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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='BOD2' post='308496' date='Oct 17 2008, 12:16 PM']You'll get copper and aluminium sticky-back foil here (just scroll down a bit) [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axeknobs.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axeknobs.htm[/url] Copper foil shouldn't "focus" the pickups at all as it is not magnetic at all - it will only screen electrical interference without affecting the magnetic properties of the pickup.[/quote] I have used aluminium tape as it is generally much thicker (5x) than copper so easier to work with. I have also used a combination of the two with copper over the aluminium . One problem with aluminium tape is that you need a special flux and a high temperature soldering iron to solder to it. One way round this is to stick a small patch of copper tape on it with a couple of small self tapping screws through both layers for conductivity and then check for this with a meter. CPC electronics supplies are the least expensive for aluminium tape. Aluminium Tape [attachment=14873:Fretless_Shield.JPG] Then covered with Copper Tape [attachment=14874:Fretless_Shield01.JPG]
  2. Glad to hear you escaped from what could have been a fatal incident.... :wacko: As an electrical engineer some of the things I see amaze me.....mains cables taped up, incorrect fuse ratings, overloaded sockets, extension reels not run out, no RCD devices, etc etc. If you are a gigging band you should get your equipment PAT tested if only for insurance purposes, just think of the consequences if it happened to a member of the audience. Going completely wireless is the safest way by far, but if cost is prohibitive at least get your guitars to a tech and have the earths removed from the bridges or at least a safety device ie a di box, or a capacitor, (seek professional advice on this) A simple check can be made with an inexpensive neon screwdriver tester where you can check for mains voltage on all your exposed metal equipment before using it. I have had more electrical shocks than I care to remember and so know what a shock to the system can do. Treat this as a warning and take appropriate action....glad you are still with us mate...others haven't been so lucky.
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='308464' date='Oct 17 2008, 11:42 AM']As I said earlier, I'm pretty sure the stuff that I'm using is anti slug (at least it came from a guy that seemed to have it in for them big stylee)... and it works brilliantly.[/quote] It does the job perfectly and if you are just doing one or two basses it is the easiest to get hold of without recourse to on-line ordering. I use a lot of it so it makes sense for me to buy in bulk and the stuff from the guy on ebay works out at about 1/2 of the garden center price and its better quality, but you need to buy about 5 rolls which is a little too much for a single bass
  4. [quote name='obbm' post='308438' date='Oct 17 2008, 11:16 AM']Garden centres sell self-adhesive copper tape. You find it under slug repellants. You stick it around plant pots and it stops the slugs climbing up but works equally well in a bass. [/quote] Never really had a slug problem with my basses..... Seriously though folks, it can be used but is much thinner than shielding tape.
  5. This guy sells the best stuff and it usually arrives within 48 hrs sometimes next day. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EMI-COPPER-FOIL-SHIELDING-TAPE-LOW-IMPEDANCE-CONNECTION_W0QQitemZ220293313278QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220293313278&_trkparms=72%3A1301%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Copper Tape[/url] And if you want to know how it works....[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_shielding"]Read this its easier than explaining it.[/url] It is also a good idea to run a wire from the pickup shielding to the control cavity and try to make the wire as short as possible otherwise it can act as an aerial.
  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='307701' date='Oct 16 2008, 10:32 AM']I've never changed a bass string.[/quote] would you know how to ?....
  7. too much string wrap.....maybe the cause of neck dive...
  8. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='305510' date='Oct 13 2008, 02:15 PM']Hi. The bass was $500 delivered,last week that worked out at £285,not sure what it'll be now tho'. It was shipped last Friday and its at Heathrow now.There's bound be be some duty to pay tho'. [/quote] If the customs and robbers do you the full amount it works out at 21.5% VAT and Import Duty plus any handling charges so expect at least £60.00
  9. [quote name='Machines' post='305181' date='Oct 13 2008, 07:01 AM']What's with the random popping sounds ?![/quote] Hi my small studio (EMac, controller keyboard, Music Studio, Acid Pro etc) was all sold a while ago when I decided to go over to a powerbook which I haven't bought yet. The recordings have been done with a Korg Ampworks, Rock Frog and Acid 3 running on Vista on a Acer 3003 Aspire. The first problem is Acid and Vista don't get on and the program crashes randomly. The popping sounds and crackles are present no matter whether I use Acid or Windows recorder. I think it is a problem between the USB input and the sound chip. The Laptop has a very low spec audio chip and just seems unable to cope. I can plug direct into the mic input and the recording is clean but the levels are all wrong. Imported Wav files are fine so it must be between the USB and the audio chip or in the ASIO conversion. I will either be getting a powerbook or a another laptop with an external USB sound processor soon.
  10. Bass now for sale at £225.00 Will transfer to for sale section later.
  11. Sound files added to original post
  12. [quote name='xverminate' post='304358' date='Oct 11 2008, 12:06 PM']Hi, I am having a custom headless neck built in the states? I have decided on a Curly Maple Neck Back, After sending all my requirements i now have a choice of fingerboard! Gaboon Ebony or Pau ferro? I would be greatfull for any advise on which would be a better option? I play various styles but like a spot of slap bass! Many Thanks Justin. I have added a few pics of the body? [/quote] I would go for ebony providing it is top quality and jet black.....it will last a life time and need very little maintenance.
