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Posts posted by PURPOLARIS

  1. I'm selling a PA System on Gumtree at the mo. Well it's basically sold, I've received a deposit and he's coming back tomorrow with the rest of the cash.

    Selling for £260 I received this from another idiot

    [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Hi will pick up if i can have it at 100, what's your last price?[/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]
    From: Richard[/size][/font]
    [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]
    [size=4]I told him he could have it for £20...................haven't heard from him since[/size] :lol:[/size][/font]

  2. I went into 3 music shops in Swindon this morning looking for a Korg Pitchblack Tuner. The first 2 never had any in, the last one I went into the conversation went like this

    Me - Hi do you have any Korg Pedal Tuners in stock
    Salesperson - Yes, just over here (he takes me to a display cabinet)
    Me - Those are Chord not Korg, I'm looking for Korg, K-O-R-G not Chord.
    Salesperson - Yes we have them here (Proceeds to show me Chord)
    Me - K-O-R-G, Korg Tuners not Chord
    Salesperson - Yes we have Chord
    Me - K - O - R - G (slower this time)
    Salesperson - Ah no, we only have Chord.

    I came home and ordered one online.

  3. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1339423056' post='1688184']
    Go & try loads & take someone with you to get an audience opinion for how it sounds.
    I went all round Glasgow a few years back to get an electro-acoustic. I tried Takamine, Yamaha, Ibanez, Ovation, Fender & a good few others in the @ £500 mark & none made me smile. Went to a wee shop in Falkirk, tried a Freshman & bought it there & then. Fantastic instrument.

    +1 for The Freshman, our guitarist/vocalist uses one too and it sounds sweet.

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