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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='236182' date='Jul 9 2008, 10:33 PM']It's a fun instrument although it definitely helps being a guitar player too, to get your head round how to use it. It's 26" scale which make sit just a touch longer than a normal guitar and currently strung with some quite heavy strings. The electronics are quite 'guitar-like' volume, tone with a pull coil tap, pickup selector and fairly hot humbucking pickups, but the tone is very bassy even with the tone on full treble! Since I bought it, I've been revisiting some of my Peter Hook-style bass lines that I always thought would sound good with an 8-string and reworking them for a mixture of octave and unison. It allows me to play the main bass in a more bassy octave and then add the top end on the piccolo bass. I've been getting some interesting effects by swapping between the two lines being an octave apart and then going to unison and occasionally dropping a 5th between them. Here's full photo of the Manne piccolo bass (It's called a Mandobass on the site) [/quote] Hi what are the string gauges on this ? and what do you have it tuned to ? Wish I had known you had this would have loved to have seen at at the Nottingham Bash Paul
  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='422870' date='Mar 2 2009, 07:08 AM']Oop! My misinterpretation, sorry. [/quote] No apology necessary, after a few posts that got out of hand yesterday I think "rhetoricical" and "irony" should be barred from the forum... Back to the wood ..... it would be interesting to do a side by side test with identical components necks etc but different woods. I always find it strange when people give advice as to what tone a certain wood will give. Indeed woods have different tonal attributes but as with any musical instrument the tone is a sum of the parts. Its a pity that no real scientific research has been done into this.
  3. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='422849' date='Mar 2 2009, 01:01 AM']I just got back from a gig where we got requested by some drunk punter to play 'With or Without You'... I laughed to myself, thought of this convo and politely declined Sorry if my own opinions got out of hand. It's all in good fun![/quote] Would you say "drunk punter" was your typical U2 fan.....
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='422574' date='Mar 1 2009, 07:31 PM']Because thats what a potential market, who mostly have appearances and word of mouth from over excited new owners to judge these instruments by, expect?[/quote] Sorry I wasn't asking ,it was a rhetorical question.
  5. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='422804' date='Mar 1 2009, 11:41 PM']I'm a bit weary about all this. You made a point of your altruism in going to a bass bash and I responded with irony. No I'm not casting aspersians and as I did say you are undoubtedly a decent guy. You choose to take 'great offence', I can't possibly cause it. That's entirely with you. I too have been around the forum for a while, and both it's precursors. It owes me nothing. I play bass to a fairly low standard, started late in life and yet get a great buzz out of standing my ground and doing my bit with other like minded musicians (oh and a drummer). I have met a great number of fine people both on this forum and others and to be honest I've not fallen out with anyone to my mind although me being me has created some 'artistic differences' along the way. Such is the beauty of life. I wish you all the best with your bass 'business'. Peter[/quote] I,ve deleted my reply and read your initial "w**ker" comment and will hold my hand up that I "misread" the post. You are not the only one getting weary ! As was stated earlier Irony doesn't seem to go down well on the forum....one of the problems with posting comments and not being able to see the person commenting. I'm guilty of it myself so I suppose that makes us equal ? Be warned though I do wear my heart on my sleeve and say things exactly as I see them......I often find its best that way. thanks for the encouragement.... Paul
  6. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='422765' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:56 PM']If you think about what I said, I expressed the thought that unbidden jumped into my head on reading someone being imo unnecessarily quite rude to someone else that I know and value immensely. I was being honest in my unconscious process, not calling you a w***er. I don't know you and therefore reserve my judgement. Like most people you are probably a decent guy. If you feel fit to judge folk you don't know then fair be it. If you actually went out of your way to get to know people don't be surprised if you are proven wrong. You are undoubtedly my hero Did you perchance have any basses for sale? Peter[/quote] NB: Edited my original reply to the above as I misread the "intent" of it. (must stop ranting at people) Unless it was double bluff irony....now I'm confused..
