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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='311940' date='Oct 22 2008, 11:55 AM']He's a great runner, but that's taking it a bit far![/quote] here are some good lyrics Yes I'm a ganja planter Call me di ganja farmer Deep down inna di earth weh me put di ganja Babylon come and light it up pun fire mi a chant.
  2. [quote name='fumps' post='311928' date='Oct 22 2008, 11:43 AM']What i find almost comical is in Leeds theres "Peoples FM" its a raggae radio station, i usually listen to it just for a change & they are constantly singing about God, Jesus & Jah. It's the most relgious thing i have ever heard. I find religion very confusing & i find it strange that there is a specific kind of music for religious people. But then again i find the world very confusing at times[/quote] "Calling Rastafari....for I and for I" Haile Selassie Lion of Judah, King of Kings... It depends how its portrayed and I for one am a big fan of Reggae ....U-Roy I-Roy Burning Spear and especially African Dub...but not every single song is ramming down your throat the wonders of the Lord.....plus Rastafarians saw Haile Selassie as a human incarnation of God....that doesn't go down well with the traditionalists plus the weed......unclean women....
  3. [quote name='mcgraham' post='311904' date='Oct 22 2008, 11:19 AM']In contrast, I hear very few songs that actually make any sense at all (e.g. those in typical rock, metal etc), and those that do (ala singer songwriters) happen to be (to me) quite boring and uninteresting stories. I don't care about the girl you met on your trip to Asda that looked stunning but broke your heart and now you're singing about the whole darned thing, Mr. Ben Folds (maybe not singer songwriter but you get my point). I would call most secular music as being style over substance, at least to some extent, but that's just my opinion. Honestly, I can rarely work out what the point of the lyrics in secular songs are about. Mark[/quote] You see thats just the point.....most popular music has no point , it needs no point of reference it just sounds good and invokes a feeling / emotion. So it is OK for you to slag off "typical , boring, uninteresting" secular music "style over substance" yet you take umbrage when others criticize happy clapping and songs to a deity for which their is no proof . Most popular music lyrics are a reflection on real life not fantasy. I believe Jesus did exist and was a very forward and progressive thinking guy, but I think he is misquoted / misrepresented and the whole God thing bothers me.
  4. [quote name='SteveK' post='311863' date='Oct 22 2008, 10:38 AM']And if the band say, "You're rubbish, we've found someone else...on yer bike". What are you going to do? Edit: In all the years that I've been playing I've never signed a "Band agreement". I've [i]have[/i] heard of musicians signing a contract for a particular tour, but nothing else. In answer to the OP: As long as there are good vibes and you don't have other commitments, then I would suggest 1-2 months, or till a replacement is ready.[/quote] Sensible words indeed...+1 I would accept a "tour agreement" but "band agreements" aren't very rock n roll
  5. Here we go best of both worlds....A Christian Thrash Metal Band....[url="http://www.secretion.com"]Secretion[/url]
  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='311844' date='Oct 22 2008, 10:04 AM']The trouble with this music (and a lot of genres) is that its limited in its lyrical content. When I'm jamming on by bass or guitar, the tune often dictates the lyrics. If I was a Christian, I'd get p1ssed off trying to cram references to God, Jesus, a burning bush and feet washing into my songs. It's a bit like a metal songs which, as we all know, can only contain lyrics about sh1tting on gravestones and sacrificial self-harming.[/quote] I see the medication has kicked in......
  7. [quote name='larrikin' post='311502' date='Oct 21 2008, 07:09 PM'] Here's what i mean, strange he has it upside down.[/quote] Those legs belong to a guy Must be my age.......
  8. Justin has bought a few bits and pieces from me recently, really good guy to deal with, top bloke, thanks mate.
  9. Warpig bought some Artec gear from me, paid on the nose, no problems...cheers mate.
  10. It depends how badly you want to leave. If you can't stand being in the band and need to leave soon then tell them and come to an agreement as to when you leave. If the gigs are £100 pub jobs and you are not bothered about the consequences then just leave. If you wish to remain friends and think you may need their services or help , or goodwill in the future then sort it out amicably and help them find a replacement. I think these situations are better sorted sooner than later .
