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Everything posted by gadgie

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407799169' post='2524217'] Of course - if they can afford it. But the topic is not being able to afford it, or at least not everything, and having to make choices. Discreet was just pointing out that he thinks good bass gear is more important to him than his car. As the owner of 13 and 16 year old cars I agree with him and personally would rather spend a month sailing in the Caribbean than buy a new car. But we all have different priorities. [/quote] Yes, I suppose you're right FF. I was sort of refering to his ealrier post in this thread. See below. But, to label a new car as a wan*kers car just because he chooses to drive about in an old car is IMO not right. "If you can then you don't need a shop full of shiny gear. I'm sure there's a certain amount of 'all the gear but no idea' on this forum just like those fast car forums for people who can't drive, or those golf forums for people who haven't got the first clue about how to swing a club... "
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407777801' post='2523936'] Priorities is right. I've got some OK bass gear, but my car is a running gag to my friends and colleages - a battered 1997 VW Golf. They can't understand why I won't buy a new car. As far as I'm concerned, it works, it does what I want it to do and I'm just not interested in driving around in a shiny new w*nker's car... Audi, anyone?? Oo-er, that's done it - I'm off! [/quote] What's problem you have with people buying good gear or cars or whatever. If they can afford it, then why not? Life is not a dress rehearsal, you only get one crack at it so make the best of it. So if having the latest RS4, or 2 p basses, 1 J bass and a few rics, with a 2000 watt rig that you never leave the bedroom with.....good on yi. However, I can understand the fustration of needing decent gear to gig with, and struggling to get it.
  3. My girlfriends daughter would love that in her bedroom GLWTS
  4. Why not ask them the first time they come to bring two lessons worth of money the next (2nd) time. So then the next (2nd) time they come it's already paid for, but they also leave the money for one lesson in advance. If they don;t come on the time given for their 3rd lesson, youcould chose to let it roll till next time, or you could play the hardball and say 'tuff, you're fault for not turning up' etc etc. always keep only one lesson in front....not a fortune I'm sure, but enough for A - you to know that you are paid for, and commited to the next lesson B - They know they have paid and commited to coming...or they lose their money.
  5. Come on! Do you really think PF thought...'oh no, this might get put on the internet and end my career' or 'why should that guy make money off of that clip and selfie of himself' I doubt it. He got peeved off somewhat and thought he was above the law and damaged someones property. Acted like a spoiled t*at. Yes, so did the guy with the phone that's for sure. Honestly BChatters, do you really think that PF future recordings or takings were at threat by this phone video.....once again..COME ON! It's 2014......people use phones/tablets etc to take photos. Hey they even talk on the bus or train. I think the problem is that those that complain are peeved off because they only hear half the conversation lol.
  6. Don't use a phone to record something...the guitarist will throw it into the rafters sorry
  7. I think the bottom line for me is that PF didn't handle it well. In my mind he is as out of order as the people with the phone. So he got pissed off, it doesn't give him the right to damage peoples equipment. Jeezo we would live in a pretty awful world if we all handled situations like that. If PF was not happy with what was going on, he should have stopped the gig until security handled it. The guy is supposed to be a pro. Yet another case of a 'star' acting over the top at fans or a situation.
  8. Who knows this might have been the first big gig the couple went to etc etc. However, what's the saying....two wrongs don't make it right.
  9. What I will say is that the guy in question does seem a little over the top in regards the selfie etc. But I wonder if the guy could have a claim against PF for destorying his property...who know, the world is a strange place
  10. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1407590091' post='2522086'] So if you bought a ticket to see [insert band you like] and part of the deal was a high quality video of the gig you would still want to take blurry video with badly distorted sound using your phone rather than enjoy the show? [/quote] I think the choice should be mine really, not the guy I'm 'paying' to watch, as to which I chose to have memories of.
  11. not got any bass fx yet. However I played guitar for years and years. What I found was that I got a good sound in the house, but this didn't seem to be the case with the band volume etc. I reckon this is more to do with me not being able to set it up lol. I then found I was only using about 3-4 sounds so in the end I got a couple of decent pedals and just used them. Easy to change 'on the fly'
  12. If the phone was ringing then yes I think that would be a pain and of course inconsiderate to the other people especially at the ballet or a quiet acoustic gig. I crack up when my girlfriends phone 'quacks' with incoming texts if we are in company. I tend to keep my phone on silent.
  13. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1407585478' post='2522029'] Surely a smart band would get high quality cameras and sound from the FOH desk and either offer a HQ digital download as a freebie for ticket buyers or even sell them a shiny personalised DVD of that nights performance the same way that Peter Gabriel does. [/quote] Yes, and maybe you will leave your camera at home the next time you are on holiday and buy postcards instead.
  14. thinking a little more about this. I don't think anyone has the right to throw someones property about least of all if the owner paid to come and see the band/person etc. Tin hat is getting dusted off as we speak. If no one had bought PF albums all those years ago, he might be playing in the 'Fox and Hound' tonight and pleased that someone turned up with or without a camera.
  15. I agree with above poster
  16. Not sure about this one. I'm with FF in that they are only there because people buy their music etc. With that in mind I don't see why people attanding can't take some footage. On the other hand I can see why someone in the crowd standing behind someone holding up a massive iPad for example could get annoyed. But what's next...not taking a camera to football game etc?
  17. I'll need to check. I'm pretty sure it's got V30 in it. PCP212 I think it's called.
  18. I have a H&K Tubemeister 36 head and Orange 2x12 cab. Minty cond
  19. get to the back of the queue buddy lol!
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1407253120' post='2518820'] Bigger rigs certainly LOOK louder [/quote] Post of the week for me lol!
  21. Having played guitar for many years playing with a pick seems natural for me. However, I have been trying hard to get to grips to play with pick.
  22. aye aye min.
  23. Hi Should have added that I would prefer a 4 string bass. Thanks.
  24. Hi, This is a late 60's 4x12. Fitted with green backs. Sounds ace. The grill cloth has been replaced at some point. I think it should be a basketweave or salt/pepper (i think that's what it's called) I asked about this on the Marshall website a few years back and it seems to come from 1969. 650GBP ono or trades for a bass. Cheers [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2134wug.jpg[/IMG]
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