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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='319423' date='Nov 1 2008, 12:29 AM']I understand, as far as Western conceptions allow, what he was going for but poor execution is poor excution regardless of cultural heritage. This kind of world fusion is much more up my street; metal and traditional Japaneese instrumentation together at last. [url="http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=RERXiliJfdI"]http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=RERXiliJfdI[/url][/quote] Its amazing what you can do with a Breville and a broom handle !!!! Not to my taste as I can only stand the din for about a minute. The synth pads sound very 1980's ?
  2. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='319499' date='Nov 1 2008, 10:11 AM']Hi its been a long, long time since i tried these strings! I'd say probably 8-10 years since i last bought some! so i had forgotten why i dont use them! Anyway i got hold of a few sets yesterday to try on my sadowsky's!! All i can say is that i have no idea how Rotosound are still in business! They felt really rough, had really uneven tone from string to string! one string was bright and lively while another was dead sounding! This happened with both sets! Just plain RUBBISH!!! they had the ability to turn a great playing/sounding bass into the complete opposite! They must be giving different strings out to all the hundreds of named artist that apparently endorse these bad, bad strings!! .............anyone else had this experience? does anyone want a set of rotosounds? 45-105 been used for 15 minutes! [/quote] I'll take them off your hands they sound ace on my fretless.... I just bought some Elixir nano plastic coated things that are terrible, its like playing with rubber gloves on. As I build inexpensive basses I am always trying out "inexpensive" strings and must say some are ok, I have just got 3 sets of "Cheetah" heavy gauge to try out at £18.00 including postage for all 3 sets. Each to their own.....I will have your roto's though, I have used them for years.
  3. Being an avid Acid fan since 1998 I am looking forward to the new Acid 7 release, but its a lot of dosh for me at the moment. Has anyone used it yet or downloaded a trial version ?
  4. [quote name='Biggsy' post='319184' date='Oct 31 2008, 04:37 PM']Just my 2p on MOTU; I've got 2 ancient 828 MK1's, and I've always found the drivers to be rock solid. The MOTU website does show Vista (you might need to be signed in to see that) and infact, MOTU were amongst the first to introduce Vista 64 drivers for their interfaces. Again, considering how old my MOTU's are, the driver support has been superb. I now use Vista, and am utterly impressed by the company's commitment to continue providing up-to-date drivers for even outdated products. So much so that I'm saving my pennies for the 828MkIII! Edit: I just remembered some other potentially helpful info; MOTU reccomend Texas Instruments Firewire chipsets, so it's worth checking what your shiny new PC has. I've never tried it on any other chipsets as all my PC's have come with TI, but that may explain why some people have had troubles.[/quote] Cheers for that , I think I will go with USB. I am trying to break the habit of researching for 2-3 months by which time more equipment has come out and you end up chasing your arse with equipment anorakism instead of actually creating music..... The firewire on the Dell 1520 I have is only 4 wire so anything I use would need to have a power supply , not the case with some USB units. The Motu is probably a little too expensive and OTT for my needs. I am also considering using Linux and Rosegarden but really want to use the new Acid 7 as I have used Acid from 1 through to 4
  5. you may wish to read this interesting thread [topic="16288"]H&S Rip Off[/topic] From what I can gather they have either gone out of business or have changed their name as their website no longer exists. Looking at their models they were generic chinese imports. They sold an headless bass that was identical to a few I sold. They touted them as custom models with a wait of approx 30 days from ordering to receiving. It looked to me as though they they were taking orders and when they had a few were then ordering from china or some supplier. I think the Steinberger copies were approx £129.00 ( I sold about 3 for £79.00) they were bargain basement stuff that a few people were selling and the price was reflected in the quality. If you have a picture of your 6 string I may be able to tell you its origins as I bought a lot of samples from several chinese producers. EDIT just noticed your photo and for what you paid it looks excellent. If the set-up is good on it and it plays nice then enjoy it. You will probably find that upgrading the pickups will make a vast improvement in the sound as will decent electronics. To keep the price down inexpensive pups and electrics were fitted and they tend to let down what are good solid basses
  6. I like the sound of this thread as I have been wondering whether to import some piezos and see how they sold. Looks like I will be doing now.
  7. Flat caps n't whippits...? I think tha wi find thas moore o'er border , so greetings from the Red Rose county....
  8. [quote name='twodinners' post='316534' date='Oct 28 2008, 10:54 AM']Crazykiwi, Well I came off a tour on a Monday, my daughter was born on the Thursday and I was back behind a desk programing computers the following week. That's the danger of having something to fall back on I suppose. Playing for Paul was a fantastic experience, he was lovely to play for and made my stepping into Pino's shoes as stressless as possible. Could have been worse, could have been Weather Report. I got back playing about four years ago, went and bought an upright and now probably two thirds of my work is on the double bass. I'm going to enjoy nosing round this site. Regards, Kevin[/quote] Hi Kevin does this mean basschat has got a "real" bassist on it..... looking forward to picking your brain..... regards...Paul
  9. [quote name='The Burpster' post='317933' date='Oct 29 2008, 08:59 PM']CanI have the iPhoto and OSX10.3 restore disk please? Bob.[/quote] Of course you can just pm me your address and I'll send them
  10. I used Macs in my warehouse and shops and they all went with the business but I still have a few disks [s]3 Emac Restore Disks OSX 10.3 iPhoto Version 1[/s] Airport Extreme Software Installation Ver 1 4 Imac Restore Disks OSX 10.1.2 and 9.2.2 imac Hardware diagnostics disk imac applications disk Ver 1 Macworld disks Oct 97 Jan 08 March 08 Free postage I'm looking to gain some karma.... -_- don't pm me post here and I will pm you.[u][/u]
  11. Prosebass

    Dubs Feedback.