  13. Plain simple and rather cool looking.... Mighty Mite ebanol Precision Neck Q-Tuner High Z pup Schaller 3-D bridge
  14. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='304061' date='Oct 10 2008, 05:23 PM']Maybe we should have a new Thread called "Self-build Dairy"? Personally I find this section fascinating and posted my dairy as an aid to anyone who may be considering either doing something similar or building it themselves from scratch. P.S. Do you smoke in your car? [/quote] +1 on that I think it would be good to have 2 forums , commercial and private build diaries. As mentioned earlier it is good to see what people can achieve with a limited workshop but lots of enthusiasm. and I smoke in my car..........lets not go there again....
  15. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='296345' date='Oct 1 2008, 11:20 AM']C altered dominant with a G in the bass. [/quote] I think you keep it yourself what you get up to in private....
  16. I've sent lots with parcelforce , no hassles at all. If its worth a lot I would use a hard case as well as wrapping. The shipping will cost £40.00 - £50.00 so an old beat up case is always a good insurance policy for say £25.00 If the neck is bolt on taking it off is always the best practice.
  17. quick bump before bed....oo er mrs...
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' post='298187' date='Oct 3 2008, 12:24 AM']A tenner's good. I paid £28 for a very similar one at a car boot a year or so back. Sold it for about £140. So - what is it? Not a Kay or a Jedson - Kay EB0-ish copies had a big scratchplate & two single coils, they didn't try to be too accurate, and Jedsons were bright metallic red, with twin humbuckers & a very odd German carve around the body. This might say Avon, Columbus, Grant, Grantson, Shaftesbury, CMI, CSL, Arbiter, Eros, Antoria or even nothing at all on the headstock - but it's even harder to work out who actually made it - since all of the aforementioned were UK importers' rebrands. Being copies, they do all tend to look alike, but sometimes there are some details which help them apart. For starters, this one has a squared-off fingerboard end, most of these tend to be round. There's also a dot on the 19th position, often they stop at the 17th. That doesn't provide a specific ID, although I have seen these features on Columbus copies. Other things which are helpful include body construction - solid or ply, if solid, is it a "sandwich", single piece or other combination. Neck - single piece or laminate, does it have a volute, is the headstock scarf-jointed? Is there a headstock ornament? Hardware sometimes offers some clues, but not too much - many factories used the same stuff, but neckplates are often peculiar to or associated with particular builders, so a pic of that would help. I can't help as far as new replacement pickups are concerned - but there is this on Ebay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-Bass-Guitar-Pickups-EB34000-Type-Vintage-MIJ_W0QQitemZ140271724860"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-Bass-Guitar-P...emZ140271724860[/url] If he wants a new one because the existing one's kaput, then this would likely be a drop-straight-in replacement. Chances are it's a single-coil, despite appearances, the smaller one with the twin rows of pole pieces is a single. J.[/quote] thanks for digging your wealth of knowledge out for me, I'll get some more info on the bass. Unfortunately the mudbuckers I sell have 17.5mm spacing.
  19. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='298107' date='Oct 2 2008, 10:43 PM']DiMarzio Model One perhaps?[/quote] I have just checked them out and they are £60.00 from Thoman....bass was only £10.00 I think he's after a cheaper replacement but cheers, I'll let him know.
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='298105' date='Oct 2 2008, 10:41 PM']No, I think you'll find we need to thank you guys. [/quote] +1 on that I'd be lost every morning tucking into my bacon butts without basschat....
  21. A customer of mine is after a pup for his bass...and before anyone says anything it was a tenner at a car boot sale. Unfortunately my pups won't fit as the string spacing on them is too wide. On this bass its only 14mm at the pup itself. I have asked him for a photo of the headstock. Looks like a Kay or a Jedson to me but I' sure the Matsumoko or Jap Crap men may know better Can anyone help identify or come up with a pickup for it....
  22. [quote name='5_string_death' post='298085' date='Oct 2 2008, 10:19 PM']I think you'll find its a 'Jazzcision' mate Zach[/quote] Can't call it that.....sounds like a painful medical term...
  23. [quote name='Herr Fixxxer' post='298028' date='Oct 2 2008, 09:27 PM']Hello there! I'm just looking for a nice lightweight 112 cab and read many subjects about this on the forum, but I thought I'd ask anyway, because it seems like most people want their 12" to be hifi sounding I'm after a sound with a personality. Midrangy, growly, but also deep, articulate and bright... a bit of a mix between modern and vintage sound. I thought a 112 would be a good compromise since I would like to use it as a standalone cab. I'd like it to cover most of a bass' usable spectrum, be deep enough and yet bright and growly (à la Geddy Lee). If it could be not too much on the heavy side, I'd appreciate it. My bass : P-Bass Special. The amp : Genz-Benz Shuttle 3.0. The GB could provide the modern clarity and bright punch, and the P-Bass and the cab account for thump and the growl, basically - does it make any sense at all? Which standalone 112 cab would you recommend me? I've been looking through pretty much every info on 12" cabinets on the web and a few of them drew my attention, but I'd like to get your opinion on the matter. Price is not a problem... well I just want to know your opinion first Cheers! [/quote] This months bass guitar magazine has a group test on 1 x 12" cabs you may find useful
  24. [quote name='YouMa' post='298001' date='Oct 2 2008, 08:58 PM']If thats a "collectors item" my cock is as well.[/quote] Get it on Antiques Roadshow then we can all have a look..... they will value it for you as well, cheap as chips ?
  25. [quote name='josh3184' post='296106' date='Oct 1 2008, 02:43 AM']any way to get soundclips for this then?[/quote] Sound clips as requested on original post......[post="294846"]Original Post[/post]
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