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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='453510' date='Apr 3 2009, 04:55 PM']Gotta watch those charismatic German leaders though.[/quote] Its not been the same since Helmut Kohl retired
  2. [quote name='Buzz' post='453452' date='Apr 3 2009, 03:54 PM']As a side tangent: Anyone got an old car? If yes, hold onto it for now, the Gov' are on the verge of releasing a new scheme to bolster business and to get newer greener cars out on the roads in place of the bangers. Apparently they're planning on offering 2.5k for an old banger, I've no idea what they've classed an old banger as, but I'd presume it'll be pre-2001 cars or something similar, but considering a brand new car can be had for about 6k these days, and you could be getting £2.5k for a car worth £500, I'm waiting to see what happens as a new car for 3/4k on which the depreciation will be minimal is a good thing. Also, I've managed to start all these paragraphs with the letter A.[/quote] The Germans brought the scheme in a while ago , which is why VW had their best Feb sales figures ever and our guys are either redundant or on short time.... British Politicians.......useless.
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='450994' date='Apr 1 2009, 12:02 AM']Ped and I have been approached by a well known bass publication and have recieved a cash offer plus a percentage on advertising in return for signing over the forum database and Basschat brand. We've thought long and hard about it and decided that with the personal attacks we've both had to put up with in the past and the limited funding we get from the site, its probably for the best. So from May 1st, Basschat will have new owners. The advertising and direct marketing will probably increase quite a bit but, simply put, the forum has to pay its way. Essentially you'll all see Basschat transformed from a voluntary effort to a grounded business. We'll be keeping the same moderating team and staying on as advisors for a few months but after that it will be up to the new owners. We'd like to thank you all for your support and contributions over the years and hope the forum continues to grow and improve.[/quote] Good rouse chaps unfortunately like many I read threads backwards and never know what day it is anyway....
  4. Bought a large quantity of used strings off Geoff for trying different gauges on my "project short scale" Fuss free transaction cheers Geoff
  5. I came to the conclusion that all magazines are just a sales vehicle for manufacturers and stopped buying them ages ago. And that is across the board whatever the subject.
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='448383' date='Mar 28 2009, 08:48 PM']Thx Paul - my photo skills are pants![/quote] Basses are just a nightmare to photograph....
  7. Here are some more pictures to help the sale along.... I think Argh would like this one as he likes these necks, someone want to point him in this direction ? EDIT. Photo's are before Clarky received the bass hence no Fender Logo which was fitted by Clarky. Paul
  8. Just bought a bridge off Duncan, excellent trade , good guy to deal with, Thanks.... Paul
  9. [quote name='whizzzy' post='447411' date='Mar 27 2009, 03:41 PM']Thanks for the responses. I had already spoken to their service department and as you say they were very helpful. They suggested it may be one of the internal fuses but my experience is that if a fuse does blow with such force then it is indicative of other problems. It won't be a problem to repair the amp, I am just trying to go as best prepared as possible in order to avoid having to bring the amp home and thus shipping it back again. All the best, Col[/quote] You may be lucky and it may just be a internal fuse (they do wear with use believe it or not) If the fuses blow immediately on replacing them the most likely culprits will be the output power transistors. Over time, again with use they can go short circuit and will overload the input hence blowing the fuses. The actual power transistors will cost about £3.00 each or less and its an easy job to replace them for someone qualified if you are proficient at such things. You may be able to get them from Maplins if there is one close by. If you do the job yourself don't forget the thermal paste. Paul
  10. Chris called round the other night to have a natter and to collect and pay for the Forth Bridge Precision which he bought unseen and unplayed. Totally a man of his word. Cheers Chris now you own 2 of my basses you are officially my number 1 customer and will receive a Christmas Card this year.... Seriously ...... a top bloke to deal with
  11. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='445480' date='Mar 25 2009, 09:51 PM']These aren't cheap but they're pretty good apparently: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44861"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44861[/url] And IIRC, Prosebass has some interesting Artec pick ups that he fits in his custom build basses. Have alook here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=71"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=71[/url][/quote] Thanks for the plug but I have stopped importing them to concentrate on building. The Artec Giovanni Vintage range are superb for the money I do have a few Jazz Bridge pups left, but that all.
  12. Ronseal's Antique Oil is a mixture of Tung oil and Resins that I have used a lot successfully. You can build many coats up by thinning the first few coats with Methylated Spirit to get full penetration. You can purchase it from most DIY stores in small tins. It polishes up well on its own (due to the resins) but is better with wax. It will however darken the wood slightly. A little used oil is Olive oil which is excellent and won't color the wood much, ground-nut oil is similar. I think the only oil I have not experimented with is engine oil !