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='311126' date='Oct 21 2008, 10:57 AM']Like helping to spread AIDS in Africa and so on? I used to go to church regularly when I was 15/16 but only because I was shagging a Baptist minister's daughter.[/quote]
  12. [quote name='jamesf' post='309896' date='Oct 19 2008, 04:40 PM']+1, and I'll second the option for a Mackie Satellite - been using one as my main converter for ages and sounds stunning, as it should, as the converters are the same AKM chips used in the digidesign I/O boxes - not prism or apogee quality but certainly blows most things out of the water. MOTU make excellent products, but their drivers can be a bit unpredictable. The Traveler is one of the best all-in-one solutions I've used, and the preamps are very usable with good gain range, and most of the recent MOTU family share parts of this architecture. The Ultralite (IIRC?) is very good but some of the knobs are a bit fiddly unless you get some bits of small rubber hose and attach them as knob-extenders (no jokes, please!) so it'd be worth saving for one of these if you want something which offers a bit more functionality than the (very) basic but excellent features on the Mackie - i chose the Mackie simply because it had all the features I needed, and nothing more, but YMMV naturally. It worked ok with windows, but nowhere near as stably as with OSX. If you're hell bent on saving money, go for the mackie as you can get one dirt cheap off the bay, and you'll always sell it on. Personally I'd look at the Apogee Duet as it's one of the best interfaces on the market today, and comparatively not expensive once you factor in the Apogee converters and pair of pres you get - these have made themselves a name in commercial recording already, with some Phantom Planet releases being recorded using these and a macbook. They're over your budget for sure, but if you want stellar performance at a reasonable price, that's the one I recommend. Not sure about Vista compatibility with any of these, I've only ever used it once. There's an M-Audio FW410 on the sale board for £140, and that's a bit of a bargain, they're good interfaces, particularly with surround work. The preamps are focusrite, and I've got some ok recordings out of one using AKG Se300B's straight in, so that may be a good option to investigate - again, you'll always sell a FW410 on if you don't like it! Hope this helps, J[/quote] Sure does cheers... [quote name='dr.funk' post='310455' date='Oct 20 2008, 02:30 PM']As the person selling aforementioned interface I have to agree that it's a good piece of kit. I have done a few recordings using a pair of behringer pencil condensers on acoustic guitar & drums and it sounded good to me. I have checked the website and M Audio do have Vista drivers. If your interested give me a PM, price negotiable [/quote] Will look into the spec and have a think on it , don't suppose you need a good inexpensive Jazz Copy making for you or Artec electronics or pups...? [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='310474' date='Oct 20 2008, 02:43 PM']I’d always recommend a 2nd hand Mbox mini for that sort of price. Amazing value for money when you consider that it comes with ProTools (it’s soon to start shipping with version 8 but you’re obviously dependent on what’s available if you’re buying 2nd hand, but ProTools 7 was good – try and get 7.4 if you can). A lot depends on what you need it for though…[/quote] I only need it for bedroom use for recording bass and a few analogue bits and pieces but it needs to be good quality and most of all stable with Vista . I could quite easily get by with a single audio input , a midi input, USB or firewire into my laptop, a stereo out for my powered monitors and a headphone out. I am sure the laptop is powerful enough with a core duo 2.0Ghz chip and 2 gig of ram to do all the processing, I used to manage with 256k and a 300mhz processor...
  13. [quote name='Mike' post='309955' date='Oct 19 2008, 06:12 PM']Yes, they are chips - the one furthest away is particularly bad. I am not 100% sure if that is the original factory shielding - I've got no reason to think otherwise. Regards Mike[/quote] Hi Mike they are caused because the pilot holes haven't been countersunk on the finish to stop it cracking as the screws go in. I would get a drill bit and manually (by hand) just carefully dress the holes otherwise they may get worse. cheers Paul
  14. [quote name='Mike' post='309917' date='Oct 19 2008, 05:04 PM']Thanks for the replies - battery is brand new. I've taken some pics of the guts: I've also written to John East but all your input gratefully received also![/quote] Sounds more like a component problem, I would wait till John contacts you. As a bass builder I am intrigued by the above picture. Having never owned a Lakland could you tell me if the shielding is factory fitted, and are those chips in the finish around the screw holes ?
  15. [quote name='danlea' post='309566' date='Oct 18 2008, 11:02 PM']Umm, I think it's more likely to be the manual labour of shielding. The earth connection to the bridge isn't an alternative to shielding, and even if it is shielded, you should still have this connection.[/quote] I agree it is not an alternative but a badly shielded bass will quieten down if it has a ground wire to the bridge as you earth the bass whilst playing it. As we had a member nearly electrocuted to death this week I would encourage everyone to look into either, using a radio link so you have no physical connection to your amp, an isolating DI box , a capacitor and resistor in line with the bridge earth so it protects you if high voltage is present (seek advice on this) or a properly shielded bass with the bridge and strings not part of the ground circuit . Another problem with grounding the bridge is that it turns the strings into an aerial.. Unless you also use plastic knobs and no metal parts (ie bell plate on a Jazz) it is difficult to totally isolate the player but having a live knob (oo er mrs) is not as bad if your equipment has a fault and your bass has a high voltage on it , than all your strings and the bridge ! If even after shielding properly your bass is still noisy, which can be the case with old unpotted humbuckers then this is the solution if you can only reduce the hum by using a ground wire to the bridge. Its not totally safe but will block a DC voltage fault from your amp [attachment=14961:circuit2.gif]
  16. [quote name='urb' post='309859' date='Oct 19 2008, 03:19 PM']I use one of these, and it's at decent price from Thomann £115 (see link(, it has the same quality Mackie drivers that are in the full Mackie Onyx desk that costs £1500 and is essentially a mixing desk without the mixer: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mackie_onyx_satellite.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/mackie_onyx_satellite.htm[/url] [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/satellite/"]http://www.mackie.com/products/satellite/[/url] you can run powered monitirs from it and it has 8 inputs as well, including MIDI, it's damn cool M[/quote] That looks a cool, fully featured piece of kit ,especially with the "pod" and the bundled software. Just checked with them and they only recommend XP with service pack 2 .......
