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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. A good one a few weeks ago was [quote]Red fretless bass body[/quote] ????
  2. [quote name='thebeat' post='351979' date='Dec 11 2008, 05:49 PM']I had a skinhead mate back in Falkirk who had A.C.A.B. tattooed on his forehead and spiders web on his face...i am [u][b]NOT[/b][/u]making this up [/quote] Looks like it was common then....
  3. Back in the late 70's a local nutter had loads on his head, including "Cut Here" and a dotted line round his neck and "A.C.A.B." (all coppers are bastards) on his forehead.....and tears on his cheek ,all in indian ink. Wish I had taken his photo , he had the I.Q. of a slug
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='350334' date='Dec 10 2008, 12:21 AM']This is a real 'Marmite' bass: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Westone-Dynasty-Bass-XV200RD-MATSUMOKU-Hardcase-NR_W0QQitemZ110323972082QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item110323972082&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Westone-Dynasty-Bass...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] Me? Yuk.[/quote] I'm a big Westone fan but thats just a bit OTT....."Thunderbirds are GO" Then again if its cheap enough....
  5. Here we go again. I decided to try and re-create a few Precisions I have seen from the 70's with a natural finish as I think they look good and age well quickly as the body gets worn to give them that "lived in" look. I was going to refinish the body in nitro originally but it looked so good decided to leave it as is. It was bought in as I like to try out different suppliers to see what they have to offer and it keeps the cost down. Not sure on the wood but its about 5 - 6 piece and looks better in the flesh than the photos. It has been sealed so will just be polished and maybe a little oil if it will take it. The neck is a Mighty Mite ebanol Precision. I have used these before, last time on a Jazz bodied bass with a Q-Tuner and for the money they are excellent necks. The neck pocket was a little tight so the Dremmel took a mm or so from the sides until the neck was lovely and snug. Using the Dremmel require a very steady hand and confidence. Neck was then clamped and the neck mounting holes marked and then drilled. I always chamfer the drill holes to ensure a good clean entry for the screws. After attaching the neck its checked for angle and to give a rough idea as to whether it will need shimming. For this I use a straight-edge that fits in the nut slot and the bridge saddles. If happy I then check the scale length in relation to the bridge and fit that. The bridge is a Wilkinson Vintage item with brass saddles and looks the part. It is actually straight of kennyrodg's "Spunkster" as I upgraded the "Spunkster" with a Hip-Shot bridge for him last week. Next up will be the tuners and I cannot decide which to choose. Either the Geddy Lees , Standard Fender or from the "Spunkster" the rather nice Korean jobbies (Wilkinsons ?)....any ideas ? I suppose the Geddy Lees would probably look the best but they are also the most expensive....
  6. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='350578' date='Dec 10 2008, 12:22 PM']sounds like the Chinese translation of "punchy" translated back... allegedly... "Out of sight, out of mind" to Chinese and back returns as "Invisible madness"[/quote] A good game to play is with "babelfish" Choose a sentence and translate through 5 languages starting and ending with english , you get some mad outcomes... I know, I need to get out more...
  7. [quote name='Waldo' post='350553' date='Dec 10 2008, 11:58 AM']Nothing will ever beat the use of the word 'larruping' to describe a bass.[/quote] [u] tr.v. lar·ruped, lar·rup·ing, lar·rups To beat, flog, or thrash. n. A blow.[/u] those Chinese have a better grasp of english than we do.... [quote]This bass suit larruped metal[/quote]
  8. It never fails to amaze me some of the language used in ebay bass ads. So to get the ball rolling heres your starter for ten [quote]Everything in perfect working order, good condition. Beautiful sound, no humming as there is no fret dividers.Perfect for a jazz influenced bassist, but has a sound that is perfect for anything.[/quote] No fret dividers......
