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Everything posted by gadgie

  1. [quote name='stuckinthepod' timestamp='1430909610' post='2765755'] . For christ sake we are called St0rm K!ngs- what were you expecting - acoustic Carpenters covers! [/quote] Well what's the chances of this happening....... I'm listening to some MP3 songs on random. I'm reading your post and get to line above just as the Carperters are stopping ans Stormbinger comes one. Cue strange scifi music!
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1429548095' post='2752492'] Goes with the territory. When asked to turn down by a venue owner you turn down. It's not worth it to put to much thought into it and take the fun out of the gig. Blue [/quote] good post Blue. Looking some of the posts on this subject it seems forget who's playing and who's paying. Okay on this partiicular occasion the venue was not paying the band. Saying that, it would drive a saint mad, let alone poor bar staff, to hear 45mins of plink plink, ting ting. 1-2, 1-2, thump thump.. 250 people dancing would soon deading the sound anyway, so just say yes no probs, ans perhaps slowly turn up until everyone is happy
  3. Swans vary in size on the outside, not sure about internal dimensions
  4. mmmmmm nie:)
  5. that's a great question.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1430868414' post='2765499'] I always say it the person who's playing the bass that dictates tone and sound. Not the bass, strings, or the amp. If I were to get up and play through Larry Graham's rig I would sound like me, not Larry Graham. But that's just me. Blue [/quote] I agree Blue. All my guitars sound pretty damn poor when I play them.
  7. Rebel Rebel. love the song. Hated playing it
  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1429955936' post='2756631'] Teenage Kicks - have always loved the song but hated playing it as whatever band it was, we just did it too fast. Many of those punks songs were great because they weren`t rushed, TK being one of them. [/quote] Jeezo. Listening to it just now!!!!
  9. Ms Carr said: "I did not know you could drive and play the guitar." i play a whole orchestra in the car sometime. Like a bit of Mr Blue Sky I do.
  10. Ended up selling the on ears and bought the over ears. both really good headphone. Reckon the Over-Ear get the final nod on the comfort factor. Sound is very very good.
  11. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1427577708' post='2732002'] Made-up past tenses - or at least their spelling: He dove into the river. He snuck out while nobody was looking. He lead me up the garden path. [/quote] ah that reminds me.....drug as in we drug the buckets up the hill by hand. Sorry....I made a mistake in my comment.
  12. Jet - Gonna be my girl. Was always a fav and floor filler
  13. What are you looking for in in trades?
  14. CC Music.....think you might need to get the subway....same with Byres Road. Byres Road is a cool place I think, but maybe that's just me. As said before...downtown Glasgow is pretty most a smallish area. There's a nae bad wee pub just up from Central Station that has bands in sometimes. Sorry canna remember the name of it.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1427227908' post='2727660'] I've been trying to bring back the term[i] " Groovy "[/i] and it ain't working at all. Blue [/quote] Groovy is ok. I like it. I will join you in the attempt to bring it back in to use [i]man[/i].
  16. Just remembered another one. When someone says: 'I gave a 110% to make thing work' eh! Probably means you were only giving 70% before and now a wee bit more...let's say 80%
  17. Not sure about you guys, but do you have a term or phrase that you dislike? Here's a couple from me: 'dimed' as in the volume on my amp is dimed. Really!! where did that come from? 'my bad' as in sorry I didn't notice that...my bad. what is all that about??? maybe just me though.
  18. Because it looks cool and sounds good to me.
  19. gadgie

    Bursting sound

    I wonder if someone can help here. I play in two bands. Bass in one, and guitar in another. During the last practice with the guitar band, the bassist plugged in to an old Laney head and cab. I'm pretty sure it was a valve jobbie. Anyway, he wound it up and the sound was lovley. It sounded like the sound was 'bursting'. Like a fat overdrive sound that was slightly losing the plot. Now I ain't got an old Laney head lying around, so is there any fx pdeals that could get me in the ball park? Cheers b
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1427054644' post='2725217'] What winds me up is when Basschatters post that they are leaving, and there is a huge outpouring of grief and being told to stay as the place wouldnt be the same without them. You come you go end of. There was another one this afternoon who said he was going. Ok bye, life goes on. [/quote] I think you're right.
  21. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1427054461' post='2725216'] I still come on here daily, but the place certainly has been changing... the biggest thing ive noticed is how things turn very quickly into arguments... there seems to be a lot less tolerance for other peoples opinions, and i think that probably gets peoples backs up [/quote] Ok, we are nearly at the bottom of the 2nd page so I've not been too quick to say this.......outside...now!!!! LOL Aye I hear what you're saying about arguments. Keyboard Heros to coin a phrase I like to use. On the topic of Mods, I had a wee run on with them a couple of months ago. All got sorted through PM's though. What some people find hard is to find that others don't have the same idea as them...then they get upset about it.
  22. Hmmm..what is 'good'? Who knows really. what's good for one person , another might find it bad. To be honest I get the feeling in this thread that there is a snobishness about it. Someone maybe hasn't posted in several months....could be for several reasons. Sold his/her bass, told by a spouse that there will be no more internet forums as it takes up cuddle/diy time etc. Why jump on the idea that it is because some posters are rude. what I find strange is in this thread there have been a few comments about not knowing someone off this forum...actually outside the forum. Why is this? I suppose it's because you have enough friends already, and no need to cluter things up with others off a forum. NOTE: Not sure if that came across correctly. Good poster = a lot of posts mostly of non relevent nature? Good poster = A few posts but very helpful? I am not in a lot of forum, however I am in a bike forum where the people actually try very hard to get together throughout the year. that does not mean a 25 mile trip to see a new shop (insert bike shop) with another forum user. I'm talking about riding from South England to North Scotland for a couple of days riding and a curry. I can't imagine any good or otherwise posters on here doing that on a regular basis. I could be wrong of course because I am wrong about a lot of things as my girlfriend always tells me. I think a forum needs various types of posters, informitive ones, funny ones, and even ones that wind folk up now and again....it is like that in real life as well don't you think?
  23. It's okay. I'm back now lads. Seriously...which members are we talking about as I seem to see the same folk posting. However, I'm quite new to the forum...maybe 9-10 months.
  24. I like my ricky. First Bass I ever owned after swapping it for a Les Paul I never played. Since getting it I have played and bought Squires VM Jazz, Squire P bass c/w SD 1/4 pounder, and Yamaha of some sort. I still think the rikky sounds better to be honest. I'm sure there are better guitars out there for the money, but it's up to the person. If you don't like it, then move on. To the OP, I think you sold your Ricky quite a while back....so why wait until now to tell the world...you could have save a lot of folk a lot of money. Please tell me which Jap bass is better so that I can try them out. Sorry for using the term 'Jap' but I don;t know how to spell Japanknees...honestly. I really don;t want to sit in cattle class on an aircraft to get a bass....they might be sold in the UK.
  25. Thanks to all. I got some of the Momentum on ear ones. Like the sound, but they do let out some of the sound to others etc.
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