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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='380036' date='Jan 14 2009, 10:12 AM']hey prose bass, if you could check what they have if you get a chance that'd be amazing, because i'm stuck at home ill with no voice at the moment! do you know whether they'd ship it as well? thanks, Matt[/quote] If they don't I'll do it for you. Will have a look in tomorrow and take some piccys for you of anything interesting, I've been meaning to re-acquaint myself with the owner as I haven't seen him since 1980...
  2. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='380884' date='Jan 15 2009, 12:25 AM']From an internet article totally unrelated to bass playing, but does crop up from time to time.[/quote] You been wikiing ? oo er mrs.....
  3. You might want to try these guys who have been in my area for 35 years. I bought my first "proper" bass amp off them in 1980. Underground SAI Primrose Mill/Friday St, Chorley, PR6 0AA Tel:01257 262447 If I get chance I'll have a look in for you when I'm passing as its 2 minutes from where I am
  4. Andy's Roctron amp has just arrived very well packaged. Good guy to deal with, cheers mate.
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='349531' date='Dec 9 2008, 11:24 AM']Good stuff, Waldo Prose, couldn't you just sell the bass here and ship the money? She'd then be able to get a reasonable bass in oz without the hassle and cost and tax and bluddy handling fee of getting it shipped .... of course if she's very emotionally attached to it that may not be a possibility. So .. who knows a way of getting cheap shipping <from> the Phillipines to the UK? I was talking to Reuel about an interesting bass his friend has but the shipping to teh UK was likely to be $250 ....[/quote] With relation to the first point yes selling it and buying in Oz makes sense but it is her first bass and sentimental. A recent quote I got from my man in China was $80.00 for a body and neck via EMS and I'm sure they operate in the Philippines
  6. [quote name='MB1' post='379183' date='Jan 13 2009, 03:34 PM']MB1. Greetings!....Son Of Derrick?[/quote] Or Jib.... I'll get me coat....
  7. Hi Leonard welcome on-board , not too many weird beards here but quite a few in covers bands, original is best I agree but it all goes towards paying the bills I suppose. Quite a few Wal players as well. The Kawai sounds interesting have you any photos ?
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='378873' date='Jan 13 2009, 12:21 PM']Somebody posted a page from International Musician dated late seventies with loads of prices for gear. An SM58 actually cost more then than it does now![/quote] Twas I, here it is again 1979 issue [attachment=18621:IMG_2108.JPG]
  9. [quote name='Mr.T' post='378669' date='Jan 13 2009, 09:47 AM']Thanks, So are you saying that the frequencies selected are not linear, i.e the 12 o'clock centre positions of the pots will not necessarily be the centre frequencies 450 and 3350? I am not just being anal here, I find it easier to work with things when I understand how they work, plus I can then transfer the knowledge of setting up the graphic on my Trace to the MarkBass amp.[/quote] The only way to find out is to do the check....they are probably log pots so the mid frequencies will be approx 1/3 of a turn. There are a lot of variables and each manufacturer is different so its just suck it and see...
  10. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='378598' date='Jan 13 2009, 07:46 AM']and I've got the gas for a Telecaster Guitar as a result... Picked up my daughter's Encore electric guitar over the break and I've been playing it more than my basses... I've had so much fun going back to stuff I used to do... power chords, blues licks... It's so much easier now having been playing bass... I now know where the notes are and what I'm doing rather than just blindly repeating licks out of a guitar magazine... I can come up with my own and they sound good as well... [/quote] Repent ye or be thrown to the fires of damnation........
  11. First bass was : 63 Ibanez in 1976 From :Big brothers mate It cost :free Which today is :£0.00 Yamaha 150 watt 3 x 12" powered bass cab and pre-amp secondhand in 1978 £210.00 equivalent to £898.00 now Hofner S7B £218.00 in 1982 = £575.00 now a Wal at the time was £230.00 = £603.00 Interesting to see 6d (sixpence) was worth £2.00 back in 1914....although my parents reckoned in 1948 they could go to the pictures and buy a bag of chips on the way home for 6d which is the same as 67p now.....cheap as chips
  12. Find 450Hz nearest to which is A4 (440hz) and 3350Hz which is almost A flat 7 (both mid points of the frequency ranges) and repeatedly play each note (easier with a capo) whist twiddling the associated knob and when the note is louder you can mark the pot position .