  7. [quote name='4000' post='422748' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:36 PM']Like [i]any[/i] church.....isn't that what music is in a sense? Maybe it isn't to you but it is to many. Ask Lemmy.... For me, music is about being moved. That's all there is. Be it Bach or Motorhead, that for me is the whole point of it. Of course that in itself is subjective. However if you feel people have no right to be moved by music and to decide the music they like based on that premise, then I find that rather peculiar. It's easy to feel that your knowledge as a musician makes you superior to the average punter when it comes to listening to music, but personally I often wish I could still hear music like the average punter hears it instead of getting worked up about exactly how the part was recorded and what the bassist was wearing that morning. As for "heroes being slagged off" etc, you seem to have completely missed the point of what I've said. None of U2 are my heroes. It's nothing to do with that. The criticism seems based purely on personal taste. I have no problem with that. What the critics seem to fail to see is that (and I can't believe I have to reiterate this; I believe I'd already put forward a valid argument which you seem to be ignoring, maybe simply because you agree with the criticism), just because they don't like it doesn't necessarily make it crap, the same as just because they do like something doesn't make it good. It's only good or bad [i]to them[/i]. Maybe that's all that's important to some, but that's what bothers me, the "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" attitude. It's not really got anything to do with U2, it's a generic failing of perception in human beings that drives me to distraction, and is responsible for most of the crap in the world. I'm not a great fan of U2 buy they seem to have touched a lot of people and become very successful playing music they believe in. Personally I have no issue with that. Ironically, your Daily Mail comment is exactly what I'm talking about, as they're guilty of the same thing and it's the polar opposite of what I'm trying to say. Or did you miss that too?[/quote] The Daily Mail quote was Irony, and I have been known to play devils advocate from time to time. I agree with you entirely and we are probably trying to say the same thing. Everyone has an opinion , we may disagree, think they are misguided, cannot understand them or whatever but they can still think what they like and say what they like. I don't use the term "crap" to describe them, I do have strong opinions on Bono but in reality U2 mean very little to me apart from their weeks worth of free publicity from a sycophantic BBC. What I find strange is people coming to their defense by saying things like [quote]I find Adam's bass playing far more intersting within the context of the song than say listening to Victor Wooton or Jaco. To much noodling or fret w***ing and not enough substance.[/quote] which in itself is subjective !!!!!!! Its all got a bit Mary Whitehouse and I think its time to end this thread especially as I was called a "w**ker" , but hey I can take it without an army of fans to put the poster of that comment to rights ! After all its only music.....Mind you the Britney / Christina Top 20 special on TMF this afternoon was good..!
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='422581' date='Mar 1 2009, 07:39 PM']I read that reply to Below's very articulate post and one word popped into my head: w***er! I think you're spot on Jon, and that reply reinforced your comment one hundredfold.. Peter[/quote] Ouch ....seeing as that was my reply I guess the w***er was directed at me ? Seeing as some of this thread has been about how childish it is to call people names, it would appear you are just as bad as the rest of us, welcome to the club and thanks for the informed opinion on me.
  9. [quote name='jakesbass' post='422679' date='Mar 1 2009, 09:20 PM']That is certainly true, and I wouldn't be stupid and try to deny the legitimacy of others enjoying it, in fact vive la difference, it would be a boring world if we all liked the same things[/quote] That is the whole point surely and after all this is a "discussion" forum. Nobody is saying they are not successful but that in itself does not mean I have to like their music. The other 3 band members come across as good guys and talk a lot of sense. Bono just comes across as a member. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='422689' date='Mar 1 2009, 09:30 PM']Ooops, anger alert! We really aren't allowed to get angry - we're British ferchrissake. I've no problem with folk not liking U2 or any other band/artist. When people start to place personal attacks on people they don't know from Adam it all becomes something of the great British malaise that I used to come here to get away from.[/quote] The very fact that they are in the public domain means they will invite good and bad reaction from people. You do not need to know someone personally to form an opinion of them. People are judged by their deeds and actions you don't need to go for a pint with them to form an opinion. And as for those who feel this sort of debate is dragging down basschat....I don't think so. Its just one thread in many hundreds that have been discussed in the last 48 hours some childish , some banal, some informative and entertaining. Threatening to leave because of it really is childish. I for one drove a total of 5 hours and 260 miles yesterday to put a few faces to names at the Nottingham bash. Others much nearer couldn't be bothered. So you tell me who has the forum's best interests at heart.....
