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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. Bought Si's Genz Benz 210 cab from him (as good as new) He even threw in a free Speakon lead! Hassle free, friendly transaction (helped by the fact we are only 1 mile apart) Top bloke.... Hope to catch the new band soon. Many thanks Paul
  2. Great stuff, great music, shame you are so far away, any Northern tours planned? love the flyers
  3. And some of this, prepare to suffer for your art... [quote]Rodgers explains: “Bernard was a guitar player before he played the bass, but the last thing that he wanted to be was a bass player who used a pick. So he played with his forefinger and thumb, like he was holding a pick. He’d strike the string with the bottom and top of his finger. The strength of the low end comes from his thumb on top and the other three fingers curled up underneath, so he had the fattest pick you could ever imagine!” Bear in mind that it takes considerable time to build up the strength necessary for this technique. As Nile warns, “Bernard’s fingers would often bleed. If we played a two- or three-hour show, the blood would be dripping down the bass! But he was used to it; that’s how he played.”[/quote]
  4. You could turn it into a six string?
  5. [quote name='OBT1000_S12' timestamp='1393064729' post='2375724'] Is it me or from fret 1-7 the A and D strings look really far apart? [/quote] They are, the A is not seated in nut (I noticed that the other night) [attachment=155839:$_12.JPG]
  6. Option 2 as it looks hideous as is. Open up the original holes, fill the 'extra' holes with glued in dowel, read up on veneering and put a 0.6mm veneer on the front and back of the headstock, finish off with a nice roller string tree, simples....
  7. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1393030560' post='2375556'] A bit like choosing a girlfriend then. [/quote] Must be my age, comfort starts to take precedence over all other factors
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1393029754' post='2375544'] No thoughts about whether it looks good, or otherwise? [/quote] none whatsoever as long as it is comfortable, [attachment=155830:Seated03website.JPG]
  9. In answer to the original question, there is no answer because the question of 'sounds better' is purely subjective. I have played some tasty 60's Jazz basses and then been blown away by South Korean copies sounding even better (which are lighter and nicer to play) I have built sub 7Ib basses (from cigar box wood / Spanish Cedar) that have been described as having 'monster' tone. Modern kiln dried woods are more consistent than air dried wood, modern electric parts are consistent and reliable, have you ever heard Q-tuners? Mojo is overrated and I wish I had had a shed full of CNC machinery rather than having to hand carve necks. Just like old cars there will always be a market for 'old' basses but price has no bearing on quality or purposefulness. To me, all that is important in a bass is whether I can get the tone I require from it, and whether it is good to play. Everything else is irrelevant
  10. I was lucky enough to snap this bass up from bigthumb who advertised it on the forum. It is a Mayones B4 with MEC electric bits and Warwick hardware. Looks to be an early one with a laminated neck made from ? and a very dense heavy body in ? . If anyone out there can assist with info on this bass I would appreciate it. The first problem was delamination of the neck at the back of the truss-rod adjuster and over the volute. [attachment=155808:IMG_1738.JPG] [attachment=155809:IMG_1739.JPG] Sometimes this can be fixed with a quick re-glue left clamped overnight but because of the nature of this neck there was no chance of getting any glue into the joint and no way of opening up the laminations. So we are left with no option but to remove a section of the lamination and insert a new piece of wood. Removing the wood entails judicious use of scalpels working up from a very thin blade to one around 2mm thick. [attachment=155810:IMG_1748.JPG] [attachment=155811:IMG_1750.JPG] On removing the wood I discovered there was less than 3mm between the back of the neck and the truss rod! If you have one of these basses be very careful with it! Next I prepared a filler strip in a contrasting wood. Why? I did this to keep the bass honest. Should I ever sell it the new owner will never be able to pass it on as perfect as the repair will always show. The strip (walnut) was