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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='392517' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:52 AM']I've no beef with short scale instruments or their players but I'm less convinced that a 'travel' bass in a shorter than 34" scale would be of much help to 'regular' scale players. I should think most would take a bass on hol. or similar for practise purposes and where's the point in practising on a bass that's so different to your usual one?? Something along the lines of a Hohner B2 is cheap to find used and is 34" scale - that would be more use to me. If scale length is to be sacrificed by players who normally play 34" for the sake of portability - why not go the whole hog and get an Ashbory?? Just my opinion - I'll be just as interested to see what Prosebass comes up with but I'd be thinking of it as a full time , portable instrument rather than a part time 'travel' one.[/quote] Good points and duly noted. Several manufacturers already offer excellent "travel" basses that are 34" scale which is why I am doing something different. I disagree with your comment [quote]where's the point in practising on a bass that's so different to your usual one??[/quote] as the 28.5 inch scale is just the same as a 34" scale bass with a capo on the 3rd fret ! I am designing and hoping to produce these as an addition to a bassists arsenal and not as an alternative. I see the Ashbory as a completely different animal as it is not fretted, has silicon rubber strings, half the scale length and sounds nothing like a "normal" electric bass. From comments I have received I think your opinion is in the minority (not that it isn't valid) and as with most business ideas you have to go with your gut instinct and try it. It may not work and in that case I will try something else. Cheers...Paul
  2. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='395349' date='Jan 30 2009, 01:02 PM']Hey, Paul (prosebass)...bit daft that we have to go to York to meet for the first time as we must live within about 5mins of each other..... hey ho Already sorted meeting going up with two others, otherwise we could have gone down in the one car...either way it will be great to finally meet up and see some of your gear.....Dave[/quote] Hi Dave sorry to have missed your gig last week as I got my dates mixed up no problem with the transport it would be a little squashed with all the gear , see you there...
  3. I'll be bringing 1 x Prosebass Jazz [topic="38583"](This one)[/topic] if not sold beforehand. 2 or 3 Basses I am currently building, one is rather whacky looking ! (think spoonbung build diary) Maybe a shortscale if I get it finished in time. My little practice setup Ashdown Perfect 10 Mini Stack Head and homebuilt 1 x 12" cab 2x18's Axxeman that I just purchased for all you distortion fans... Books and some bits for the auction.
  4. Martin McAloon Prefab Sprout His playing is a perfect example of "less is more"
  5. [quote name='henry norton' post='392110' date='Jan 26 2009, 08:46 PM']The ultra short scale sounds interesting although I would rather forgo the extra inch and a half if it really affected the sound - I suppose there is a practical limit to scale length before it really does end up like playing a bunch of elastic bands. The time might be better spent on a clever headstock design, like the Rickenbacker 12 string with the pegs mounted both flat and at right angles.[/quote] I've been experimenting with heavier string gauges to avoid the "rubber band" short scale syndrome. Using a heavier gauge keeps the string tension high and this combined with a very short stiff neck enables a low action. The flipside of this is I don't want a 4 stringer that feels more like a 5 stringer as to a lot of players it will feel wrong , so its a lot of testing and a balancing act between tension and gauge.
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='391925' date='Jan 26 2009, 05:06 PM']Cheers, that's brilliant info: if you make the Yorkshire BB we'll need to have a long chat.......![/quote] I'll look forward to that.... see you there
  7. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='391342' date='Jan 25 2009, 11:29 PM']Santa got me an Epiphone EB-0 which now has the thumping tractor of a pup you sold me in it (and yes you were right about it subtelty or lack of). I've managed to get a go of a few shorties as well since then and I like them all, far more satisfying for me to play than full scale basses. First rule of any serious project - 'it will always take twice as long as you first thought to do it properly' Amen. I look forward to reading your updates, and trying one of them out would be a pleasure I can even dump the missus off with some relatives in town Win win [/quote] Excellent I think the bass world needs more Mike Watts I wonder if his bass turned up after it was stolen ? Now this to me is bass porn !!!! forget you fancy woods and multi - laminates [attachment=19231:6a00d834...34_800wi.jpg] Just looks so good......and you don't need to polish it....
