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Everything posted by gadgie

  1. I've just looked them up. There seems to be a few different models. Which ones do you have?
  2. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1424110693' post='2692755'] What sort of budget? [/quote] Open to reasonable cost really. Not into several 100's though:)
  3. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1423732176' post='2688311'] I would say you want to be looking at over ear, not on ear or in ear, just for overall comfort more than anything else. These are pretty much the standard in reasonably priced over ears: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sennheiser-Closed-Dynamic-Stereo-headphones-black/dp/B0007XJSQC"]http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B0007XJSQC[/url] [/quote] Ah interesting. I have already got a pair of these. I quite like them but was looking at upgrading a bit. I should have mentioned that it was over ears I was looking for...not in ears.
  4. Hi BC's. I'm thinking of investing in a decent pair of headphones for listening to music on my PC and mp3 players etc. Music type varies. Price is hard, but wiling to pay decent money for a decent pair. Any ideas? Cheers
  5. The story sounds familiar. Only been trying this for a few months, but already got a few basses....................argghhhh! I'm loving it to be honest.
  6. Couple of crackers on there already. Great shout with 'new boots and panties' and XTC. Bridge over troubled water is one i often go back to now and again.
  7. Just bought RBX250 off Geoff. Great comms. Bass arrived the next day well packaged and in tune...wooowhooo!
  8. I think at least 25% of for sale threads have a comment from a past user or current user of the same model as the seller. I would also say the around 50% of the OP's thanked the people for making good comments. So what was so wrong with these posts?
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1423669149' post='2687721'] Off-topic posts unapproved. Please use PMs for unrelated discussions. [/quote] Eh?
  10. Oh man I would like that. It's a super flight case I think though. I have the flight case version...hmmm I wonder if anyone would buy my flight case! edit: Sorry , you are correct it is a suitcase ..doh!
  11. I really like my Faith guitar. Parlour size
  12. 2015 bump....I hope it goes before the need for a 2016 bump!
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1423456624' post='2684947'] That's a cultural thing and one reason ( there are others ) why I like the British. Over here were taught from day 1 that money is all that matters. Over here, the only people I know that say they're not in love with money, have money coming out of their ears. Blue [/quote] Eh? Not sure if that's a typo Blue
  14. I once used a lead from a nilfisk vac cleaner...... it was about 30ft long.
  15. Interesting comments in this thread. I like the one about the punk music. I was going around at that time and that seemed to be the case. Also the fret buzz not being noticeable in a band situation. I agree with this as well. If you go to watch your average pub band playing, the majority of folk are there to hear the music/tunes the band are playing. There are a few that might be listening to the players and picking out good bits and bad bits. I think I'm at the level of pretty rubbish to average on the guitar (still at the pretty rubbish stage on the bass). However if I ever pick up the guitar at work (there are music rooms on some of the locations I go to) the people there seem to think I'm really good...go figure that one out. I think it's because as players we think we can always be better. We hear every bum note we make etc. Where as the other people just hear me playing a tune that they know and sing along to it.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1423398804' post='2684265'] Don't expect too much after 3 months. If you are of a gigging standard after 3 years, you'll be doing well. It's all relative... [/quote] Or subjective! I think there would be ever possibility that someone could be gigging a lot sooner than 3 years. Your standard (JTUK) might be higher than the OP and his expectations. I know a guy that had never played before and picked up the guitar one day and was playing 3 songs a month later in the local jam night. Was he absolutely perfect....no, but I reckon he could have easy been gigging in a few months.
  17. I don't see why not. I went the opposite route in that I got into a band to play bass. Bought a bass and now trying to learn as I go along type thing. Admittedly the stuff I started playing was basic, but it suited the band. Maybe less is more after all. You sound a lot further on than I am. I did play guitar for many years so know my way around some of the neck at least. Good on you mate. Stick in!
  18. ah back in the day I remember 100watts H&H was plenty for a pub. It was years before I saw the H&H 'slave' thingy. I think it depends how much air you want to move is it. Things can be loud, or should I say the volume, enough to hurt most peoples ears. It's just the way it's put across. I think for the OP purposes of vox only, 150 per side would be good enough for most small gig/pubs. Saying that, it's nice to get a good thud going as well. Disclaimer: I know pretty much nothing about PA's or sound engineering.
  19. I remember watching a youtube video from frettedamerica when the guy was showing off a 1959 Les Paul. It slipped of the button/strap. He just managed to catch it in time...phew!
  20. good attempt i think. Better than I could do.
  21. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1422666293' post='2675543'] For what it's worth, seeing as the conversation is heading that way, for all my non-participation I don't feel like there's any badgering going on. I don't feel like I've been harassed, badgered or inconvenienced in any way by threads relating to the Composition Challenge. I just don't read them, or more likely spy them, think to myself "I should look at that some time" then never do. Sounds to me like some people have way too many ways to feel offended or put out. It's just another thread in a forum, if you're not interested, move on and look at something else. [/quote] Weil said min!
  22. Okay. I must be missing something major here. I've been on the forum for several months now. I've not been badgered to vote for songs.....am I not on the badgering list or something? I open BC and click 'new content'. I flick through the first few pages only clinking on things I think might be interesting. Such as this thread. I wanted to know that the POLL was for. I never click on the monthly song threads (sorry guys) as I'm not interested in it. surely you guys can use the technique when opening threads. Read the title...think for a second or two and either click or not click the thread to open it. PS. I've thought about it...please don,t put me on the badgering list
  23. sounds ok to me. Maybe a wee slide into the note but I'm listening on a crappy laptop so I might be missing something
  24. HT-5 is good I think. did a band practive with one not long ago. It was loud enough with a PA going, drummer and another guitarist.
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