soaked in water for an hour and the neck was wetted before application of the Gorilla Glue which requires moisture to cure fully. [attachment=155812:IMG_1752.JPG] [attachment=155813:IMG_1751.JPG] [attachment=155814:IMG_1753.JPG] The truss rod rout was covered inside with a strip of formica-teflon to stop the expanding Gorilla Glue clogging up the truss rod threads. The glue was left to cure fully overnight which also dried out the neck. The truss rod rout was treated to a coating of epoxy simply poured in and left to settle taking care not to put too much in as to foul the adjuster or clog the threads. This will give extra strength to the repair. [attachment=155815:IMG_1754.JPG] The excess wood from the filler strip was sanded off and blended with the volute. 4 applications of superglue were given to the sanded area, each time being flatted off before applying the next. Finally a little linseed oil was applied and a good polish. [attachment=155816:IMG_1756.JPG] [attachment=155817:IMG_1757.JPG] Next problem was a raise in the fretboard at the dusty end on the E string side resulting in fret buzz. This really only affected the 20th the 24th frets so first I sanded the back of the heel to ensure it was flat. I redressed all the frets and took quite a lot off the last 5 - 6 frets under the E until I had virtually flat frets compensating for the raise.. A quick polish, a shim and a set up... Still has a little buzz on the 23rd & 24th frets on the E but to be honest I never go down there having been used to 21 fret basses! [attachment=155818:IMG_1763.JPG] [attachment=155819:IMG_1764.JPG] It is a really nice (if heavy) bass, love the MEC single coils, thanks bigthumb (Paul) [attachment=155820:IMG_1766.JPG]
  11. Award Shows bah humbug....
  12. Just noticed this, what a great idea, so glad I didn't throw my box full in the old Prosebass shed.
  13. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1392569579' post='2370140'] Sorry guys, just this minute scored a Farida P bass on the evilbay for £95...the seller agreed to use a courier despite not saying so in their post...score However i've got a Qtron+ i don't really need and £100 ish quid left over...hmmm, maybe er... [/quote] If so you outbid me on it, bargain from Stockport?
  14. Hi Chris good stuff, will ensure I watch. Horizon has had some stick recently with the way it presents programs, the worst being the one on Black Holes. How about the Placebo effect of having Fender on the headstock next? Paul
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1392472867' post='2369140'] If I get the hang of it I'll think about upgrading, but at the moment the plan is to start with the free stuff and see how it goes. [/quote] Probably best to stick with one DAW that does what you want from the beginning. Many are available with a free 30 day trial download so you can try a few. One to consider is Sony Acid Music Studio (about £29.00) which is simple but effective and fully featured. Don't forget you will also need a USB audio interface and some decent monitor speakers. Paul
  16. Hi Sean, let me know if you are selling the 4 string, this has 1 too many! to aid potential purchasers, here the bass when it was brand new. [attachment=155206:m5.JPG] The bass had a fretted 'sister' which had an additional pickup fitted but will give you some idea of tone and playability. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjmTaDN_cTo Cheers Paul
  17. Prosebass

    Bassdude BE

    Just took ownership of Donovan's Fame Baphomet 4 MM. Fuss free transaction from Belgium, great comms and a nice guy. cheers mate...
  18. I went from one of these [attachment=154795:YamahaYBA-100before.jpg] To one of these [attachment=154805:original.jpg] with one of these [attachment=154806:images.jpg] and no longer gig so use one of these [attachment=154809:peavey112.jpg] but mostly one of these [attachment=154807:sony-13q2-FITseries-15-black-cover-lg.jpg] with these [attachment=154808:Panasonic_RPHTX7-C.jpg]
  19. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1391367830' post='2356345'] I've emailed the seller and he's happy for a buyer to organise a courier to pick up the bass. [/quote] Bargain of the week....one bid £99 hope you got it?
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1391286211' post='2355473'] That looks OK apart from the rather square shape and the funny little plate with the controls on . [/quote] Like I said, it's all subjective
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