  8. In a word Yes ! Its not the cost that is the issue really. If you look after the kit it will give you years of use and be much easier and nicer to use with more consistent results. The main advantage is that you can thin out your finishing coats with say 20% paint and 80% thinners as this gives much smoother results as the thiners will "melt" the previous coat. Unlike spray cans though it takes a lot more looking after and you will need lots of thiners (buy it by the gallon / 5 liters) to keep the gun and nozzle clean. You can have custom colors mixed which is a bonus and if you prefer not to use nitro there are some good acrylic paints. You also need stuff like disposable filters to strain the paint and not forgetting a really good breathing mask. The main problem with spraying is where you do it and you will need a dedicated "clean" area. Cutting down on dust will save you hours of T-cutting later. As long as the delivery CFM is a good 30% higher than the gun capacity you should not have any problems. Bass bodies don't have a large surface compared to say a car so you don't need a huge compressor and the one in the ad looks just the ticket. They are also handy for spraying emulsion when you are decorating I used to restore and customize cars as a hobby so if you need any pointers just ask.
  9. Hi mate good to hear from you. Plenty to think about there and you are welcome to come and have a play with the first ones. What shorty did santa bring you then ? The project is taking a lot of time up as it needs to be done right both in respect of the quality of the bass and getting it right commercially. Will update with more info as soon as its available.
  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='390700' date='Jan 24 2009, 10:30 PM']ha ha yeah consultants, eh? Well some of us do run businesses ... and bands ... and are consumers and customers of bricks and mortar shops, music and otherwise. And... have objective and pragmatic views.. You really don't have to have done something yourself to have valuable input into whether it's a good idea. I agree with purpleblob .. If you have enough dosh to do that, go ahead and have a go. Another positive experience is Jam guitars in Bristol. Specialist individualistic guitar shop selling customs, one offs, specials and boutique amps and efffects things. They have the odd bass now and then. Though I am not privvy to their financial sitation they do seem to be doing OK. [url="http://www.jamguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.jamguitars.co.uk/[/url][/quote] Yeah bloody consultants..... Like anything else good one and bad ones. All I was getting at Si is that glib off the cuff remarks without substance, reasoning or example are pointless ! But then again there is a lot of that on here...
  11. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='390803' date='Jan 25 2009, 10:05 AM']Glad it worked out for you mate[/quote] Cheers Pete for the amp, it took about 3 hours (trip to CPC included) to sort it out. It will be fine as a little practice amp for home use, just got to put a 2 x 12" cab together for it. Appreciated mate. [quote name='Subthumper' post='391078' date='Jan 25 2009, 05:33 PM']I've had two ashdowns in to me for repair recently and would'nt have one for a gift. I got no reply from them in request for a guitar amp schematic and the build quality of the 1x10 bass combo was appalling not to mention the sound. Surely if they market themselves as an engineering company they should at least screw things together properly, and not use 10mm self tap screws to hold a speaker in place with. No wonder it was making a farty noise. Utter crap. There rant over. Cheers Just[/quote] The aforementioned Mini Stack Amp is quite well assembled using captive nuts to hold the chassis in. The heat-sink is more than ample and it was installed correctly with "heat paste" as were all the Power Transistors. The actual amp only takes up 1/3 rd of the case space so plenty of cooling available. The amp itself is a very straight forward design and build. For the price they were sold at that these amps are simple "budget" models so you would not expect them to do too much but are fine for practice or music sets where volume is not required.
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='390423' date='Jan 24 2009, 03:03 PM']Are you going to put a ProseBass logo on the headstock, Paul? Rich.[/quote] As most of the basses I have been building are one offs I have not gone down the route of "naming" them and I am not vain enough to insist on it. However I can put a Prose decal on it. My new basses that will be on the market in approx 2-3 months will be properly branded (Not Prosebass) as I will be looking to achieve brand awareness and the basses will be mass produced, well batches of 10 - 20 at least...
  13. [quote name='OldGit' post='387764' date='Jan 21 2009, 05:22 PM']Good luck but I think those days are gone .....[/quote] Whilst there is merit in good advice if everyone listened to the doubters with regard to any enterprise no one would be doing anything ! I personally wish vmaxblues every success in this venture and its our responsibility as a community to support him. We all bemoan the passing of family owned shops in our hometowns yet we all shop at Tesco. We watch our main streets decline yet we all shop on line ! Just to say "it won't work" or "those days are gone" isn't helpful and not constructive in anyway. With the correct attitude anything is possible it depends how hard you are prepared to work for it. A lot of people are happy in their "comfort zone" picking up a wage slip every month and would never risk anything to try a business venture which can be worrying , exhilarating and fun at the same time. I don't see how those people can advise someone else on running a company when they have never done it themselves. Its a bit like business advisers who have never run a company wtf !!!! Running your own business has a certain attractive edginess about it that is hard to explain. A friend of my was sacked as a director of a company last year when the other directors turned on him. He went straight out and started a new company. 12 months on he is opening his second shop in direct competition with the old company he worked for. And as for the company that sacked him , they are struggling and may go out of business. How did he do it ? bloody hard graft. Anytime is a good time to start a business you just gotta have a passion for it. And a last word of advice.....don't think everything in the bass / music world is reflected in basschat ! 80% of the basses I have sold have been sold elsewhere. (ducks and runs for cover.... )
  14. Saturday bump. This is also on ebay but I'm still open to offers or a trade for a small cab and cash. (I can arrange courier for the cab) Make me an offer and you never know you may get an absolute bargain............
