Hi to everyone
my name is Paul Rose and at 45 I have been playing bass on and off for 30 years.
I am in the process of getting a new name into the bass guitar industry that being eastwind-guitars.
Will soon have a web site and ebay shop open for business.
I aim to provide the best value for money basses / spares available anywhere, having a combination of bought in and hand crafted necks and bodies in various price ranges.
I would be more than interested to hear what people want from a bass and any ideas you may have kicking about.
I am a big Jaco fan but never try to emulate him.....go with your own style is what I say. My style has often been described as "strange" . Other influences are Pino Paladino, Stanley Clarke , Doug Wimbish, John Paul Jones, Alphonso Johnson ............
Not in a band, been a bedroom hero for a while , although I played in my earlier days live.
Current crop of basses are my own designed and built ones plus a Hofner S7B from 1981(bought new) and a Westone Thunder 1A.I also use a Peavey Deltabass 160 head and a Hartke Transporter 2 x 10 cab both highly recommended.
Hope to get a banner for my business on this site asap
Feel free to contact me with any technical queries / advice , I am a bit of an anorak when it comes to basses.