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Posts posted by gadgie

  1. I have a few Gibson guitars in my collection. I have a 1980 LP Custom that for the purist is one of the worst. Hardly any dish on the top, and the bottom horn nearly points straight down (well slightly down anyway). However, it does sound very good and plays well. I also have a 2002 LP. This one is from around a time when they started to get their act together again as far as finish and closer to the original idea of a LP. Plays and sounds very good.
    However, I have played and seen some terrible Gibsons over the years. Set up from the factory on most are rubbish to be honest. Often the nuts need re-cut etc.
    People will always strive to get a 'named' brand. One they looked up to when they were younger etc and there's nothing wrong with that if you know what you are getting into.
    My two fav guitars are not top of the range ones. One is a Gibson melody maker (the P90 one) which I got from a local shop for 249 quid. The other is a Robin SG type. The finish on the Robin is on par if not better than any Gibson I've owned, and sounds great. The MM was so cheap I've got to love it lol. Great for those punk moments.

  2. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1402317514' post='2471997']
    AAh do you want to buy anything else? What you needing?

    Just stop that right now!!!! Stooooooooooooooop a tell ya!

  3. Hi, I'm gadgie. GAS is a problem with me. I have only been 'playing' bass for 2 weeks, yet I have already committed to buying two items from forum users. Lucky enough I really need those two items so they are not a waste of money......not until I've had them for a week or so and then they will be forgotten about and laid aside with the other bits and bobs that I couldn't live without.
    So far I have managed to not commit to large items such as fancy amps and basses that will take up a lot of room.
    GAS = Gadgie Acquiring Stuff

  4. Yep what he said. Used to set up my les pauls like that to try to follow the radius of the finger board. The slots in the screw heads looked a bit like this
    I -- I I -- I or
    -- I -- -- I --

    Thats looking down from the top. Basicly to the E's were the same height in the pick up body and then half a turn out for A & B and the D & G were highest. Just fiddle about to get the heights and sound you needs. It was easy on a humbucker with screw poles, but not on a sigle coil etc.

  5. That's interesting and makes a bit of sense.
    I contacted Mark about a PJB Cub combo. He came back saying he had a double 4 and also listed a few others that might be portable/sound good etc which was what I was looking for. One of the suggestions was a TC250 208. When I emailed back asking for a bit more details. He seemed to be pushing me towards the TC and not the PJB combo. Saying something like 'you would be better with the 208' for words to that effect. At the time I thought it was sales talk as he might have wanted to get rid of the TC combo, but maybe he was just giving me good advice....

  6. Don't quote me on this, but I think there is only 3dB difference between a 50w and 100w valve head. I think 30w is plenty loud enough as well even if you want 'clean' Now I'm talking guitar here not bass. I'm surprised by the amount of guitarists that don't know to knock back the volume on their guitar to clean up their sound. I once played in a band with a guy that changed his amp loads of times in the past because he couldn't get a clean tone. I asked him to knock back on the guitar....no problem.
    For many years I moaned at our band practices about the volume being too loud. We didn't play out much, but did like to 'act' like a real band..lol. Anyway, I had warned them that when we got gigs we would have to play at a lower level....guess what, the first gig we got we were told to turn down. I agree that the drummer and guitarist are the main noise makers. I got fed up in the end with the drummer shrugging and saying 'there's no volume knob on my drums' . No jokes please...as they are already old hahaha.

  7. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1394440006' post='2391230']
    While we're talking about vintage Ricks, I have a question (which is probably unanswerable but I'm going to ask it anyway).

    I've never seen another one quite like it, and have often wondered what happened to it. Must be worth a bob by now I would think: similar instruments of a similar vintage seem to be trading around the $8,000 (£5,000) ballpark right now. It was a righthander, and the serial was DH161 (Aug '64).

    Yeh I know the one you are on about. I saw one two years ago in a local music shop. Listed at 22k GBP. I went back two weeks later and the guy had sold it to someone in Greece for the asking price.

    Sorry I just made that up :( I'm a little bit bored at the moment

  8. No Multi's are not as good are single pedals because the multi's are usually built to a price and don;t use the best components. However, Multi's have been improving over the years, and the prices don;t seem to rise if you know what I mean. I seem to remember a Boss GT5 costing as much if not more than later 'improved' models but don't quote me on that. Plus although you can do weird and wonderful things with multis these days, I tend to think it is easier to 'dial in' the sound you need from singles better. Saying that I've just started my shift and I may be talking rubbish....

  9. I reckon OD/Dist before modulation pedals. It works for me as I've found that a . modulated (ie delay etc) distorted sound, sounds better then a distorted sound modulated.

    Gee that sounds confusing. Dist > Modulated is better than mod > dististored.

    Usually delay before chorus as well. But that's just me

    Oh man I have a sore head now.

  10. Played like that for years as guitarist in a band, both signal and two guitars. I think if the mix is right from the start then it's not so bad. I would often use a wah during my solos as that seemed to fill things up a bit and make it interesting. I think we had more problems with two guitars to be honest as that takea a lot of sorting out to get parts that work together. In the end we had a bass player that really battered the base and drove the song more, and my guitar sat in that mix as opposed to on it.

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