  15. [quote name='Protium' post='390093' date='Jan 23 2009, 11:37 PM']ITT: Ashdown can't do anything right [/quote] Hmmm....thinking about it they knew what the problem would be so that says that they must have had a lot failed with the same problem. Usual reason for power transistors going is too low a load ie 4 ohm instead of 8 ohm but that should have taken out the speaker protection fuse which hadn't happened.So just crap transistors that had shorted over time with use and 4 years isn't very good ! The power transistors were 97p each !!!! and the amp was a 2004 model designed in the UK but built in China. Compared to a Fal combo I have just butchered for the amp there is no comparison in build quality as the Fal is hand wired and was built in 77 and although its hardly a wonderful amp its still working after 30 years. The Ashdown Mini Rig was always a budget amp and with all things these days built to a price.
  16. [quote name='Clarky' post='390082' date='Jan 23 2009, 11:25 PM']When I've a platinum selling album under my belt and am playing at the New York Palladium to an adoring crowd I reserve the righ to do this [/quote] I look forward to that, just let me know when you've done it and I'll build you another for free !! (providing you endorse me that is... ) Glad its working out for you, and yes the neck is chunky , but they are really solid.
  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='390078' date='Jan 23 2009, 11:18 PM']Hall of Fame, apparently [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jheisel/388160536/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/jheisel/388160536/[/url][/quote] Hope you are not thinking of doing that to it yet......
  18. Hi Randall (good amps !) and welcome to blighty basschat. You'll have to give us your impressions of the Mesa gear as we don't see much of it over here. You'll have to get used to our irony and not take offense at our insulting each other as its all in jest. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself and just think you'll be settling down after work and we'll all be lashed (drunk)
  19. I use a Korean bridge in my builds that is similar to the Fender HM bridge at a fraction of the cost. Odub and Deaver have basses I built for them with this bridge so you can ask them for an opinion also. The unit is approx £12.00 on ebay and they are available as standard or through body. What I did with one build was use this bridge and then upgraded it with Graphtech polymer saddles , total cost approx £45.00. Just an idea.
  20. At the end of the day kids it all depends what you want out of playing bass. I'm in the BBC's camp at the moment and its for enjoyment , in the past (30 years past) I was in the other camp and doing "Jaco" impressions. Against a bassist who is a pro musician I would consider my playing crap but I enjoy doing it which is the main reason for doing anything surely ? I've forgot my theory, my scales, my modes but still get pleasure from my fumblings......
  21. I've been repairing a dead Ashdown Perfect 10 Mini Rig head so contacted Ashdown Technical Services via email and they replied within 30 minutes with a full circuit diagram and a probable cause, which agreed with my diagnosis and we were both correct. 2 new power transistors at 97p each from CPC and a couple of hours work and its up and running again Great Service.... well impressed.
  22. hopefully I'll be able to fetch a few of my basses for trying out and for sale. I have a few really good bass books that I can donate to the raffle, The Bass Book, Entwhistles Bass collection etc if any use ?
  23. I tend to practice late at night into the early hours if at all ( not a morning person) What I worry about is that it is always accompanied with a nice bottle of Merlot or the single malt so probably not the best of states to practice in and I end up noodling , come up with half a dozen new riffs but have forgot them all by the next day ! I am not a structured person and tend to do everything spontaneously including my approach to bass playing.
  24. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='389594' date='Jan 23 2009, 02:28 PM']I actually think jazz can the most 'punk' of all musics; it can be irreverant and angry just as much as real punk was - it is just a bit more subtle about it. And it can be enormous fun but in a satisfying not a purile way.[/quote] +1 on that In fact if you think about all of music's "Bad Boys n Girls" a hell of a lot of them came from Jazz. A lot of Jazz musicians broke the mold as such and Jazz is full of addicts, nutters and psycho's (Bird, Chet, Jaco etc) probably much more so than "Punk" or "Rock" where I have always thought there was more gesturing than actual substance. (no pun intended)
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