One point to be aware of is the limited amount of blocks and DSPs you have available with the Zoom pedals. I've been using an HPF, comp and noise gate as a standard clean patch and then adding whichever effects on top on my B1X-4, which has a more modern chip and therefore likely greater DSP than the older chip on the B3, B1on and MS 60B models. But still not much space / processing power spare even with the newer B1X / B3N chipset.
Re. the Thumpinator I'm pretty sure Max confirmed to me it was set at 28 Hz initial cut off, which is very much in line with the 27 Hz that folk were mentioning above. Not sure 28 Hz is too low, though, particularly if it has closer to a 24/dB cut, obviously depending on what you want to use it for. If the aim is purely to eliminate the sub sonic crud but leave your bass frequencies intact, starting with the 31 Hz B fundamental, then Max has designed it very well.