  10. Just to throw a spanner in the works on the wood aspect I played BigRedx's Born to Rock F4B at the Nottingham Bash yesterday. If you did a blind test on this bass you would be blown away and have no idea that the only bit of wood on it is behind the fingerboard. Hows it compare to a seasoned Fender ? better in my opinion and I make basses, certainly opened my eyes regarding design and sound. At the end of the day the body has a very limited effect on the tone. What you have is a taught bit of wire vibrating over an induction coil. A recent build of mine was a "Jazz Copy" with an inexpensive basswood poly body with an inexpensive Mighty Mite ebanol fretless neck . It was properly put together but what "made" the bass was its Q-Tuner pickup. If electronics don't play such a big role and its "the wood" then why do so many hand-built high end basses come with complex expensive pre-amps ? Wood give a bass feel and makes it look beautiful but the player, the construction quality, the strings and the electrics give it its sound. The best bedstead ever......
  11. Well this is good a discussion that doesn't center around "where should I position the mid pan pot on my next custom bass" [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='422445' date='Mar 1 2009, 04:34 PM']As in: [b]"Stop expressing your opinion on a public forum and get on with writing some songs yourself"[/b] ? May as well close BassChat down now then!! There was me thinking I had a right to say what I thought. What a silly man I am. [/quote] [quote name='liamcapleton' post='422475' date='Mar 1 2009, 05:34 PM']I've really got to +1 on this. I of course realise everyone is very much entitled to opinions, but if were to apply the logic of 'frontman = bit of a knob' to everything then you'd have to hate the Beatles, Gun's N Roses, Radiohead etc. I just don't think it should work like that. [/quote] Would you believe it I dislike the Beatles, Guns N Roses and Radiohead .....and I jest not. [quote name='BeLow' post='422480' date='Mar 1 2009, 05:43 PM']I think this is Basschat at its worst. I actually find the whole thing depressing and it is what has resulted in myself and others coming on here far less in the last couple of years. But hey who cares as long as you have exercised your free speech in order to slag something off and have a good rant about nothing much at all. Well done keep it up. Cheerio[/quote] Bye [quote name='4000' post='422528' date='Mar 1 2009, 06:30 PM']I think the point is they [i]move[/i] people, and that's something that is very difficult to quantify.[/quote] Bit like the Catholic Church then ? What I find very strange is members telling other members how they should be expressing themselves....surely thats up to the individual ? If your heroes are being slagged off then don't throw your toys out of the pram but put a valid argument forward as to why you like them. If others still think they are "crap" and say so then either agree to disagree or read your copy of the Daily Mail.
  12. [quote name='Marcus' post='422248' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:35 AM']Thought it was hilarious how one of the women (sitting in the aisle seet) just wan't bothered and was clearly thinking Tw@t !![/quote] I though they looked quite perturbed ! Anyone who wears sunglasses inside is a tw@t in my book...
  13. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='422169' date='Mar 1 2009, 04:06 AM']I also don't think it's remotely fair to slag Adam Clayton off whatsoever, or his choice of gear, or his technique. Technical credibility has nothing to do with anything if you're part of a band that you're happy in, have written timeless songs with and have made a friggin' fortune with. I'd prefer to be him than Richard Bona, that's for sure.[/quote] Its called free speech. We all reserve the right to slag off whoever we like whether the reasons in your mind are justifiable or not. And you reserve the right to reply. I think it is great that people speak their mind on these matters and if offense takes place then good. As a great politician once said "Nobody has the right not to be offended" I don't like U2 , never have I think Bonio is an arrogant c**t In his interview with Lauren Laverne he was up his own arse, condescending and sounded pretty ordinary in the songs they did. Even his own band members are very diplomatic in what they say about him. On Jonathan Ross he went into the crowd and laid across the laps of 3 women , it was creepy and even my Mrs said "who the f*** does he think he is" and that is exactly the question, who the f*** does he think he is ?
  14. The NME started going downhill in 1981...I haven't bought a copy since.
  15. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='420595' date='Feb 27 2009, 07:36 AM']Paul the everso helpfull and totally marvellous in every way Prosebass is taking the amp to the Notts bash this weekend if anyone wants to give it a twirl kind of bump. [/quote] I'm not that marvelous I have come home with it..... Its a quality amp with enough volume and presence for any pub gig. The built in compression is very effective and it has the bonus of a "crunchy" valve-sound and tube-drive with the COSM modeling . oh and a bump....
