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Posts posted by gadgie

  1. The one in one out just started this year to be honest. Sitting with around 20 guitars and half dozen amps......really had to be done.

    P90s for me are lovely. I've also got a LP JNR RI TV Yellow, and a 60's sg jnr (for sale I might add) lol

  2. Swapped my MIJ Strat relic for a Gordon Smith GS1. Th estart was good, but I've been looking for a GS P90 for a while now after playing my P90 Melodymaker (my fav guitar). Pic of the strat and GS. Sorry for poor quailty.



    and finally the MM and GT

    I love P90's lol

  3. Bought this by mistake. Tried it in the printer and it wouldn't work. I need a HP 301 one.
    So if someone want a brand new unused 901 black cartridge you can have it for the postage. I'll put a piece of tape over the contacts to stop them getting damaged,

  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418856065' post='2634224']
    One of my concerns is dealing with younger musicians that have a limited knowledge in terms of rock and roll history, how it started and evolved into what it is today.


    I always think you try to start good threads that generate a lot of replies. However, when I see you making comments like this I can't help feeling you see yourself as some sort of music Guru and anyone not on the same 'level' as you is not worthy of playing in a band etc. Really....why do you have a concern with younger musicians having limited knowledge of R&R history?. I think there are bigger, more important times in history that younger people are not aware of.........now that is a concern.

    Keep up the new threads :)

  5. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1418071479' post='2626608']
    This thread reminds me of my last tutor. He went to watch Robin Trower , and he said he walked out because he was awful and just played scales. He noticed because he is a classically trained guitarist. I would imagine the rest didn`t even know what he was playing, or cared. Probably the same for music stands. The punters would never know that the stand was there, or if they did, wouldn`t know it was not normal. Only musicians would notice and care about it.

    Really? So he went to the gig without knowing who Robin Trower was? Or knew of him and heard his music but thought that somehow on the night RT would change the way he played? Some people just amaze me at times. I trust that he was your 'last tutor' because he is now a multi million dollar seller/songwriter. good luck to him if he is.
    This is not about your post, but the tutors comment. :)

  6. "Both of these guys could have gone on to college, had traditional careers got married and had families."

    You make that sound as though it was a bad thing.

    I think in any business, those wanting to take a few risks are likely to prosper. Some people are happier having a nice family home filled with kids and then grand kids, and so on and so on.

  7. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1417462089' post='2620625']
    Eton Rifles
    Down in a Tube Station at Midnight
    Going Underground
    Mr Brightside
    White Wedding
    then we dive into the predictable Sex on Fire, Dakota, American Idiot and All the Small Things

    I'd come to see you:)

  8. Why is Ska more like a tribute band to you? and why do you thikn they are killing off venues?

    The bands that I see drawing a crowd in my town all seem to be rock bands that have been playing the same stuff for ages. Throwing in the odd new number as long as it falls into the genre.
    the last one was playing the same stuff as they were several years ago. I think the only reason people were there was because they went to see them years ago......and I mean yearrrrssss ago. Went to see them for the first time in 10 years and safe to say it was the worst gig I've seen in 2014 by a long way.

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