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Posts posted by gadgie

  1. Och min I dinna ken! Sounds like you think you're obsessed by playing bass (music). There's nothing wrong with that as I'm sure there are many people on here that wish that was all they were obsessed about.
    If you are putting music before your family, work, God in that order, then maybe you need to chill for a while to see how it pans out. I have a friend that sells his gear nearly every 6 months because he's 'giving up'. Then he has to go out and buy more stuff the next month which of course costs more than he got for his old gear etc.
    Don't sell your stuff. Put in the loft or something. then in 6-9months you still feel the same and have not missed it, sell it.

  2. Not the best of photos I'm afraid.
    1980 Custom, 56RI GT, 2002 LP

    Melody Maker RI and the GT again

  3. Sorry if this has been asked before.

    I'm looking for a 2nd bass. Just something cheap.

    I was offered a Squire P Bass. I don't know the model but it was 100 quid. Woudl this be worth it?

    If not, what would you suggest? Also, I know this will be subjective, but would a P Bass, J Bass, EB be best as a 2nd bass. I have a 4003 just now but the cheap one is for throwing in the car for practice etc.

  4. I have used the following...a few times:
    'Yes I'm getting a new Ducati. I'm selling the two old bikes in the garage, at the en dof the day you did say I didn't need so many'
    'You see this is a ltd edition one and it's cheap because (insert name of person) is needing the money. His loss OUR gain'
    'Yes I know I have several guitars, but this is a sort of pension fund' *
    Ditto above but use the word bikes instead of guitars. *
    'I work hard to be able to buy stuff like this and take us on holiday'
    'I'm going to sell such and such when I get the right price, and I will put this straight back into the bank account' **

    * The normal reply to this is 'who the fook do you think you are, a world famous investor...no you can't get a new guitar'
    ** Never happens!

    I did the same colour thing in the past, but once you get more than 5-6 guitars it gets a bit hard.

  5. the last gig I was at there was a couple of young ladies up on stage. One could actually play and sing, the other just had cleavage and legs (very short skirt). A guy also tried to get up on stage but he was thrown off. Oh well all is fair I suppose:)

  6. What I find hard to understand is when somebody has a particular product and then expects everyone to agree with their great purchase and choice etc.
    I've not seen that on this forum and I suppose that's because although the forum is specific (er! basses) then there is not the same need to get agreement or support all the time.
    For example I am also a member of a motorcycle forum which is very specific to a model. No I'm not saying which:) However because of this the people on the forum get all upset when a motorcycle mag slags off their model, or prefers a different maker etc. Saying things like 'what do they know, they must get paid by BMW or Yamaha' etc. However, if a mag report is good, then it's all 'have you seen the report in such and such...about time they realised what we all knew from the start'.
    Anyway, sorry to rant on a bit, but if it bugs you then lets meet outside the bike sheds at 4pm.

  7. I have an Epi SG with klusons and Wizards in it.
    Now the 'not a sales pitch honest part' I did a blind test with this guitar and an SG standard with my band one night to practice. Played it through my DSL50 head and 70's Marshall GB loaded cab. They all picked the Epi for sound.
    Oh well:(

    PS. Lucky the SG didn't belong to me, it was the other guitarist in the band..................guess what, he also picked the Epi...oh oh!

    EDIT: Sorry....back on topic. I would say any Epi or guitar in your buget could be made to sound very good indeed. For me though I would look out for a Gordon Smith GS model on fleabay....or push the budget to get a new one.

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