Can anyone help with this?
On an active bass, there appears to be a problem with the EQ pots (rather than the EQ itself, I think).
Bass EQ; has centre detente. When turned past the detente there is a bass boost but the last 1/4 of the turn it becomes a cut. To my ears it sounds about the same cut as when the bass pot is turned all the way down. It's almost as if the calibration of the pot has gone wrong!
Middle EQ; boost and cut fine.
Treble: Centre detente. Cut works as it should but I can't really here any marked difference past the centre detente when boosted.
Curious. I had a Warwick where the volume did what I think the Bass pot is doing; Pot turned to 10 was about 1/3 volume, Pot turned to 0 was about a third volume too. Pot 6 = Max volume, and Pot 7-8 was no volume!
Any ideas?