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Posts posted by gadgie

  1. I've checked the rates again just now. It's actually 295quid, but no case. It's down from around 470, so I suppose that's a bit of a deal. I'll go back and check them out to try the necks for a bit longer to see how I get on, but I didn't feel any issues on my first visit.

  2. Sorry but I think your post is a little off the mark. You think you can only be 'in to music' if you play it? What's wrong with listening to music in the car? It might be all they can afford at the time, and they need the car to get to or from work.....or even part of their work.
    In regards someone saying they would like to come to see you play. They might have other commitments on the night and not be able to get there.......it doesn't mean they are patronizing you. Just my opinion of course

  3. Hi,

    Just a quick question. I'm trying to find prices for a G&L L2000....but I can't.

    The reason is I've seen one for sale over here in Bangkok for about 280quid after exchange rates etc. Is that a decent price. Also, what's the thoughts on quality etc?

  4. Some of you may know I'm quite new to the bass after playing guitar for many years. Now many people thought my guitar playing was pretty good. It just goes to show how people that don't actually play an instrument can be fooled lol! More to point it also shows how most people at a pub gig etc are happy to just hear songs they know played 'close enough'. Also, they can't make out that you are playing 2,3 or 4 grands worth of guitar and amp etc.
    anyway back on track. I really want my bass playing to be different hence why I took my first lesson at 55years of age. I think it's going to be hard work and hopefully I don't falter.

  5. One thing thayt sticks in my memory is when I was working at a charity gig. Just helping set things up and help on the door etc. I was standing at the door helping take the entry money (a fiver I think) when one young guy walks in with a guitar case. when he got to the lady taking the money and 'stamping the wrists' etc she asked if he was in one of the bands. He replied that he was. she told him that he didn't have to pay to get in if he played in one of the bands. He said he didn't care and that he wanted to give some money as well as his time to help the charity.
    I thought he guy had great integrity for doing that..

  6. Not bad at all. Re the vocals...nothing much wrong with them but maybe a little high in the mix, therefore shows up the slight issues that it may have. I don't have a problem with the chatting between songs....in fact I think bands that just go from one song to the next are not really trying to relate with the crowd. Ok if it's just done in a studio (ie no crowd there), then might be seen as a bit daft.

  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1409125106' post='2536448']
    This thread means nothing without extensive coverage taken using a mobile phone held at a silly angle for 45 minutes.


    Lol...got there before me. I thought she was loooovveely when I was younger. Not seem pics of her for a while but I'm sure she still looks fab

  8. I think there might be something about the new music medium...ie MP3 downloads, iTunes etc etc. Kids now have access to 1000's of tunes all quite cheap if not totally free. So they load up there pod/phone whatever they have with all this stuff and hardly listen to a fraction of it. Where as when I were a kid, or at least a young teenager, I had very few records and the ones I did have had to be good (for me at least). So you would end up with a genre of your liking if you know what I mean. I can clearly remember my path through music.
    Johnny Cash because my uncle loved it and played it all the time
    Simon and Garfunkel...as above
    Deep Purple
    Then there was a liking for Soul music!
    Two Tone/Punk
    Two Tone
    Punk/Two Tone
    A smattering of Police, Jam
    Hmmm back the Punk Tone
    And that been my staple diet of music over the last 40+ odd years

    There have of course been various inbetweener things. Blondie, Hendrix, Scaggs [size=2][i]WTF!, [/i][size=4]Weller, OCS, Tubular Bells, Simply Red, Lloyd Cole, and a few more[/size][/size]

  9. I'm sitting here looking at various posts on here as you do.

    This might have been covered before but I've not seen it....so how did it start for you? I mean the playing of a musical instrument?

    For me it was a longish drawn out thing. When I was about 12-13 I remember my uncle coming into the house with Gibson SG. He must have been excited about it, but I didn't understand GAS at the time. I remember him clearly placing the strap button against the old wardrobe door and struming away on it...the wardrobe was sort of acting as an amp. TBH I wasn't impressed.

    A couple of year later he dropped off and old Yamaha Acoustic. this is mid 70's. So I started pinging out stuff. Smoke on the water on one string was about it. No idea if it was tuned at it was always one string only business. I thought I was the mutts nuts when I played it in the fashion of 'Made in Japan' the live album. Then things started to take off. I was playing along to harmonies on records.....all on the one string of course. Then a pal showed me that you could move down or up a string instead of sliding up the same string several frets. Wow! Breakthrough. Next came Caroline by Quo. Bye this time I was really looking at guitars of my own. Really struggling to get money for a decent guitar......a Baldwin Galaxy or Columbus something... I can't remember now was on the wish list but out of reach, so an Audition from Woolies had to do. No money for an amp of course...so wardrobe door came back. Got fed up of that very quickly indeed. Also began to notice that the thing didn't sound right so it lay in the corner of the bedroom for ages. God knows how long after that, but at least 3-4 years passed before my then girlfriends friend brought her boyfriend (her hubby now) round. He saw the guitar picked it up and mucked about with it (I now know he was tuning it) and he strummed out Tangerine by Led Zep. I was amazed. Plus I could see the girls were impressed and I wanted some of that action. Still no amp though. So swapped the electric for a old 12 string, removed 6 strings and I started learning Tangrine from him, and a few other.
    The rest they say is history.

    How was it for you?

    Sorry if it's been done before. I took this from another forum.

  10. I have asked myself the same question. I think a lot of music is based on how it makes you feel at the time. Sometimes when you a younger it's about rebelion so therefore each generation gets into different stuff. That stuff is usually something their perents will hate...therefore all the more reason to like it eh!
    I'm still stuck in stuff from the 70's punk and stuff. However, also like earlier stuff that my sisters listened to etc. Some newer stuff is ok, but I tend to like 'stripped down' sounds like the first Arctic Monkeys album. Not keen on their newer stuff though.

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