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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. What a lovely Combo, a real blast from my past , have a bump whilst I have a think !
  2. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='718591' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:54 PM']The only thing that is frowned upon is showing off your new slap licks at full volume for 25 minutes![/quote] I thought it was compulsory ?
  3. [quote name='tarcher' post='716446' date='Jan 18 2010, 11:45 AM']Don't suppose Stradivarius ever used ply [/quote] true, but in the early 17th century he was the pupil of Nicolo Amati of Cremona Italy noted as one of the greatest double bass makers ever to live. Watch this space for an MDF bodied plywood necked Picobass I am putting together as time permits. Fitted with a top pickup and top electronics courtesy of Silent Fly [SFX] it will be interesting to see how it sounds and maybe put this arguement to rest with some solid (well MDF solid at least) evidence.
  4. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='717120' date='Jan 18 2010, 08:58 PM']Sounds like a bridge too far[/quote] £12.95 from my mate on ebay [attachment=40519:000_6294.jpg]
  5. [quote name='TG Flatline' post='716671' date='Jan 18 2010, 03:19 PM']Hi guys, I need to get some PCB's made for a few pedals I'm making at the minute, and I was wondering if anyone is a dab-hander at making PCB's or if they can recommend someone who is? I'm going to have a go myself if not, but if I can find someone else who can do so for me then so much the better Cheers! Tom[/quote] Have a word with Max , he may be able to help out [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=1210"]Silent Fly[/url]
  6. Bent Tin is good, obviously.... His 63 model (or is it a 60 ?) is still for sale at $45,000
  7. [quote name='Bassassin' post='708677' date='Jan 11 2010, 11:45 AM']You'll change your tune when you find out that John Hall from Rickenbacker bought the rights to Roden bass designs after the fall of the Soviet Union, and currently has a pack of legal attack dogs scanning this thread for the first hint of copyright infringement... :ph34r: Seriously - an updated take on that design would certainly be intriguing - so go for it! Headless. Apart from anything else, it would make it more stable - the original design must have neck-dive from hell. J.[/quote] Probably got Russian Mafia links , so I wouldn't want to go there The responses do make me wonder though, nobody has said 'if it sounded great and played great who gives a f*** what it looks like' Looks like the bass fashion victims have been outed
  8. [quote name='silddx' post='706882' date='Jan 9 2010, 06:45 PM']You do realise this is Prosebass's new model? [/quote] Bugger, Sussed !!! I was thinking of making one for myself.
  9. [quote name='paul h' post='706515' date='Jan 9 2010, 01:20 PM']Fixed it. [attachment=39706:bassdesign.jpg][/quote] Nice one Paul, any chance of a series including Zebrano ?
  10. [quote name='josh3184' post='705985' date='Jan 8 2010, 08:22 PM']oh wow that'd be fantastic, I'd contribute for petrol this time though![/quote] Its a date , will be in touch.
  11. That is one scary video and I don't mean the playing !
  12. I know we all like to vote on things so whats your opinion of this ? I love it.
  13. [quote name='josh3184' post='705850' date='Jan 8 2010, 06:24 PM']any lefties making the journey? Came last year but twas pretty much just me [/quote] Hi Josh I could provide transport for the two of us if you fancy taking your amp and cab ? Paul
  14. [quote name='pal1972' post='700377' date='Jan 4 2010, 12:40 PM']prosebass - thats exactly the look i'm after! how does/did it sound when finished? worth while project or not?[/quote] I built it for a customer who wanted a bright red fretless Precision with Gold hardware. As for the sound it was really good , similar to a Squier but darker (probably due to the Artec pickups which are much better than stock Squier) Give it a go, you never really know what a bass will sound like until you have built it , and a decent Pup will make a bigger difference than different body woods...
  15. [quote name='angelboy' post='700303' date='Jan 4 2010, 11:10 AM']I do hate it when I post an item at a price and then get shot down by people who have either no interest in buying, ill informed on current values or are simply jealous. This then has an effect on potential purchasers who may have been willing to pay the amount advertised. I think these posters should have a 7 day ban until they learn to keep their hi-jacked messages out of the classified sections. If they feel really strong about it then they should start a new thread in the General section and away from the selling thread. Afterall, if they butted in like that when I'm negotiating a deal with someone in public then I'd probably knock them on their arse.[/quote] This is an excellent point and postings to a sale thread that dispute the price or say things like " I think you are asking too much I bought one for £xxx " should lead to a warning for the poster. Anyone is able to ask whatever they want for an item and it should have nothing to do with anyone else. People are happy to pay different prices because of many factors and an item is worth whatever price you can realise for it . Basically if you are personally not interested in purchasing the item yourself then leave alone and don't post.
