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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401042469' post='2459473'] Haven't seen this before, but looks perfect for young master discreet's upcoming birthday present - electronic drums. If you get one let us know what it's like - I'll do the same. [/quote] Will do, I am calling in the shop tomorrow so fingers crossed.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1401101872' post='2459985'] Where would music be without entertainment? Surely the real conclusion is that there is room for all forms of music . . . Even karaoke and elevator Muzak. You just have to choose the stuff you like and allow others to do the same. [/quote] Indeed, and whatever one plays requires no justification.
  3. Next up someone will be telling us what a wonderful expressive artform karaoke is! And yes, I would rather watch an original band play their own songs down the Dog & Duck on a Friday night, through a crappy PA and have beer spilt on me rather than watch either a covers band or a tribute 'act' Come on folks, originality, without it where would music be now?
  4. I have been looking for weeks to find a practice amp that I can use with a bass / guitar, a Korg Wavedrum, an ipad, a laptop and for doubling up as a PA for small impromptu gigs in the garden or at a friends party. I have considered traditional PA's with both active and passive speaker set ups with both 12's and 15's (too large and awkward) I have tried the new Line Array gear (outside of my price range) I have looked at traditional keyboard amps (no enough / wrong inputs) To my surprise I happened across the new HH gear and found the Queensberry range. Has anyone used this kit? there is absolutely nothing on the interweb about it other than the HH site. I have found some units discounted (ex-demo) at a music shop and for the price they look pretty good and offer all the inputs I need. [attachment=163562:qbc825-left_copy.jpg] [url="http://www.hhelectronics.com/products/product_details/5"]http://www.hhelectro...oduct_details/5[/url]
  5. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1401023605' post='2459226'] the capo suggestion sounds good. You say theres more to a shorty than shortness Mr Rose, such as what please mate? [/quote] Its witchcraft, fair maidens and the like..... I found the most important aspect was solidity of construction especially as I would use heavy guage strings to keep the tension up. Many of my designs were single cut with the body going up to the 12th / 14th fret area. [attachment=163520:DSCN3234.jpg] [attachment=163521:Pic007.JPG] I no longer build basses but I am finishing a 30.5" scale 5 string that I started about 2 years ago (I have a very understanding customer who has been offered a refund many times) For a low 'B' to function on a short scale the construction has to be spot on and has necessitated a very hefty through neck design. [attachment=163523:Karuna Neck06.JPG]
  6. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1401019153' post='2459137'] By way of a trial, pop on a guitar capo at fret 1 or 2 and downtune.. if it feels good but rattles, go up a gauge in strings. If it doesn't work out you have lost nothing. [/quote] This is what I would suggest also. The problem with buying an el-cheapo short scale is the same as buying an el-cheapo 34" scale. If it is crap it will put you off playing it! I used to custom build short scales and there is a lot more to them than just being a shorter version of their longer siblings.
  7. Thanks for sharing, what a guy....what a bassist, great technique.
  8. But it is a relevance that seem to resonate?
  9. It is always better to see the wood in 'the flesh' so as to speak. When I was building basses I bought all my stock from [url="http://www.johnboddytimber.co.uk/"]http://www.johnboddytimber.co.uk/[/url] Depending on what you need i may be able to help as I still have some wood in the 'shed' Having watched your vids, great stuff
  10. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1400604548' post='2455393'] When it became apparent that the 'reviewer' is hopelessly addicted to the exclamation mark and the word 'f***ing', I lost interest. I suppose it's probably funny in a Frankie Boyle sort of way. [/quote] Insomuch that he is saying what most people think, but are to polite to mention?
  11. [quote name='eloann' timestamp='1400415074' post='2453578'] This is a true bargain for the asking price. I have a neck through Baphomet - lovely bass and the only non-Dingwall I'm keeping. [/quote] And with that I have decided to keep it and install 2 coil tap switches. 2 months at £295.00 beggers belief
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1400428306' post='2453719'] Say what one may about tribute bands, at least they have the honesty (or the self-awareness) to recognise what they are doing and to bill themselves as playing other people's music. The vast majority of originals bands offer little more than slavishly recycled guff, driven either by mendacious laziness, self-deluded fantasy or witless ineptitude. [/quote] Well spotted, this must be the reason every 'originals' band still sounds like Blind Lemon Jefferson to me and Robert Christgau was correct when he told Led Zepplin they were just embarking on a journey of 'self-deluded fantasy'
  13. The images show Paint loss around the jack Paint loss between the pup mount ears A dent in the body With the exception of the dent (which has no paint loss) the others could be touched up. I decided not to as they are of no real detriment to the bass.
  14. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1400274044' post='2452618'] Wow! That is really, really nice. Does it have a slidey pup? Do you still own it? [/quote] No it was from when I had my 'business' building basses. Fixed pup and 30" scale.
  15. Garage Music with Mik Artistik Great gig at a friends 60th birthday bash with the set up in a big garage. I filled in on bass with my mates band The Denial Twist, totally unrehearsed We were then joined by Mik Artistik for about 45 minutes of improvision and merriment with 50 - 60 guests all dancing around the garden. [attachment=162938:10365878_10152818015068032_4578667364040713310_n.jpg] [attachment=162939:10330510_10152817566898032_8328595946604708410_n.jpg]
  16. Good stuff I saw Bill playing with Snarky on Wednesday, good gig.
  17. Ladt Windermere's Fan, Third Act [quote]people these days know the the price of everything and the value of nothing.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1398982052' post='2439781'] Owned quite a few Warwicks and the build quality on this is as good as any, Add to that the Hardware and P/U's you be hard pressed to get a better value bass for the money. Wish I had £295 spare [/quote] Bumpola.... I am not going to use this bass, trades for a good fretless now considered.
  19. Mrs Prosebass got the tickets for this, I had not even heard of them so went along without any prior listening. The venue is great and very intimate, always the best. Impressions, Brilliant musicianship, sounded to me like a cross between Soft machine / Return to Forever / Hebie Hancock / Weather Report / Big Band I recognised quite a few Weather Report chord progressions in a few of their songs. Overall a great night, the crowd (some on their second consecutive night) loved them. It was a concern full of fun with plenty interaction and plenty irreverence. The thing that spoiled it for me was a little too much 'over indulgence' by the keybaord player that went off into the realms of musical w***ing.... Would I watch them again? yes probably, just for the bass face on Michael League.
  20. Here is my short scale homage to the Grabber that I built a few years ago. [attachment=162840:Grabber05.JPG]
  21. Single sliding pup, it's a Grabber
  22. Beginner, intermediate, high end, boutique? A bass is a bass, some just cost more than others (objective) some are better than others? (subjective) Just spend what you like and rejoice in playing. As he with more insight than me once said ' pity him who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing'
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