  13. Give it a week and Fender will have a "Road Worn" version of it out....
  14. [quote name='budget bassist' post='378356' date='Jan 12 2009, 10:20 PM']Looking cool Only things i'd change would be the hardware from black to chrome and i'd have used 3 or 5 ply pickguard material. I'd like to hear it when it's finished![/quote] The idea behind using 6mm perspex was so it would double up as a thumb rest for its entire length and make the bass easier / nicer to play fingerstylee. I don't like chrome ! it seems very bland to me lately
  15. And yet another thread resurrection.... French polish and speed knobs ! a man after my own heart Nice work , its always good for someone to show us their efforts and this bass looks excellent. Never been a huge fan of plastic coated basses (unless a solid color) Wood is always better when you cam actually touch it rather than a poly coated body. T-Cut ? wonderful stuff, I mix it with polishing paste and use a lot of it.
  16. Nice work Al , very impressive. Looking forward to seeing how the next one goes.
  17. There is some interesting snippets on Charlie Lobue on the [url="http://www.embamba.com/board/"]Alphonso Johnson Website[/url] He played a Lobue bass on Herandnu (Weather Report Black Market) killer tone , check out the overdriven sound at 3 minutes 12 secs. I have been looking for info for years but on the album credits they spell his name as La Boe.....
  18. [quote name='ziggenpuss' post='376729' date='Jan 11 2009, 12:50 PM']Hi Prosebass and Stoo. I have tried flatwounds, nickel and stainless steel, old string, new strings, all sorts of combinations really. I didn't notice the 'clank' with the flats but I prefer the zingyness of the stainless for the funk and slapping stuff, I've got flats on the other bass for soul, blues and reggae. Both bridges are set up to the same height, 3mm gap between fret and bottom of E string which I find comfortable all round, and the saddles are pretty much level on both bridges. I did consider if it was uneven frets that were the problem but the noise is just not there with the stock bridge, no matter how hard I spank it.[/quote] The stock bridge (bent tin) will not be allowing all the vibrations of the string and will probably be damping / deadening the highs / treble hence the more even tone and probably less sustain. If it works keep it on , that design of bridge has been good enough for some of the best bassists, Jamerson , Pastorius, etc..
  19. The Gotoh will just be dong its job properly ie providing a good anchor and good fixed saddle point for the string. Clangyness is usually down to your strings. If you slap and pop a lot have you considered flatwounds ? They generally give a more even tone without the brashness / zingyness of roundwounds.
  20. I have always had a soft spot for Acoustic having owned an early Bass / Guitar 120 head years ago that I should never of sold. Their design has never changed over the years and has a air of timeless class about it in a world of garish colors and gimmicks. Alas I don't think anyone imports the higher end gear unless someone knows otherwise ? [attachment=18478:567382.jpg] $399.00 for the whole rig. [attachment=18479:576808.jpg] $499.00 for 600 watts ! Cool or what ! [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/navigation?N=100001+203736&Ntk=All&Ntt=bass+amp&Nty=1"]Full info here[/url] And if you don't have a bad back....... [attachment=18480:576811.jpg]
  21. I hate acronyms and never use them either in a forum or when using my phone for messages. But WTF each to their own.....
  22. [quote name='Zach' post='376061' date='Jan 10 2009, 12:29 PM']If you have the time, I'd recomend going into london to give the bass gallery a visit. they're always helpful, and will let you play with whatever equipment you wish. Of course though, you'd get more bang for your buck buying second hand from here, but at least that might give you an idea as to your various options.[/quote] +1 to that If you gig a lot I would certainly look at the lightweight Mark Bass heads combined with a lightweight 15" cab and still have change from your £700.00
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