My vote would be:
1. Ditto
2. Cali76 (comp at the start of the chain to tigthten things up for the rest of the pedals) - IMO the Cali is not particularly designed to work as a limiter as its top end compression ratios are fairly limited compared to say a Becos or Keeley Bassist, and it lacks a 'threshold' knob if I remember correctly.
3. FI (give this the cleanest signal to act on)
[3A. Buy an LS2 and put some or all of the remaining three in a parallel loop to give you an alternate synth, and allow the Octave to also bite on a clean signal to minimise glitching]
4. Octave
5. Doom
6. MF
Also recommend you get a decent power supply with isolated outputs.
There you go 3 different bass players and 3 different suggestions - how many bassists does it take to work out an optimal pedal board layout?