  17. The Motu looks good stuff but I'm a little worried that they only state XP in the operating systems. I know Vista is flaky but I am stuck with it, and I know from experience that most Acid programs will not work with it. I tried an old version of Acid Pro 3 and it falls over when you record audio. The new Acid 7 will be fine, but not too sure about interfaces that don't list Vista. Have you used the Motu with Vista of XP / OSX ?
  18. I had a little studio setup a few years ago (about 10) and ran a Cyrix 300Mhz system with a Creative Live PCI card , Studio Logic keyboard etc and mainly used Acid, Reaktor, Fruity loops, Cool Edit Pro and Magix Music Creator. Things have moved on a bit and I have just been a lucky sod for once and have been given a Dell 1520 Laptop, with a 2GHz core duo processor, 2 gig of ram, massive hard drive , DVD-RW , Nvidia graphics etc... its a superb spec so it is going to be the basis of a new music setup. It has USB2 and a 4 wire Firewire port, and I am thinking of getting the new Acid 7 when its out as I am familiar with the software and never got on with Cubase. I need an interface with on board processing preferably and it will be used mainly for inputting bass and some old analog equipment and midi. Not too bothered about phantom power for mics but I would like a stereo out from it to go straight to my powered monitors. Secondhand is good as I am on a budget, (£100.00) Let me know what you use and what your views are.
  19. [quote name='Toasted' post='309273' date='Oct 18 2008, 03:01 PM']Friendly Fires are very, very popular. They should be appearing on shows like this.[/quote] +1 on that I thought they were good, we need new bands coming through.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='309279' date='Oct 18 2008, 03:03 PM']Sound cool. Can you give me a bit of time to do some homework on the PPUP? What JPUP is it? Chris[/quote] Jazz pup is the same....have a look at my forum prosebass guitars or at [url="http://www.artecsound.com"]Artec[/url] their english is great I'm hoping to re-write their site for them... I'll throw an EXP unit in to make the price up. They pups normally retail for twice as much just got a few left to shift.
  21. Straight swop....Brand New Artec Giovanni Vintage Precision Pup and a Jazz Bridge Pup , Fiber bobbins Formvar 42 Gauge wire Alnico 5 magnets for the Stack Pots.....?
  22. [quote name='OldGit' post='309178' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:31 PM']Ordered some yesterday and it's here this morning .. Very fast And: "Conductive adhesive and therefore does not require soldering from the adhesive side to the copper. " So that may help ...[/quote] I buy all my stuff off the guy, top service and he does sheets as well. [quote name='Protium' post='309252' date='Oct 18 2008, 02:26 PM']Exactly, you spend £xxx on a bass and they can't even put £1 of copper foil in it...[/quote] because its easier to run a wire to the bridge with the potential (no pun intended) to electrocute someone...cheapskate manufacturers.
  23. [quote name='steantval' post='309090' date='Oct 18 2008, 10:21 AM']I know music is a very subjective thing but I have to comment on last nights show. A band from St Albans was featured called Friendly Fires, what a load of garbage. Clearly from their performance have very little musical talent and bounce around on stage looking like a bunch of idiots. Why are bands of this calibre given the exposure they clearly do not deserve on prime time BBC music shows? I totally understand that the show has slots for brand new bands but surely they need to be of an acceptable standard. This outfit would not meet the requirements to obtain gigs on our local pub gigging circuit. If this is showcasing the best of the new British talent, the future of music is going down the plughole.[/quote] All music is subjective whatever the genre Lack of musical talent has never stopped a lot of great bands, I take it like me you are older than 18.... What is an acceptable standard ? thats the great thing about music there is non...look at the Pistols when they started or even more so the Ramones. I don't think they will be gigging in pubs now they have been on Jools. Several of my mates are technically as good as any guitarist I have heard but we all know technical excellence does not make a band... Personally I thought they were the only band worth watching.....what was all that about "god is in the house" Mr Stills was ok , but I think Mr Jones is turning into David Guest, [attachment=14912:tomdavid.jpg]
  24. Thanks to everyone for the interest but the bass is now sold. If anyone wants one building with a personal specification let me know.
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