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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. I always thought Thunderbird 4 was cool !
  2. [quote name='Buzz' post='418068' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:53 AM']Gail Ann Dorsey?[/quote] +1 another case of "less is more" Saw her with Bowie in 2004 at Glastonbury. Alphonso Johnson gets my vote.....been everywhere , and dare I say it I always thought he fitted in with Weather Report better than Jaco as he didn't have an ego.
  3. One I built a while ago....when Q-Tuners were cheap....relatively speaking Jazz Body in Basswood poly coated Mighty Mite neck with Ebanol board Q-Tuner High Z pup Volume 500k Tone 250k with 0.47uf cap Schaller 3-D bridge Neutrik Jack Boy did it sound good [attachment=20990:n1137412...979_8880.jpg]
  4. [quote name='budget bassist' post='416612' date='Feb 22 2009, 01:39 PM']Aye, bar shall be open Any requests regarding food?[/quote] Pies.....
  5. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='417494' date='Feb 23 2009, 03:07 PM']Couldn't you just beat the f*** out of him?[/quote] The voice or reason ! Justice BBC stylee....
  6. [quote name='basswesty' post='417369' date='Feb 23 2009, 01:21 PM']Sorry to hear that Mark, Its the busiest I've seen that pub in a long time too. What a T***ER. I wouldn't be going back myself but I would arrange a third, turn up, demand payment (before setting up), get payment and get back in the car stating you are owed it... [/quote] And they will tell the local premises what you did and you are stuffed all round. Just put it down to experience and move on.
  7. Not band specific but business in general.... I got stung to the tune of 2 weeks work and £2500 cost in setting up a satellite showroom for my business in another persons premises. Despite handshakes and being very buddy buddy they did not staff the showroom as agreed , or promote it and it was left collecting dust as they had "changed business direction" and didn't even have the decency to tell us for months... Lesson: Get it in writing , even if its only £50.00 and get a signature. If they renege on the deal never deal with them again, simple rules so you never get stung twice. Don't badmouth them though, it reflects on you and may make others less likely to do business with you.
  8. The proof of the pudding and all that ! But the way Bass magazines are these days (I for one refuse to buy them anymore) could they be trusted to give an honest review ? or will the Fleabass advertising just be seen as another "income stream" Mind you the feature I like on them is the "geared tuners" ?????
  9. [quote name='ben_eat_pie' post='416783' date='Feb 22 2009, 06:16 PM']I'm guessing by "I don't collect gear" you mean no trades for effects. Love the look of this, In terms of reliability how would you rate it? Ben[/quote] 100% Being a leccy I took the cover off and its like new inside and is very well built. What you got as I may be tempted ?
  10. [quote name='2x18' post='416382' date='Feb 21 2009, 09:37 PM']Ey oop from a Leeds oldy Just out of interest Galaxy Music in Castleford ( Close to M62 ) have 2 brand new Italia Tipo basses in at £150.00 each, or they did have on thursday! Will.[/quote] Jeeez...they didn't go down well then ?
  11. Hi Grumble from a fellow lancastrian and welcome to basschat. Don't worry my bass playing has been going downhill for 20 years.... Cobbled motorway ? its still a dirt track past Chorley.....
  12. [quote name='YouMa' post='415947' date='Feb 21 2009, 03:33 AM']I luv em! Fantastic,the reason i play bass.[/quote]
  13. Superb good to see you trying something different , would love to hear the results. Its much more satisfying than just going and buying something. Paul
  14. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Orange-Bass-Cab-1-x-18-Rare_W0QQitemZ170302035251QQihZ007QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Orange 1 x 18" Celestion Loaded[/url]
  15. [quote name='artisan' post='414132' date='Feb 19 2009, 12:34 PM']i really liked your black jazz,it played very nice indeed & as mentioned above the scratch plate is a tad ugly but hey for £200 it's a bloody bargain.[/quote] beauty is in the eye and all that !....its actually sold now and awaiting the installation of a chrome humbucker in the neck position....
  16. [quote name='YouMa' post='413837' date='Feb 19 2009, 01:26 AM']What year were these made mate?[/quote] Not sure I think they were late 80's or more probably early 90's They are very well made and weight a ton for the size of it. I bought it off 2x18 a few months ago , he may have more details. I have a V-Amp pro on the way and I don't collect gear , otherwise I would be keeping it. Paul
  17. [quote name='Currrls' post='413911' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:31 AM']Hi could you give an idea of the size of the head. thanks[/quote] 17.5" wide 9" deep 7" high and rather light, with a carry handle to the top Paul
  18. I've some fresh practice gear on the way so this little amp needs to go.
  19. [quote name='noisedude' post='413441' date='Feb 18 2009, 06:02 PM']I'm a Westone kinda guy, which explains why they look so hot. The one with the carved top and control plate, what did that go for?[/quote] It was a private sale so it would be wrong for me to state the price on here.... cheers...Paul
  20. [quote name='nick' post='413103' date='Feb 18 2009, 02:41 PM']Ibanez Blazer cost me £90, stands it's ground with any Fender! [attachment=20478:1981_Ibanez_Blazer.jpg][/quote] I've played kennyrodg's Blazer which is identical to yours and must agree its as good as a Fender. But I think the point is being missed here. People don't buy things on a cost / performance analysis they just buy them because they want to , simple as. If you apply it to cars we would all be driving round in inexpensive diesels as they do the job of more expensive cars and make sense economy and price wise but when did sense come into buying basses. Its not a case of need, its a case of want. Plus with basses from Mr Shuker and ACG you can have the instrument built to your needs as opposed to mass market goods. Never understood why people spend so much on Fenders though apart from re-sale value and knowing what you are getting.
  21. Hi Chris thanks for the thumbs up on the bass and welcome.
  22. Sound like the neck needs a shim ? General rule of thumb is to set the bridge saddles at mid point and the neck as straight as you can get it. Check the action at this setting . If it is say 2mm at the 12th then insert a small (cig packet thin) shim under the nut end of the neck. This will raise the nut and hence the action. You can then make the final adjustment at the bridge. What is the action at the 12th with the neck straight and bridge midway ? Let me know and I'll tell you the best course of action Also measure the distance between the strings and the first fret when you have done this.
  23. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='412734' date='Feb 18 2009, 09:26 AM']I think it depends upon what is going on during the day. If its just a gathering to try out bass gear and look at stuff then 12ish-5ish I think is [i]plenty [/i]of time, if the plan is to have a couple of guest speakers then [i]perhaps [/i]a little more time could be handy, but I still think it probably enough for most people. You have to factor in that most poeple will have an hour or two travelling (at least) and even perhaps a hang over to nurture.... It has to be said that your ears do tend to start shutting down after a few hours of bass....its perhaps nice to break it up into a couple of talks for those who want a break from the slappity slap, boomady boom, so if it starts at 12, perhaps a first talk at 2 and then a second talk at 3.30 ish.... Just my thoughts Dave[/quote] Whilst I agree somewhat with the above, due to my "lack" of serious amplification at Harrogate people trying my basses couldn't hear themselves think let alone the basses, nor could I when playing Spoonbungs Wal even with headphones on ! If I had had more power then even more would have gone home with a headache ! With 12 - 17.00 by the time you have set up , milled around , tried a few basses , listened to a talk and had a raffle the day has gone. Maybe its not the time factor but the volume levels certain people were shoving out ! I have spoke to a few people and they though a few spoiled it for the majority at Harrogate. If we go that route we will all turn up with 1000 watt rigs and the day will be pointless. At the end of the day its up to Skelf because he has been kind enough to put this together. Paul
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