    Ben bought some pups and some electrickery bits off me, pleasure to deal with.....thanks
  12. Swapped some pups for tuners with Ray, good guy to deal with ......thanks
  13. [quote]I appreciate that this method is probably standard operating procedure. As the producer said, it makes the song sound tighter. The aforementioned band leader wants a tight sound, so I'm going to go along with his wishes without kicking up a stink. But my personal preference would be for a more natural, honest sound. There's one particular string of three notes which has been so perfectified that I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to it without cringing. To most people, it will sound great. To me, it will sound like a con. Top priority is that the end recording sounds great. But I wanted to vent. And to find out what opinions and related experiences other basschatterians might have.[/quote] Ask him to listen to some Masters At Work (MAW) for an example of how bass should go down in a mix, warts an all.... If he is going to that length why not just sample the bass and use the keyboard and stick it in a midi track. Even better just use a sequencer so you don't even need to turn up..... The best music in any genre including lots of dance music has well recorded live bass....don't let him get away with it as it will be sterile and kill the sound....or maybe he would be better doing techno ?
  14. Have a bump on me.... Would love to buy as it looks better than the one I foolishly sold earlier this year, plus the original case is pretty rare, and all for £20.00 more than a S****R Bargain.......probably one of the most underrated basses ever made, better than some Fender offerings with the same pup layout dare I say Its an 83 model if that helps.....25 years young
  15. £50 and a dog if you are interested..... and you can throw that 18" speaker in with the deal .....I like to be generous..
  16. Plasti-cote smatter paint, I have used it on fireplace surrounds, but wouldn't think it too robust on a bass without about 5 coats of lacquer over it. I think it is about £8.99 for a large spray can in B&Q the famous luthier suppliers....
  17. I had a good Mexican once....but that another story Seriously I had an early Mexican Precision that I bought from a pawnbrokers in 98 for £70.00 and it was superb. Just like anything else a good Mexican can be as good an American Model which after all you are just paying more because the yanks want more wages to make them. But no it ain't worth £500 unless someone thinks it is, can be strange at times ebay.
  18. 1. Jaco 2. Stanley 3. Percy Jones predictable but they are the guys who made me pick a bass up. As far as sound goes it has to be 1. Mick Karn 2. Percy Jones 3. Pino Palladino
  19. [quote name='Peter Train' post='314290' date='Oct 25 2008, 12:31 AM']Hi I'ive been playing bass for just short of 2 years and now meet weekly with some friends at their cafe to play together. I have a cheap fender p bass copy made by ALBA that I bought second hand and an Ashdown five fifteen amp that is great for playing with other people. The bass seems to play OK to me but I'd like to get something a bit better and I'm thinking of an Ibanez SR300 as it had a good write up. Pete[/quote] Hi Pete welcome to the fun...anything you need to know just ask. As far as gear goes have a look in the review section or stick a general thread in the basses forum to pick our brains, there are very few basses that someone on here won't have owned at some time or other. Most basses are playable, and most sound ok...its all in the fingers . You will probably find a better amp will improve your bass sound, and better pickups from the standard Alba ones will make a huge difference.
  20. Has it got Waffen SS stamped on the back..... Thats one mad bass......nice one
  21. Never understood why The Ox got such bad press in bass circles. The comments on the youtube clips are amazing...really slagging him off. I always thought he was perfect to be opposite old "big nose" and complemented him and his ego really well. He was a proper "rock bassist" and the clips show just how important spaces and silence are in playing a bass. Sadly missed....
  22. This is all very good but I still get the impression that after a gig they wouldn't be into "back to mine" and "lets get leathered" and sort the worlds ills out. I have to put up with weird young American Guys in suits knocking on my door telling me that Jesus cared for me....they are not the best PR for you "normal" Christians. If you enjoy your music fine....but please don't try to explain to me why I should like it, thats almost as bad as a bloody hippy ranting on about Dylan.... Each to their own.....I like Prefab Sprout but don't tell anyone..... And if you want to discuss things over a JD or two then you are welcome back at mine. I think we should all be more tolerant, and also realise when things are said in jest , to provoke comment , or just to take the piss....if you can't stand the heat...etc etc... I shall have no more say on this but heres some more Christian Lyrics for ya all.... When the right time come, some a go charge fe arson. When the right time come, Lord, some a go fe murder. "When the law man come, some a go run till dem tumble down. When the parson come, him a go quote de scripture. Swallow field a go be in a, yeah, battlefield. Yeah yeah Natty Dread will never run away, no no no . . . "praise the Lord and pass the ammunition".....now who said that...?
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