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Everything posted by RickyV

  1. Keep gravitating back to The Entrance Band at the mo. Plenty of repeat plays on Spotify. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgjWSVgxUeQ
  2. [quote name='such' timestamp='1448746067' post='2917890'] both I also put down my parents' address back in Poland for delivery. I spend there about two months (combined) a year and always feel bad about not practicing. If I succeed with the purchase, one bass will also be part of a xmas gift for my brother. [/quote] Good plan! Well they are both still available on the Thomann site at the moment so you should be in luck! Hope you get good playable ones. My P bass deko was as near perfect as you could get - pretty much nothing wrong with it at all!
  3. [quote name='such' timestamp='1448741969' post='2917862'] yeah went for it. Hopefully my order gets accepted. It wasn't for an acoustic fretless a couple of weeks ago :/ [/quote] Which did you go for? Or maybe you went for both at that money! Either way, hope you are successful this time.
  4. Standard series J's and P's up for grabs now. Both great basses for little cash. https://m.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html
  5. Love these guys and Joe Dart is awesome. One of my favourite tracks, the first half of it at least and Joe Darts tone on this one in particular I just love:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41o5QeG-E_Y
  6. Bought an Ashdown cab from Paul. Showed the patience of a saint in protracted faffing about on my part getting the cab picked up. Top bloke to do business with.
  7. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1448715134' post='2917599'] 1612 Vulfpeck peck [url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KQRV0c1KXYc"]https://m.youtube.co...h?v=KQRV0c1KXYc[/url] Vulfpeck - prom [url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hNn9_NMaW5k"]https://m.youtube.co...h?v=hNn9_NMaW5k[/url] [/quote] Love Joe Darts tone....
  8. Chantel McGregor. 'Twas good and she rocked!!
  9. I like that an awful lot. The knots in the wood make it for me and the leather scratchplate is also very cool. Nice job.
  10. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1448389641' post='2915043'] aaaannd.... Girls Aloud. I love them, great collection of songs. Got asked to go last minute and didn't due to band practice. Again, split shortly after. [/quote] Excellent. My guilty pleasure also........ (I hope you are being serious, otherwise I have made myself look a right mug )
  11. Do you practice at a rehearsal studio that offers storage? Thats where my gear stays during the week so I only need a little practice amp at home that never leaves the house.
  12. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1448372907' post='2914826'] The Longpigs [/quote] So underrated and so good live. Saw them a couple of times in the 90's in Cambridge. Mine: Hendrix, Nirvana and The Smiths (yes, really!!)
  13. PJ 4 HTR Deluxe deko available now if you are quick: https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pj_4_htr_deluxe_series_deko.htm?o=5&ref=mal_a_5&search=1448365867
  14. In the midst of Brit-pop I went to see Sleeper at The Junction in Cambridge. They were actually pretty lame but Longpigs who were supporting were excellent. Saw them a couple more times after that headlining and they remained excellent live.
  15. Another vote for UPS via Interparcel.com. Have shipped several basses and a head without any issues whatsoever. Reliable.
  16. Just the 2. A TGI 60 clip-on ebay cheapo (if I ever use it, it doesnt stay clipped to the bass) and a reliable Yamaha YT-150. Does the job.
  17. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1446666998' post='2901384'] Still patiently awaiting more PB50s... [/quote] Yep. Waiting patiently in the queue behind you!!
  18. Was so close to pulling the trigger on the JB75 but now they have gone and the temptation has been removed. Do I really need another deko jazz bass tho? Yes. Yes, of course I do. There's always next time!
  19. Hi. I have a JB-20 and a PB-20, both dekos incidentally but both are excellent basses for the money. Regarding the necks, the JB-20 neck is most definitely slimmer than the PB-20 (dont know whether the necks on the PB-20 and PB-50 are any different tho). The JB-20 is 3.7cm at the nut whilst the P is 4cm at the nut.
  20. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1439897717' post='2846531'] Could you link us to that scratchplate? Cheers! [/quote] Here you go: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=agc-customs-ltd&item=271858291476&_osacat=0&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xj+bass+pickguard.TRS0&_nkw=j+bass+pickguard&_sacat=0 The black/white/black was sold out last time I looked tho.
  21. [quote name='Andytre' timestamp='1439889614' post='2846433'] those JB-75s look great with a black scratch, wish mine had one instead of tort! (never been a fan of tort) would a standard jazz plate fit anyone know? [/quote] Should do. I changed the white pickguard that came on my standard HB jazz for a triple ply black/white/black off ebay. Holes all in the right place. Had to do a little filing around the pickup hole and where it buts up to the bell plate but apart from that that, all dandy!!
  22. 'Toothpick Trick'
  23. If it sounds good.............. Mine is a 12 with a 15. Does that sound any different to 2 15's?............no idea! The other obvious option is a 210 to go with the 15. I am just about to pick up a 210 as well as I have gone down the route of separates with a MAG 300 EVOii head
  24. I've got an EB 180 (12") combo. Good and loud on its own but adding an extension cab really realises its full potential. I added a MAG 115 deep and it sounds great.
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