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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. I think it was a case of 'hey man , you had to be there'
  2. Punk in essence was an enabling movement for the youth of the time that felt sidelined or excluded from 'mainstream' society. It was also very encompassing and covered a wide genre of music that seemed to gel under the punk banner, Ramones , Jam, Stranglers, Pistols, Elvis Costello, Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds, to name just a few diverse acts. Was it a good thing ? well ask anyone who was a true follower and you will generally find they still consider themselves a punk now. It would be wrong though to think that followers of punk (music , fashion, ethics) were punk exclusively. I watched the Ramones at the Free Trade Hall one week and returned a few weeks later to watch Weather Report.... Diversity is always the key.
  3. Prosebass


    [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1328976356' post='1535560'] So many different DOD chorus pedals. It's like they came out with an original and made small changes to it and re-released it every 6 months.. [/quote] Check this lot out [url="http://www.americaspedal.net/fxlist.html"]http://www.americaspedal.net/fxlist.html[/url]
  4. Prosebass


    Found the one I had on't tinternet. I remembered it was a 4 control unit but not the 'Ice Box' It was a DOD FX68 and was very controllable.
  5. Prosebass


    [quote name='The Walloper' timestamp='1328834319' post='1533637'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165555-dod-fx62-bass-stereo-chorus-l30-shipped/"]http://basschat.co.u...us-l30-shipped/[/url] [/quote] Thats very inexpensive !!! [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1328865967' post='1533791'] Is the FX 65 the 'Ice Box Stereo Chorus', the sparkly blue one? - If so, I used this as my primary chorus pedal for 4 years and miles better than most bass chorus pedals I've used. Seriously a good unit and far superior to the FX62 Bass Chorus. [/quote] But after reading this I may be getting confused ? must be my age.....
  6. Prosebass


    The DOD FX 62 Stereo Bass Chorus was a pedal I regret seliing and now fetch silly money on ebay. I replaced it with a DOD FX 65 Stereo Chorus which seemed as good although it was designed for guitar.and these can be had for a reasonable price. Paul
  7. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1328220447' post='1524132'] Swearing or not the courier thing is [i]not[/i] the issue, though some of you seem to be latching onto it. I'm just really annoyed that the seller conned me, for that's what it seems. I had, if you'd read the post, stated that I was more than prepared to go down and collect it. It's just another ebay stiff-over and I'll get over it. Just wanted to lose some frustration in type. [/quote] Try not to get mad about it. I know this may be difficult, but he is the one who is smiling and you are the one who is angry. You cannot change the situation so just put it down to experience. There majority of people on ebay are good and honest, and I have met many great people buying and selling gear. I am sure you will find another and on the plus side you have saved a trip down the M6 to Birmingham which is never a bad thing
  8. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1328259384' post='1524409'] If you want a less intuitive three-finger style to help finger dexterity, check out the videos by jazz-rock bass player Percy Jones - google Percy Jones and Bass Exploration and you should find it easily on Youtube [/quote] I would second what Clarky has said, watching Percy will show you a whole new world of technique , not just 3 finger !
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1327654663' post='1514703'] Is this troll-inspired thread really still going on? Jimmy the SWP Fan-boy was clearly just seeing how far he could push a piece of arrogant tripe before he got flamed. Well, now he knows, and we know. Move on people, nothing to see here. [/quote] What is an SWP ?
  10. Have a look Artec
  11. [quote name='Jimmyp28' timestamp='1327450310' post='1511631'] Most people will hate this and yes am opening up a massive can of worms but I feel like I have to do some thing about what I personally believe to be the capitalistic and elitist. motivation behind some of the big names in the bass world these days, and yes this is one of them rants errrm I mean open discussions for intellectual debate. So this is my problem, companies like Fodera, Wal and kevin smith and to be honest any other maker who care to charge a ridiculous amount of money for there product, claiming that the price is justified. [/quote] Well Jimmyp28 it would certainly appear you have, and as a builder of basses with many happy customers I felt I must add my comments to the debate. I think the bass makers you cited are a bad example of what you term 'capitalist and eliteist' Why ? well especially in the case of Vinny Fodera whose basses reflect the amount of time that goes into making them. As he states on the Fodera website [quote][font=arial]We hope that you will visit here often as this section of our website will become, over time, a family album of sorts. Since no two Foderas ever turn out exactly the same way and we live with them for the many months it takes us to build each one, we wanted a place to preserve our family history and share it with you.[/font][/quote] If his basses are for a certain customer and they are happy with the prices then I see no problem. Also what is not costed into mass produced basses is the relationship between the buyer and the maker, My own record on a £500,00 custom bass was 50 emails from a customer regarding details of the build. This all takes time and in high end instruments is factored into the cost. Speak to any bass maker and they will tell you they are not in it for the money but for the pleasure of making instruments for people. Yes some are 'well off' but they have achieved that through graft and skill. If they had been an accountant or a lawyer they would be 10x better off..... I feel it is a priviledge that people entrust their money in me to build them a bass. I do have a different ethos in that my basses are not high end but are tailored to what a customer wants (or entrusts me to create for them) and are inexpensive. But like a Fodera they reflect the amount of time I put into them and I come out with an hourly rate around the minimum wage. The arguments surrounding other aspects of bass manufacture such as wood supply, far east labour rates and the enviromental problems from factories are manifold and way too complex for a simple answer here. But I would suggest talking to a few bass makers and if you see thier workshops and balance sheets you will see that they are not on any capitalist bandwagon. I would add that I and many others on the forum have played some high end 'boutique' basses and not been impressed, whatever the price. Conversley their are some great basses irrespective of price, its just a case of each to their own, there are no rights or wrongs.
