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Everything posted by rosscoe

  1. Tap and Tumbler are pushing their live stuff at the moment and are looking for bands, they do money punk/goth nights and these are usually same nights as rock city....so pub usually very busy :-) I think the maze is a cracking venue, have seen plenty of gigs there but am yet to play. Angel isn't what it used to be......and clientele has changed significantly........ Jam Cafe.......lovely little venue but goth punk might scare locals away from their board games The Loft is a great space.......if you can handle the stairs Doghouse great venue but promotion leaves a lot to be desired and sound can be abysmal..........also its out of town so very little passing trade Id look at the Tap and Tumber....look up Tommy Kelly - he manages the place and is in charge of the live stuff on FB or drop em a message direct
  2. [attachment=242042:thumb_IMG_6942_1024.jpg] [attachment=242040:13320521_10209423545444585_1393929133306992060_o-4.jpg] [attachment=242041:thumb_IMG_6813_1024.jpg] me and my fave piece of cheap chinese ply :-)
  3. i struggled a little on the g in some situations and actually raised the action a little so i could get a better purchase on it (posh words for saying getting hold of it easier so I could pull it harder) :-)
  4. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1401302901' post='2462283'] The circle is basically a map of the key's. If you look at it as if it were a pie and every song has a piece of that pie. For example, if I'm learning a song and I decide that the key tone I'm hearing is F, then I look at F on the circle then quarterise the circle so I only see F & one note either side & the minors in the middle then I can see the basic chords that are used in that piece. Provided that my initial assessment was correct and the song is indeed in F, then I don't need to faf about looking for the right chords because the circle tells me what they are. I hope that makes sense. [/quote] that helps loads thank you :-)
  5. Hi all very new to this all and am looking to buy my first bass specific combi to plug my double bass into. Im learning slap / rockabilly and am looking to get the shadow rockabilly pick up system too. The combi will be for learning and practicing at home, and I don't want to shell out too much £££ just yet. Can I ask for your thoughts on the Redsub BP35 or BE50? I know they won't be 'godsgift' but are they reasonable value for money? Or are there better alternatives?? I could probably spend £150 if necessary? thanks in advance
  6. being a complete newly to playing an instrument and being completely addicted to learning (at a reasonably ripe age), this thread is very useful. Im trying all ways, and now theta circle makes a little bit of sense :-) thank you :-)
  7. rosscoe


    thanks for the welcomes :-)
  8. rosscoe


    Hi everyone just registered as am diving right into the wonderful world of upright rockabilly / psychobilly bass. Frighteningly addictive and beautifully rewarding. Need loads of advice about things and hoping here is the place to learn :-) Have me a bass but researching little combis and pickups at the mo :-)
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