  16. Prosebass


    [quote name='Protium' post='421893' date='Feb 28 2009, 07:20 PM']Gone, parts now available: Body with strap buttons and neck plate (+ neck screws) Scratchplate with electronics (+ screws) Bridge (+ screws) Set of Schaller strap locks Offers...[/quote] What a f**king shame..... The bit I really don't get is people will post thread after thread about [quote]which Squier should I buy,[/quote] Or rave about a new bass that looks like a kindergarten toy, even the guy who endorses it doesn't look like hes enjoying playing it ! (you know the one) that probably cost £100.00 to make and the fools are going to pay £399.00 for one when its available. Don't get it ? but then I hate Mcdonalds, Disney and Coca Cola....must be me... Sorry you couldn't sell it mate , I have the same problem at the moment....
  17. Cheers Sam for the organising and thanks Simon for the strings... BigRedX's Born To Rock F4B was the most original bass I have seen since I first picked up a Travis Bean way back when. Surprising nice to play once I stopped plucking the strings the wrong side of the bridge....!!! Great to meet you all and thanks for the words of encouragement. I had an excellent chilled afternoon see you all again soon I hope. Seeing as the basses have been covered here are a few "people" pictures. They are in black and white as that carpet was giving me a headache... Paul
  18. Where do all their fans hide ? I've not met one person who likes them. And everyone I know thinks Bonio is a c**k !
  19. Basically if you get away without paying you are lucky. Anything declared on the custom slip under £30.00 will normally get through without question unless the customs and excise suspect the item may be worth more or you get the item marked "Gift" and it comes from Hong Kong or China, although not everything is checked just a percentage as the C & E don't have the manpower with postal items. Parcelforce are usually quite quick processing items with duty to pay and normally take 3 -7 days they handle all the EMS far east trade. Vat is charged at 15% and duty on musical instruments and parts is another 4% (or was last time I checked) so budget on 20% extra. Also there is a handling charge that is either £8.50 or £13.00 Worst case scenario is a £40 item that could cost £56.50 so 30% extra in total. It is worth taking this into account, my brother once bought some cheap Nikes from the USA and it would of been cheaper to buy them here. On the other hand I had a delivery of 15 bodies and necks and 2 full basses and didn't pay a penny in duty ! [url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000014&propertyType=document"]Useful Link[/url]
  20. [quote name='simon1964' post='421140' date='Feb 27 2009, 05:19 PM']I've got an old set of Elixirs lying around somewhere, which you're welcome to have![/quote] Unfortunately the 5 string won't be finished as I have just realised the Jin-Ho tuners don't fit ? well not to my liking anyway but I'll still cross your palm for the strings and fetch the bass for anyone to comment on. Will be fetching the Forth Bridge Precision and the Gazzumper Knee bass and Kennyrodgs Roland DB 500 combo. See you there cheers...Paul
  21. [quote name='ben_eat_pie' post='420294' date='Feb 26 2009, 06:34 PM']I have on offer: - Ashdown drive plus distortion pedal, - Aphex punch factory, - Ashdown mag 300 combo / or just the 15" blueline in it. Let me know if you're interested. Very short on cash at the mo, so a trade would be ideal! Thanks very much, Ben[/quote] PM'd
  22. I'm hoping to have the Lakland necked Jazz ready but have just remembered I have run out of strings. Could get some on the way or does anyone have a set they can sell me and bring to the bash ? Not too bothered what they are old / new ! just need to string it up . I do have some Elixir Nano B's but not the E, A , D, G 's....doh
  23. Drop Harrypotter a line I think he may be looking for something like this.
  24. Just some words of encouragement , good to see you having a go at this and learning as you go along. There is only one way to master this art and that is to do it.
  25. Maybe if you painted it green with a pink scratchplate and called it the Fleasitar you would have more interest I do sometimes wonder what planet I am [topic="41870"]on ?[/topic] If I had the cash spare I would, but I haven't so have a free bump.....
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