  13. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='440085' date='Mar 20 2009, 10:36 AM']Seems like a nice fella to me. I remeber the Scientology interview he gave outside a Scientology centre. I think Scientology is a cult that rips people off, and the journalist was being pretty harsh on him, but he just cam across as a really nice fella. As for his playing, its not my cup of Tea. Technically, he seems great, and he clearly loves to play. He got much more passion than most "technical players". Seems passionate about bass which can only be good. I get the impression that if you told him you hated his music, he'd take it on the chin without being a dick. Billy Sheehan - he's alright by me.[/quote] Has Tom Cruise been round to yours for tea ?
  14. Pm'd re Carlsbro.
  15. send a message to John East in the the affiliates forum I'm sure he will be able to help you out.
  16. [quote name='Linus27' post='439437' date='Mar 19 2009, 05:05 PM']Right, here goes, is that not just the same sort of thing as Maria Carey/Christina Aguilera doing all that voice warbling and vocal w*%£^^*%g. Is this just not fret w*%£^^*%g on a bass?? Runs and Hides to the safety of my flame proof bunker. [/quote] you better hide well calling Christina.....whats wrong with you ? [quote name='The Funk' post='439514' date='Mar 19 2009, 06:14 PM']Personally, I think Mariah Carey is an exceptionally good singer - who sings exceptionally boring songs. And hey, one person's w***fest is another person's bukkake party.[/quote] Bukkake bass....! no thats wrong. [quote name='rOB' post='439611' date='Mar 19 2009, 07:32 PM']I reckon that he's a talented man who makes music that loads of people enjoy which is great and shows that he's connecting with people and that's what music is for isn't it? having said that I don't really like the music he plays.[/quote] Agree totally , respect the man, music leaves me cold.
  17. Has anyone any experience with this combo. There is one on ebay at the moment but it will mean a day out and £50.00 in fuel to pick it up so any comments welcome. I only need it for home use and the odd bass bash, practice round a mates etc...
  18. Check this out ! Its actually a 1 x12" 60 watt combo but what a cool looking amp with a built in LFO control !!! I had a look at one of these in the late 70's early 80's but went for a 150 Watt Yamaha Beast instead. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=110363539866"]Guyatone Zip[/url]
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='436577' date='Mar 16 2009, 08:09 PM']Finally just to throw a complete spanner in the works, here's a picture of a bass that several people have described as having a good woody tone: It's made almost entirely out of aluminium - the only wood is two pieces on the back of the T section that forms the neck/fingerboard and they might well not even be hard wood and their function is simply to provide something that is easy to shape for the back of the neck.[/quote] As I said earlier , in a blind testing you would never guess this bass was metal !
  20. If they have non of their own gear then no I wouldn't. If a friend had a bass in for repair / stolen ! or his / her amp had blown I would as a one off and that is it. If she has no gear you are on a slippy slope as she will see the bass as hers to use as she pleases. I'm sure if you explain the sentiment behind your bass she will understand and as others have said if she is serious she will buy one. Lots of cheap good quality basses about.
  21. Hi Kev what will you be using the speaker for (and don't say bass guitar) is it for practice low volume or will you need to gig with it ?
  22. [quote name='JohnSlade07' post='433648' date='Mar 13 2009, 02:00 PM']Blimey! When I see things like that it makes me realise what a limited, meat and potatoes bass player I am. It also makes me realise that (sadly) I kind of see myself as a bass player with a "tradtional role" rather than a musician first and foremost (if you see what I mean). Mind you it also makes me realise that I'm still most impressed by great bass playing within great songs e.g. Mr Jamerson. Just my perosnal taste I guess.[/quote] Nothing wrong or sad with "meat and potatoes" playing or "traditional" roles in a band. Do you think any pub / club would book this lot ? (apart from a bassist convention or gear show) its bass playing for bassists. I'm a bassist of sorts and even I can't watch that. And before anyone jumps down my throat I didn't use the word "crap" they are all obviously accomplished bassists but this sort of thing does nothing for me. Bit like a basschat bass bash with a drummer ! I'll find my own way out....
  23. The little eastern guys at Behringer like to use the word "Harrow" when referring to "arrow" keys... I need to get out more I know....
  24. Computer Music magazine has a free suite of DAW stuff (plenty to get you started) to use for recording. If you are using a microphone you will need either a USB interface or a PCMCIA audio card to plug in the cardslot in your laptop. Built in soundcards are notoriously crap. Another easier alternative is to use one of the new crop of digital recorders something like [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Home_&_Studio_Recording/Digital_Multi-Track_Recorders/Hard_Disk_Recorders/p6616.aspx"]this[/url] That way you can concentrate on your music instead of buggering around with a laptop.
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