a P bass sound out of it?
  16. So sellers are supposed to check the wanted ads just to make sure that you haven't a put a wanted ad in there? couldn't you just check the For Sale section more frequently? that would work too.
  17. I've had 3 Fender Jazz and 3 Fender P bass, not too mention Rics, Sandberg, gibson Lakland etc...but i keep going back to the P bass....buy one. Two even.
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='587857' date='Sep 2 2009, 07:35 PM']My 11 year old just wondered by singing God gave rock and roll to you ... Weird or what? Apparently he heard it on the radio this morning but he already knew it from somewhere ..[/quote] I must admit to actually quite liking Hold Your Head Up when i was a biker and mostly into cock rock...and if i'm really honest i may even have sang along to God Gave...,on occasion...but it was almost 30 yrs ago and I was drunk a lot then. Furthermore, some of my biker mates were in a pub band and called themselves Talon they used to cover Argent and others of their ilk and i may have even done a bit of Quo type headbanging to their version...it was more seeing the diminutive bass player and the posing drummer that caused me mirth...you got to admit that Jim Rodford does look demented and the drummer looks like he would eat himself if he was chocolate. Saying all that, it [i][b]is[/b][/i], a [i][b]very[/b][/i] cheesy song. And yes, Russ Ballard did indeed write Since You've Been Gone but Rainbow were a lot better looking than Argent and had cooler songs like Kill the King... much better band in my opinion
  19. [quote name='Moos3h' post='586861' date='Sep 1 2009, 08:31 PM']He's a 'legend' around here. Hmmm[/quote] ...oh f***! what've i gone and done? sorry if you're reading
  20. What's even funnier is listening to Whispering Boab waxing all lyrical about how he knew all the lads in Argent before they achieved notoriety for writing embarrasingly, cheesy rock, he seemed really proud of this for some reason :ph34r: ?!...I'd a been ; ' what? who? Argent? nope! never heard of them!...swear to god! never seen in me life!....especially the rythym section...'
  21. Now, sorry if this causes any offence to either; a) the vertically challenged amongst us, or Argent fans, or c) vertically challenged argent fans...but i'm sorry, not only is the song itself absolute sh*te and verging on the comical, but the guy who plays bass on it looks like a demented Munchkin on speed....i speak of course about the Old Grey Whistle Test Vol 2 version in all it's pythonesque glory You should really have look if only to re-affirm just how important image is
  22. [quote name='Alien' post='585629' date='Aug 31 2009, 09:57 AM']And he was in Thin Lizzy for a while. That's all the cool any man needs. A[/quote] Slik were where it was at when i was a kid....he was pretty good in the Rich kids too and his uncle Eck delivered bread to the Tesco i once worked in, Midge now looks very like his Uncle Alec.
  23. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='583881' date='Aug 28 2009, 06:20 PM']That's not a bad price for a name, provenanced 70's P. Comes across as a good bloke as well. Tempted.[/quote] I'd have a punt myself if he'd post.
  24. [quote name='beerdragon' post='584031' date='Aug 28 2009, 09:07 PM']Is this the same Paul Gray? [url="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.gray/basstuff%20&%20FAQ%27s.htm"]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.gray/bas...;%20FAQ%27s.htm[/url][/quote] sure is
  25. The B52's
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