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Everything posted by ribbetingfrog

  1. I’m very interested, Would be good to see what all the fuss is about with these, everyone seems to love them! Just selling a Darkglass pedal on evil-bay to fund it and I hope to be in touch!
  2. I'm going to have to give it a miss, had a family bereavement this week. Hope you all enjoy your afternoon.
  3. I learned on a five string but came to the conclusion four strings are easier and more comfortable to play. My band doesn't play anything below drop D so only takes me a moment to retune when required. Every now and then I miss the low rumble but it's Defo a lot simpler playing a 4 string.
  4. I think it's time we started providing sick bags for viewers of the eBay threads.
  5. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F152903561209 8 feet by 13 feet according to the description. That would be a real back breaker. Spinal tap would be proud.
  6. The first band advert I ever replied to was a guy who explained he liked to wear arseless chaps on stage. He was a complete lunatic, also telling me how he liked to black up minstrel style. I never went back! Luckily he didn't put me off, the next guys I met were a bit more normal.
  7. I went to the last north west one, everyone had their basses on stands, you could chat to each other about their basses and give them a try. Had a bit of a jam in the middle. Just a bit of a get to meet other members and try some gear. Sandwiches too. I understand other bashes have bass shops attend, special guests and lectures. Next north west one is in March, there is an events section on the forum that lists them.
  8. If you use services such as distrokid they put the music on several outlets, including iTunes and sort licensing for you. I think there is an annual fee for licenses.
  9. Gets too troublesome playing a track then closing the app to go back to garage band and having missed the start of the song I wanted to play along to.
  10. I use the mxr bass Di plus. Has a pre-amp section and distortion section. Can also run a parallel out to your amp for monitoring. Great pedal. Plenty of other options out there. Our band play through our PA all the time, works a treat.
  11. I have an iPad Air 2 and use garage band with an irig interface for recording ideas and songs but it is not ideal for practice, hard to play along with tracks. The MP3s are hard to stop and start when in garage band. I usually use my blackstar fly and plug the iPad into it as an MP3 player, a lot easier.
  12. I dreamt I won the lottery the other day, and remembered the numbers when I woke up! I was playing bass for Jackie Chan's Japanese guitar tour in that dream strangely. Odd. Just in case I win on Saturday I have already chosen which Warwick custom shop bass I will be ordering before I even think about sensible purchases. Who needs new furniture anyway?
  13. I’ll be there, will bring my bits and bobs. Ibanez SRX 08 ltd bass Harley Benton fretless TC bg250 2x8 amp Darkglass vintage micro tubes and MXR preamp
  14. Quite the opposite for me , the font says modern, interesting, with a love of all things 8 bit. I'll check it out.
  15. Good condition, Velcro on bottom. nice pedal, good YouTube videos available. keeps plenty of low end. i just bought a darkglass so selling this. Price includes UK postage, collection is fine from Stalybridge near Manchester.
  16. Just bought an MXR m80 plus from Mykesbass. great communication, quick delivery and a quality pedal. colour me impressed.
  17. Keeping the No Doubt connection, i’m Learning It’s My Life by Talk Talk. Toughest bassline i’ve Learned yet but i’ll definitely level up as a player once I get it. lovely bassline, am looking forward to wowing our fans when we gig it ??
  18. Someone brought one to the north west bass bash. the shape means you can rest your arm on the petal and it’s surprisingly comfy to play. his had a Duncan Designed p bass pickup and sounded pretty damn good. i’m not Manly enough to pull the look off but I really want one! Courtney Love had a hand in designing the guitar version so it’s got some rock credibility at least.
  19. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292329990701 that is one aesthetically challenged bass.
  20. Friend of mine got some really expensive cables. He excitedly AB’d them for me vs normal cables, but I couldn’t tell the difference at all. He was adamant they were far clearer on the treble. As long as he is happy, it’s worth it. Not for me though.
  21. my second bass was a Schecter Stiletto Elite 5. I loved that bass. Neck through, EMG hz pickups, really comfy to play curvy body. Sounded wonderful, looked incredible. I eventually sold it as I got a Warwick and needed to fund the new purchase. The Schecter was not as good as the Warwick but that was £1800 when new, so i’d hope it would be better. Really was a great bass, I miss it muchly and would have it back in an instant. Only downside it had was that the strings were a little too close together for me back then when I was still kinda new to playing. I’d probably be fine with that now. I own a Schecter guitar too, which is also great. They are fantastic instruments for the money. Schecter have a rep for being rock and metal instruments but they do many models much more suited for jazz and other styles. The cheaper schecter are solid but could always benefit from upgraded pickups, the more top end ones me with seymour Duncan’s and are superb straight out of the box. Diamond series are made in China, Indonesia or Korea. The Korean ones are the higher spec models but my guitar is Indonesian and is really well made. American made stuff has a superb rep but does cost a good chunk more. My guitar is an absolute keeper, never going to get rid of it. My bass I only moved on to upgrade to the Warwick but I genuinely wish I still had it. Gorgeous instruments, great value, sound good and play well. I kind of am a Schecter fanboy, my brand of choice. My bass teacher introduced me to them, he had a schecter guitar that has been his main instrument for years.
  22. got mine for a pound in a charity shop
  23. That looks awesome! Black or white would just be boring.
  24. I think all the models are all solid wood, front , back and sides, designed by Patrick James Eggle, they review really well and are a steal for the spec. Not heard a bad word about them. Never tried one though.
  25. This whole thread sounds fishy to me.
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