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Everything posted by rjb

  1. [quote name='Fraktal' post='270628' date='Aug 26 2008, 10:50 PM']Ive heard they suffer of horrible neck-dive due to the 2 steel bars they use to reinforce the neck. A pity cos they look gorgeous![/quote] Well I'm used to a bit of neck dive - I own a Warwick Thumb!
  2. Heh, that's a seriously bling bass you've got there. Great stuff.
  3. Just found this. Seems quite interesting... [url="http://www.warmoth.com/gecko/gecko.cfm?fuseaction=include_gecko5"]http://www.warmoth.com/gecko/gecko.cfm?fus...=include_gecko5[/url] Anyone played/own one of these?
  4. Sounds like the string saddle is set too low - just use an alan key to raise the block. Then check the intonation and adjust the rear screw if needed.
  5. Totally depends on the band - it specifically depends on the arranging talents of the group/composer. A super-talented band like Radiohead, for example, often have three guitars intertwining (Thom on acoustic, Ed playing clean arpeggios and Jonny blasting out the crazy stuff) and still leave plenty of space for a creative bassline from Colin. Paranoid Android is a great example of this. The Eagles have already been mentioned - not everyone's cup of tea, but their arranging skills are excellent. It's also an ego thing. If there are three guitarists then they have to accept that they usually ain't going to play [i]all the time[/i]. If you have three egos trying to outshred each other simultaneously then you'll end up with an awful racket.
  6. rjb


    Still interested! :brow: Good luck with the trades, though!
  7. Don't do any slap - just do a nice tastefully phrased pentatonic run. Octaves and fifths etc. Don't try to overplay. If you nail the timing it will sound cool.
  8. [quote name='Protium' post='266572' date='Aug 20 2008, 07:49 PM']Music Ground on Oxford Road, Manchester is rubbish too.[/quote] I found them to be great actually. Bought a mint SH bass (Thumb NT) there recently and they were really helpful. It was a busy Saturday so they set up a practice room in the basement for me to try the bass. I had gone in just to browse, but came out with a £900 bass. I could have searched the web for a cheaper option for sure, but they gave me loads of time to make my decision, so I was happy to pay a shop price. I think there is alot of truth to the argument that age makes a difference, though. I'm not [b]that[/b] old (31! ) but I can see how they might assume I have more money to spend than your average 16 year old....
  9. It's all very well getting a luthier to do difficult tasks like neck redressing, but is is really [b]that[/b] hard to do a bass set up for yourself? Tweak the truss rod for neck relief; set the string height and intonation with the bridge; raise or lower the pick-ups. Why pay good money for that?
  10. [quote name='joe_bass' post='263566' date='Aug 16 2008, 12:31 PM']Chad Smith was getting $100k for royalties regarding snare drums. Flea liked the sound of this so went to Sterling Ball asking for a signature model. He got told no as it wouldn't be fair on all the other famous Stingray users, so off he went![/quote] So we have a multi-millionaire bass player limiting his choice of sound/instrument due to the fact that a manufacturer won't pay him to use it? Crazy...
  11. rjb

    Just saying Hi

    [quote name='Tig' post='265965' date='Aug 19 2008, 11:15 PM']Just saying Hi, Mid 40's short, fat and hairy, I've been playing since my early teens.[/quote] Heh, great intro. Welcome!
  12. Paint job ain't for me, but the bass underneath it looks fantastic. I think their natural finishes look lovely... [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Skjold_Lions_Pride_A_Maple.html"]Pro deluxe at Bass Direct.[/url]
  13. rjb


    If you want some cold hard cash then drop me a PM as i'd possibly be interested in buying it. :brow: Already have an NT4, but a slightly worn BO would be better for gigging!
  14. Yay! ^_^ (pending the usual)
  15. Not necessarily any politics there - players just like to move on and try new sounds.
  16. Hey mate, Any word on a price?
  17. RIM Basses seem to do some very nice stuff. There are a few of his in the Build Diaries section. [url="http://www.rimcustombasses.co.uk"]www.rimcustombasses.co.uk[/url]
  18. Alot of those rumours were probably started by hard rock fans who hated their stuff back in the 80s! I'm not a fan, but as far as I can tell, they all looked like they could play. Duran Duran had a similar thing with their bassist didn't they? Again, not a great fan of their stuff, but John Taylor was and is a decent player who came up with some memorable lines.
  19. Registering my interest. I'll PM when the pics and price are up...
  20. [quote name='lee650' post='260483' date='Aug 11 2008, 11:54 PM']Too many warwicks, not enough warwick fans guess no one wantsthis bargain, will prob have to keep it all the best- lee Bump for this funky beast, warwicks are great- lee[/quote] Don't know what it is.... Thumbs seem do do alright. Perhaps the Warwick "look" isn't in fashion at the moment - that'll come full circle eventually. Also the second hand market in general isn't up to much at the moment, we've had Laklands and other great instruments waiting to sell on this board.... Trick is just to keep bumping and be patient, I think...
  21. Bump for NJE. There has to be someone out there who'll take this. Was very, very tempted myself but have decided to wait till later in the year for a BO Thumb to pop up (to complete my collection -_- ). If there are any newbies out there they should pounce on this...
  22. I'd agree up to a point, but I think the issue is less about ability and more to do with taste. Some of the "top" solo bass players make rather tasteless music that is based around technical showboating. Also, in a band situation a great technical player can definitely overplay a part. I much prefer the more laid back, groove oriented approach of guys like James Jamerson and Stu Zender. Give me groove over notes per second any day.
  23. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='257386' date='Aug 7 2008, 04:57 PM']who else is wondering if its possible to play upside down! great bass![/quote] Totally doable I'm sure, though I personally couldn't brink myself to to start adding strap pins to the body....
  24. Glad to see this thread attracted some attention! All the best, Rick
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