  16. I am sure I have used one with a de-fretted Squier Neck and seem to remember it wasn't basswood (Lime) The finish was very good but the body was a little slim compared to a Fender. The pickup I used was an Artec Giovanni Vintage. A note of caution though, lining the pickups and scratchplate up with the body cavity and neck may prove interesting as it did with me so don't expect everything to fit together without some work trimming and routing but you may be lucky. [attachment=39295:Precisiom_Small01.jpg]
  17. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='699555' date='Jan 3 2010, 02:16 PM']time to go and play my BASS..[/quote] Nice concept....not sure it will catch on.
  18. [quote name='Hutton' post='699509' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:48 PM']You see, I just don't get it when someone posts in a dergotary fashion to criticise something that someone else enjoys. If you don't like something, and you want to express your opinion, just say it's something that doesn't do it for you. Or better still say nothing at all. To incite fans of something by using language which is obviously geared to inflame said fans is inviting argument and heated response. Of course, that may be the intention of the post. Let me put it another way: Grow up and live and let live![/quote] Does this apply to all subjects or just bassists ? I would prefer to see reasons as to why people don't like something, but then how would you explain a dislike ( or a like) of Jedward ?
  19. [quote name='MSL' post='699498' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:44 PM']Well I enjoyed it, great playing and lifted my spirits this afternoon. Thanks for posting the clips guys. Horses for courses.... I found the Dizee track unbearable, but then I find all that genre unfathomable carp, don't like having someone shout their opinions at me disguised as music. And before any self righteous zealot screams racist, John Cooper Clarke was doing the same thing in the late 70's and that was 'king awful too.[/quote] You racist zealot you....'unbearable' 'carp' how dare you ? wash your mouth out young man and don't ever use such terms on a forum again. Lets discuss puppies and kittens again....
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='699475' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:30 PM']In my world there's considerable difference between saying that you don't like something or that it doesn't float your boat and labeling it lame The interweb however is a flawed medium for expressing oneself.[/quote] Indeed , much better in the pub face to face where you can punch the person you disagree with
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='699473' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:27 PM']Is Carl Colin's brother?[/quote] Carl , Colin , it all sounds the same to me....
  22. Are we not missing the point of debate here ? If you only give an opinion on things you like we would all turn out to be back-slappin sicophants. I see no problem with dissing something if it doesn't float your boat. In the thread on Hootenany there were some rather derogatory remarks about 'the black guy' and not wishing to mention him by his 'silly name' but thats just opinion , not one that I can comprehend but I didn't have a go at the poster for expressing it. I think Dizzy is superb and has been a breath of fresh air especially with his collaborations. Personally I think the clips of Carl Hodgkinson were pretty lame and he comes across as a frustrated lead guitarist and it looks like he is still at it..... But his fans like him obviously , which is all that matters I suppose, I would rather poke pins in my eyes.....
  23. [quote name='umph' post='692403' date='Dec 23 2009, 03:41 PM']this is the little 5 watter i've completely rebuilt, really needs a tidy up since its essentially just been a test bed, currently it has a 6SL7 for the pre valve and a 6v6 for the output, and volumes between each stage and a deep switch. It also has a post transformer DI so if you run it on a dummy load it can be ran straight into a power amp or another preamp which is great for recording or having more control of your distortion sound live. i'll have to do some pictures of them in their proper enclosures when they're built, i'm getting them down hiwatt style but in racing green with gold pin striping and massive logos - gonna look the absolute dogs dangleys i can't wait![/quote] The 5 watter is so good looking and simple , excellent work, I am sure you will get some intererested parties asking for one of these to be built for them, me included.... Have you tried cable lacing using waxed lacing twine ? When I installed telecom cables, MDF's and panels we laced them, in the good old days of British Rail when things were done slowly but properly. It is by far the most time consuming but nothing compares for looks... Merry Christmas
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