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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. Friday night pre drink bump.....I'll probably lower the price in a few beers.....
  2. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='359071' date='Dec 19 2008, 07:16 PM']Sorry - but it leaves me cold. Heretical as it may be it's just some aimless noodling - largely without any real point to it, it seems to me. To be honest he might as well be tuning up. Sorry but I just don't get it, and that's no diss on you guys that do. However... If you wanna a real man play the bass, check this out: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7_wGFfrJv4Y"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7_wGFfrJv4Y[/url][/quote] Thought it was April 1st for a moment there...unbelievable ! and I'm not referring to Mr Frustrated Guitarist's playing , if you can call it that.....but hey each to his own.
  3. [quote name='ARGH' post='359055' date='Dec 19 2008, 06:55 PM']Same with me and chorus,It reeks of 82 and too much hairspray. Sean,the thing is Fretless has SO many many social flaws,and has that SAAB driver sneer thing,so few players actually transcend that,and no-ones done it to any degree in Indie/Modrock. Its why I liked Japan,the lines were original. (see I didnt say 'Phrasing')[/quote] Now don't start slagging off "chorus" all the best fretless players use it apart from Percy.....who used a weird pedal that I think was called a "funny cat" or "funky cat" maybe thats another thread. I'm sure the BBC will see the light soon and be secretly buying a fretless bass and a chorus pedal off me and changing his name to Sean Palladino.... come to the dark side ......
  4. [quote name='rjb' post='359040' date='Dec 19 2008, 06:35 PM']Hi Prose, are you going to be making these on a regular basis? I'm not flush with cash at the moment having just bought a pile of prezzies, but I'd be very interested next year. Just looking for a basic waxed natural fretless P a bit like this one.... Cheers[/quote] PM'd
  5. [quote name='Chipps' post='358989' date='Dec 19 2008, 05:25 PM']Looks lovely... And I'm after a fretless at the moment. I was leaning towards a Squier VM fretless though as I have a Jap Jazz too. How different to a Jazz is it? Apart from a slightly thicker neck? Just off to my works Christmas do now, so I'll have to refrain from coming home drunk and snapping it up [/quote] In that case I will refuse to sell it to you later..... It has more bottom end, middle and growl than a Jazz but then different Precisions and Jazz's sound different and a lot is your fingers.... I had a Squier Jazz and until I put a J-East retro and uprated pups (about £150.00) it sounded crap and always felt flimsy. The Mighty Mite necks I use are a licensed direct replacement for Fenders and are much superior to Squier items. I build my basses to be played and although aesthetics are important I think sound / price ratio is more important. If you need some sound clips I'll try and get some posted later.
  6. Build diary and more photo's / info can be found
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='358709' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:19 PM']The worst thing about Jaco is the hordes of pale imitators he spawned - clever jazz dudes that can blow over Giant Steps like it's a 12 bar and skitter through 16th note grooves like they think they're super-Rocco but they do it all with no balls, no soul, no meaning. Blaming Jaco for those (not bad) cats is like blaming Hendrix for Yngwie Malmsteem. Alex[/quote] +1 to that It tends to be the same with a lot of pioneering musicians, in a band situation with equally proficient musicians they shine. But leave them to solo and it all goes Pete Tong.......I mean come on even bassists can tire of listening to bass solos...unless they are into "Jazz" And who wants to sound like someone else ? The thing is nobody sounded like Jaco before him and those who try to imitate may be playing the notes but they haven't got the soul.
  8. Hang your heads in shame all you non believers, Jaco was and still is the most melodic, innovative and out there bassist to have walked the planet, although maybe slang is not the best example of his playing. There will be no Christmas for all doubters , I've told Santa where you all live. Shame , shame ,shame.
  9. Hows this for a comment on "most bass players" [quote]The fingerboard has been off at some stage to work on a sticking truss rod. Never goes back perfect so the finger stopping of the strings is not good above the 12th fret [b]but most average bass players don't ever play above the 12th fret anyway[/b].( If needs be this could be improved if someone wants to do a refret and shoot the neck at the higher position).[/quote] 12 fret bass anyone......