  12. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1327160020' post='1507219'] Am I correct in thinking this is capable of receiving a single stereo audio channel for recording? [/quote] Hi this should answer your question as it depends on the driver types your DAW or recording software is using. [quote] [font="Arial,Helvetica"]Beneath the input channels there's a separate Record Source switch, where you can select either CD 1/2, Line In, Phono/Mic In, Digital In, or their combined Mix signal. To create this mix, each channel has a fader that operates over a 45dB range to set relative recording levels, while each slider 'slot' displays pre-fader levels in the form of a peak-reading meter. Each channel also has monitor Mute and Stereo Link buttons.[/font] [font="Arial,Helvetica"]This is the limit of your I/O choices if you're using the MME drivers, since they appear to applications as a single stereo input and output both labelled 'DMX 6Fire Wave', but you can use the mixer facilities to record any one of the different inputs, or a combined mix of them all. In [i]Sonar[/i] the WDM drivers appear as a one-in/three-out device, again with a single stereo input, but this time with separate access to front, rear, and centre/LFE outputs.[/font] [font="Arial,Helvetica"]However, as I suspected, a far more versatile range of I/O options appeared once I launched [i]Cubase VST[/i] and investigated the ASIO 2.0 drivers. This time you get five discrete stereo sources, namely CD In, Line In, Phono/Mic In, Digital In, and Mix In. There are also four discrete stereo outputs to be found in the VST Master Mixer panel, named Front, Rear, Center and Digital, and you could use these either as intended for surround sound, or as a general-purpose eight-channel output configuration. [/font] [/quote] Additionally it has an RIAA pre-amp on the phono input for a moving magnet pickup which is great for re-mastering vinyl using the Sound Laundry software that is included. You can also directly plug your computers CD / DVD into the PCI board. I considered putting an XP machine together again just to use this unit as it is so versatile and doesn't suffer the earth glitches I get with my USB / Laptop combination. cheers Paul
  13. First thing to note with this unit is you will need a system running either Windows 98, 2000, XP ,a spare pci slot and a 5 1/2" drive bay. It will not work with Vista/7 , there are drivers available but I cannot get them to work with it. Some people have but I haven't if you want to try then don't ask for a refund if you too are unsuccesful. As such it is a great unit if you have a 'legacy' or older system running XP, and is still a very capable performer with a very good input / output panel. One big plus is Audio and Midi in the same unit. It has 24-bit / 96 kHz converters with a signal-to-noise ratio better than 100dB Virtually zero monitoring latency (ASIO) RCA , Coaxial , S/PDIF, MIDI input / outputs Microphone / Instrument in Headphone Out Rear PCI panel has surround sound outputs. PCI board also has internal CD/DVD inputs on it. Comes with original driver / software CD Included software is Wavelab Lite Sound Laundry Cyberlink PowerDVD (6 channel) DMX 6 Fire control panel It is in excellent condition and much better than the majority of sub £100 usb devices. [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr02/articles/terratecdmx6.asp"]http://www.soundonso...erratecdmx6.asp[/url]
  14. Hi Guys I am indeed back on the forum and all PM's have been replied to. Been busy with paid work (making basses doesn't pay much trust me !) but I am now back in the workshop with a few orders and a 'new' idea in the pipeline. All the best for the New Year........Paul
  15. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1324308570' post='1472830'] MB1. "i believe the battery compartment requires attention as it does not accept current 9v batteries?" This'll be the Rare model you have to jump start off a 12v car battery then! [/quote] I will be totally pedantic at this point and confirm that 9v PP9 batteries have indeed got larger as a few years ago I had to enlarge the battery cavity on my 1981 Hofner SB7, and if like me you still enjoy looking at slides through one of those old plastic battery powered viewers you may also have noticed that that 1.5v 'C' cells have also put on weight. Has the world gone mad ?