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='349343' date='Dec 9 2008, 08:23 AM']These should be ideal for pub gigs ... [attachment=17005:PJWeb_PhilAirPulse.png][/quote] I'm sure they are modeled on a bar unit my auntie had in the 60's Something like this.... [attachment=17007:backyard_bali_hai.jpg]
  10. [quote name='dmz' post='349247' date='Dec 9 2008, 12:14 AM']Good to see there are people out there that like Percy Jones too ! He's my Jaco - if you see what I mean. I LOVE Jaco dearly don't get me wrong - I have everything he's done (just about) - but Percy just pushes one or two more buttons more for me - I particularly love his "Wal" period but have grown to love his early "P-bass" stuff too...... Back to Jaco - Would like to see some Joni Mitchell albums re-mastered - especially Don Juan's Reckless Daughter and Mingus[/quote] Percy Jones was as much an influence to me as Jaco, as was Mick Karn but with totally different styles, technique and noises. I went to Barretts in Manchester in 81 to buy a new bass. I was going to get either a Jazz or a Wal because of the influence of Jaco and Percy.The Jazz was too expensive so I went for the Wal (£235.00) The assistant suggested I tried a Hofner which to my surprise was much better than the Jazz and the Wal and was a mere £218.00. Still got it minus its frets.... [quote name='YouMa' post='349254' date='Dec 9 2008, 12:29 AM']Jaco was a true artist and pioneer,alot of technical players these days are very impressive but just practice a lot and train there memory.Most of the greats Pastorius,hendrix,etc did not practice all the time they had an interesting non bass life as well.[/quote] Pastorius and Hendrix certainly had interesting lives away from the stage, wish I had been with them to sample it
  11. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='349085' date='Dec 8 2008, 09:27 PM']I understand TB. The truth for me is I tend to be very defensive around Jaco - not that you would have noticed I don't think the clip is deadful either - it's art for god's sake and art isn't perfection. Music would be sythesised and computer generated otherwise. I personaly don't want my music perfect, something more organic yet creative soothes my soul. But. thankfully one man's biscuit is another man's Canestrelli[/quote] +1 to all that. I risk being very controversial here but I still think nobody can touch him for innovation, melody and such a sweet sound. I don't think the Millers and Wootens of this world however competent they are will ever achieve the reverence of Jaco. When I listen to Jaco every note seems to be just right and have a purpose. When I listen to the others its just notes one after the other and does nothing for me. But then I am a Percy Jones fan so my state of mind is questionable ?
  12. [quote name='BassBus' post='349050' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:59 PM']Yeh, I'll go along with GreeneKing. What Jaco did when he came to the fore was unique. Looking back on it now it may not seem that great at times but then a lot can change in 30 odd years. Look at Eric Clapton. In the days of Cream he could have changed his name to God. Some thought he was. Guitar playing has moved on a long way since then and makes Clapton's stuff look a bit ordinary. Same applies to bass playing.[/quote] I have to disagree with you on that. Great music , innovation and technique always stand the test of time. Are we to say Hendrix "was ok" at the time ? or Mozart is a "product of his era" ? Good music and performance transcends time. Guitarists and bassists may be more technically competent now but as we all know technical ability on its own has nothing to do with good music, and I think almost to a person every bassist on this forum will have at least heard of Jaco Pastorius even if they are not a fan and you cannot say that of many bassists around at the moment. Jaco Pastorius was one of the reasons I started playing bass and when I listen to him one of the reasons I think I should give it up....# And to Tomboy , yes he is noodling along the lines of a solo he performed quite a lot but changed it on the hoof and it sure sounds like the audience were with him.
  13. A big fat 1 my de-fretted Hofner S7B of 1981 Vintage The most I have owned is 4 and I though that was verging on the Imelda's I normally build 1 or 2 a week though so I'm never short of others to [s]play on[/s] set up and check.
  14. Need some info on best couriers to Australia. About 7 years ago I gave to my niece a MM copy I wasn't using as a Christmas present. She moved to Oz with her boyfriend 2 years ago but didn't take the bass and now she wants to get back into it. Its only an inexpensive Vintage but it plays really well and has a lot of sentimental value. I have shipped basses all over Europe but never Oz.....any suggestions.
  15. I used to look a menk with it under my chin but as I have mellowed with age its now at least 2 inch under my chin In all seriousness I generally have it hanging when stood up in the same place as I play when sat down. Never been able to play with it low slung not even in my "Punk" days.....
  16. It will all end in tears by the end of the week when a Prosebass Fretless Precision with a natural body and Ebanol neck hits the scene..... Nice bass Chris , I have always liked the look of the bound fret-boards. All you need do next is post a youtube vid of you playing "Havona" on it.....
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='347154' date='Dec 6 2008, 11:48 AM']I'm sure you'll like it [/quote] I've asked for some photo's so it will be interesting to see what it is like. £2500.00 is a lot of money and would probably be better used elsewhere especially as this would probably cause a divorce...
  18. Maybe it is genuine...... [quote]Hi Paul, Yes, £2500.00 cash on collection, would be fine. The guitar is currently in London on sale for £2900.00. Please let let me know when you want to collect it. I live in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Regards Adrian[/quote] Whoops.....feel a bit rotten now..
  19. I have a shirt with that pattern on....does that mean I'm Gay ? Maybe I have just answered myself ?
  20. Useful but look hideous, I think looks are the key. They are useful but the aesthetics need sorting.
  21. I offered £2500.00 for a buy it now and cash on collection......so disappointed he never got back to me....
  22. Oli asked me to build him a Prosebass Jazz Humbucker. Although it took a week longer than I had hoped he waited patiently. He paid a deposit up front and the balance when requested....cheers Oli you are a gentleman.
  23. Adam just bought the P replica off me with no problems. Paid for it when he said he would and good communication during the sale. Cheers Adam.....enjoy the bass
  24. [quote]Best place for knobs ?[/quote] ?...... [quote]If you put the screw in the split you will push the two halfs of the shaft apart for a tighter fit.[/quote] have I missed something....
  25. Your next post will be.....[quote]does anyone know how to shim a Fender neck ?[/quote]
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