  10. Ditch the scales and practice warm up routine for a while. Get some good backing tracks 4/4 drum beats etc and just sit and play what ever comes into your head for a few hours. Make your own riffs and progressions up and try to be spontaneous ...... Play till your fingers hurt and your arms ache , then ask yourself...."was that fun ?" If you answer yes , carry on we all have dips in our ability and interest, you'll get better and gain confidence with time. If you answer no.....join a guitar forum....
  11. I am tempted to say yes to more selling categories but feel they should be restricted. I personally sell books on Amazon (normally 3-400 listings) and I sell loads of other stuff on ebay and have never thought that I would be more likely selling them on the forum. Its hard enough trying to sell basses and related items on here at times and once your ad moves off the first page you won't get many browsing further hence all the "bumps" that are made on these items. If the for sale forum was opened up to all and sundry I think it would be swamped and probably serve no good to both sellers and buyers. What Toasted has done is a really good idea with an external listing. Maybe if the ads are accepted this method could be adopted and a small entry just stating "Books for Sale" followed by a generalisation ie "History, Photography" and a link to the external list that could contain everything that member has for sale and soon a network would build external to basschat and all negotiations by PM (maybe toasted could post a little how-to for those less computer literate) I for one have approx 2-300 chess / architecture / photography books that are not worth Listing on Amazon or ebay and I would be happy for fellow basschatters to take them off my hands for the cost of postage and packing...CD's etc could be done the same.
  12. Sounds very reasonable for a very capable bass....have a bump on me.
  13. Prosebass

    SX pron.

    Looks really good, glad the Artecs went straight in no bother...
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='354195' date='Dec 14 2008, 01:07 PM']Thanks. I've got that very magazine somewhere in a box in the attic along with most of the other issues from 1974 to the early 80s. Now I can see the Shergold prices they look like much better VFM IMO. £399 for a double-neck like Mike Rutherford'? Bargain![/quote] Early copies of IM are bringing anything from £5.00 -£10.00 on fleabay at the moment. I think I had everyone from about 78 to 82 but they got thrown years ago. Interesting adverts and some very in depth interviews and technical tests.
  15. Really nice photography....impressed as a fellow snapper.... You've not been doing the Alba Bass ads on ebay on the sly have you...? [attachment=17191:120510010000gal.jpg] Obviously not , thank god for good taste..... Edit......nearly forgot ...nice bass !
  16. Good luck mate....where you playing at ?
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='352896' date='Dec 12 2008, 04:53 PM']ha ha You can have my one for less than that - and it's got all the mojo of 1962 .... of course there's just one slight problem ... [/quote] You wanna be careful with them Jigsaws !!!! look what happens...
  18. [quote name='Starvolt' post='352807' date='Dec 12 2008, 03:36 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250325201243&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RCRX_Pr4_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT&refitem=250338066232&itemcount=4&refwidgetloc=active_view_item&usedrule1=CrossSell_LogicX&refwidgettype=cross_promot_widget&_trksid=p284.m184&_trkparms=algo%3DCRX%26its%3DS%252BI%252BSS%26itu%3DISS%252BUCI%252BSI%26otn%3D4"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...52BSI%26otn%3D4[/url] What? I mean, yes it's from the 70's and all, but the best part of 500 dollars for a pickguard? I think not.[/quote] I know what I'll be doing in the workshop tonight...... Watch this space......
  19. Sorry thought this was a thread about Eastenders.....
  20. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='352501' date='Dec 12 2008, 10:37 AM']Geddy's for me Paul [/quote] The voice of reason......Think it will be the Geddys....
  21. They are all going up and up with the freefall of sterling....... Secondhand I have found a few at $1000.00 plus taxes and shipping say $1480 = £998.00 !!!!! 12 - 18 months ago that would have been approx £800.00 Thomans new price is a whopping £1210.00 plus shipping for a B stock and a Darryl Jones at £1250.00.....[url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/lakland.html?sid=d252322c0b4f598c4587c845f0193fa7"]Thoman[/url] At this rate we won't be able to afford any imports soon. Buy British.
  22. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='352272' date='Dec 11 2008, 11:19 PM']Bizarrely, it's growing on me! Now that I've realised it's actually modelled on a Klingon Warbird and is presumably equipped with a Cloaking Device it's beginning to get to me.[/quote] Shall we have a bidding war in 10p increments ? you start .......
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