  16. I saw John Martyn live at Glastonbury in one of the 'small' venues in either 1999 or 2000 sat on the grass in a tent about 10ft away from John. Can't remember if Danny Thompson was on bass but it was one of the most powerful and moving live sets I have ever seen and reduced me to tears..... 'No Little Boy' , would be my choice of first listening to anyone wanting to get to know JM's work.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1284139' date='Jun 27 2011, 02:25 PM']I work in advertising as my day job so call me cynical, but... If I'm in a band high-profile enough to be on the main stage at Glastonbury, then if you want your logo visible during my performance then I want something in return. That's how advertising works. And it would extend to everything not just the musical equipment I was using. Plus there's nothing stopping me from using the gear with all the identifying marks removed.[/quote] In that case you are cynical. Why should you get something in return ? surely the fact that you have chosen that gear to use is enough in itself ? By all means cover the logo's if you wish but to expect something seems a little churlish.
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1284047' date='Jun 27 2011, 01:16 PM']I guess along the lines of hoping that, if you play Fender on a big stage but cover up the logo, Fender will call you up and say "we'll pay you not to cover up our logo".[/quote] Still don't get it and never have. Sponsorship ties you into a certain brand and all that goes with it (cheesy endorsement ads in bass mags) Its not like most of these guys cannot afford to use whatever gear they want..
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1284023' date='Jun 27 2011, 01:02 PM']You know in this age of corporate sponsorship for just about everything there's a case for covering up logos from manufacturers who aren't doing you some sort of deal. I know if I was in a band big enough to be playing gigs like Glastonbury I'd probably have every logo from manufacturers that weren't supporting me in some way covered.[/quote] Surely if the equipment gives you the sound and performance you need you just use it ? Why does sponsorship need to come into the equation , or am I missing something ?
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1283505' date='Jun 26 2011, 11:10 PM']Is Glasto still called a Rock Festival? Kool, Streets, Beyonce, we're rocking out! Ok, Queens of the Stoneage now[/quote] Glastonbury has never been a 'Rock Festival' it is a 'Festival of Performing Arts' I have been appalled at the BBC's coverage this year with too many interviews , too many 'look at me' presenters and a totally slewed take on the whole proceedings. Glastonbury is not the Pyramid Stage in isolation but you would think so watching the BBC. Such a shame as they could of shown a much more balanced programme. Having been there many times in the past I have seen the demographic attending shift over the years. This has been reflected in the head-liners accompanied with a bigger emphasis on popular music and the Jay Zs , Tinie Tempas and Beyonces of the music world having more exposure especially on the main stages. The first time I attended in 1997 the Prodigy , Radiohead and Ash were the head-liners, and I stood and watched them all. If it had been 1995 I would not have been at the Pyramid stage as Oasis and Pulp were headlining. In 2000 I spent the entire festival at the Jazz World Stage with on one night alone, Reprazent, Groove Armada, Moloko, The Wailers, Nitin Sawhney, and Lynden David Hall appearing. Glastonbury has something to appeal to all whether it be Paul McCartney or U2 arriving by Helicopter or perennial favourites such as I am Kloot or Herbie Tree Head entertaining on small stages. I am hoping to attend next year and long may it continue.
  21. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1281720' date='Jun 25 2011, 12:28 AM']Mani really looked wired, but the Epi sounded fantastic.[/quote] He was wired the lucky bugger ! [quote name='JTUK' post='1282507' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:41 PM']Really really missing the point if you think it is just a matter of taste... but I shouldn't be surprised.[/quote] I'm with you on the whole U2 thing. Why don't you all join in with my new game ' Will it be P or a J next'
  22. [quote name='cycrowave' post='1282400' date='Jun 25 2011, 07:50 PM']time for a quick vent, about the dominance of radio 1 cretin culture, which not only is dominating the bbc coverage of glastonbury but also seems to be affecting the acts selected to play. from the bbc coverage you would be forgiven for thinking there were only about 10 bands playing, all of them meticulously selected by the big wig f*** wits that sit in bbc towers eating satans sh*t out of some other big wig f*** wits asshole. when i first went to glastonbury, there was a radio 1 stage. a place you could walk past and laugh at, on your way to watch cyprus hill at the pyramid stage. but there seems to have been a seismic shift and now like dan ashcroft predicted, THE IDIOTS ARE WINNING. turn your tv off im sure people will say, fine i will. but i remember when glastonbury was more than just a platform for mainstream culture, and in all fairness im sure there's great acts on right now that just arent being aired. its all just a bit meh.... but goddamn it, i wanna see the f'kin wu-tang clan set[/quote] I remember it well and saw a few agitated 'coppers' wandering past as Cypress Hill belted out ' f*** the police'...... Would I go now....doubt it, having enough trouble bothering to watch the BBC coverage
  23. I use a Stealth Plug USB interface into my laptop on which I run Reaper with various amp modelling software. Using the headphone out on the Stealth Plug I use my Sony hi-fi amp ( a Legato Linear model with just a volume control) and from this to my 80's Castle floor-standers. Virtually zero latency and a superb smooth sound at either practice levels or shake the walls down. I don't bother with bass amps or combos. Even when I played live years ago we honed our sound through a quality PA and used little in the way of backline gear.
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