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About Stingray5

  • Birthday November 13

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    Essex/London borders

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  1. I saw a shared Facebook post yesterday from Nick's sister so have been following on there. What an absolute shock to finally learn of the tragic outcome. I last bumped into Nick at the 2023 London Int'l Guitar Show. Had a nice chat and he was his usual lovely, smiley self. A huge loss for his family and friends and for the wider bass community. RIP Nick 😒❀
  2. Nope, 'tis a different Kevin Rowland πŸ™‚
  3. Not all strictly bass-related. Got this... this... this... this... this...
  4. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be available whatever date it is. A Spring SEBB might be nice, at least weather-wise. 🀞😎🀞
  5. Oh boy, that's a beauty! I'm not looking to add to the herd right now, but... oh boy! GLWTS πŸ‘
  6. Thanks for the heads up on this and some good tips there, too. Forewarned is certainly forearmed. πŸ‘
  7. Honest to goodness 1998 USA Jazz in Aquamarine. No mods apart from I replaced the white guard with a white pearl.
  8. Indeed, I saw the photos! I was so up for it but then band work on the same weekend clashed. To say I was gutted would be an understatement. 😒
  9. Haha, I definitely had a jacket like that circa 1985! 😁 And yes, of course, what I meant to say was 'downgraded'... πŸ˜„
  10. I couldn't find a clip from Rock School that may have showed Henry playing his Westone, but here's part of one of the episodes from, I think, around the mid to late 80's. He's upgraded slightly -- to a Wal 5-string! 😊
  11. Hehe, indeed it was a long time ago - I'm slightly surprised I even remembered it, myself. (Just don't ask me what I had for breakfast! πŸ˜‰)
  12. A big +1 for Rock School though I always thought H.T.'s nickname was 'King Thumb'. 😊
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