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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. Enjoy! Look forward to hearing how you get on.
  2. Aha interesting, yes it was. You're a font of knowledge Master John R. Ixn (the First). How have you got yours set up, still reversed? Feels more 'natural' the right way around to me, but probably just my OCD (that I deny to the rest of my family I have) 🤣
  3. I bought mine used from the FS here. I was fortunate to get one in pretty mint condition, just 6 months old - they do come up from time to time I was waiting for around 8 months before one popped up (which kinda says something in itself). The weird thing is the one I bought used hadn't been set up particularly well (e.g. one of the string saddles at the bridge was somehow inverted and the action had been set so low there was a lot of fret buzz) - all very easily remedied. Part of me wonders if they guy who I bought it off, who kinda felt that a Yammy should work for him, had set it up properly, whether he would have ever sold it. But hey, my good fortune. I'm down in London, which is probably a little too far for you to trek, but there may well be a BCer round your parts with a Yammy BB 735A. I'll leave them to make themselves known! Just checked PMT Brum's website and they don't seem to have Yammy BBs in stock (they have all the TRBs). Bass Direct does have it though - but just be careful to only take enough cash to buy what you want (and not a penny more) if you're heading there 😂
  4. Which is exactly the model (and/or the Berg VT4 that Cam mentioned) as the "V"s are the Berg P basses. So your comments about your own bass were totally on point for me (and which one you're keeping!) Been a very helpful GAS avoiding bit of feedback on this thread for me this morning! The grass ain't always greener...
  5. Only if you feel the need for the best synth bass pedal currently available. Otherwise my recommendation is steer well clear, there is plenty of less capable cheaper stuff out there to disappointment you. 😁
  6. @ratman - great post, thanks!
  7. Thanks. The fact that you and Cam both would / indeed are choosing to hold onto your Yammys in preference to your Bergs says enough on the subject to me. (Fyi - I didn't have the VM4 but rather the TM4, which has a J rather than a P neck pup).
  8. The BB 1025s were going for £810 new in the year before they were replaced (2017) by the new series and there were then some final stock clearance prices at around £550 to £600. I think the 1024s were generally around £50 less.
  9. Comparison of Sandberg VM4/5 with Yamaha BB 734/5 As a former Sandberg TM4 owner I've often thought, in hindsight, that I might have preferred a VM4 (and now a VM5) which also has the P/J set up I really dig on the Yammy BBs. The Delanos and the 2 band EQ are a bit of a sticking point for me with Bergs, but they're obviously (from a experience!) a really well finished bass. I'm just wondering what folks' views are, who have owned both the VM4 or 5 and BB 734 or 5, on how they feel that the Yammy BB 734/5 stacks up against their Bergs? Obviously a new Yammy is going to be half or less of the price of the Berg, so I'm kinda expecting the Berg to edge it? @CameronJ and @krispn are you guys our resident experts on this one?
  10. Ah ok, I got excited too soon then! They are only managing to knock £17 off the normal stock, which is not much, but at least showing willing...
  11. Well done to Musik-Produktiv for being first out of the block in breaking price 'cartel' ranks: https://www.musik-produktiv.com/gb/mesa-boogie-subway-wd-800-10113222.html
  12. FI software update coming soon! I knew there was a reason I'd not spent time getting to grips with the FI PC editing just yet... this is from the owner of Panda Audio posted on TB: "Furthermore, if you look at the video on youtube you can see that it was released in May 2018, so it is not two years old. But anyway, I am busily working on the software now and the FI software will be finished in early April, but yet with a temporary editor. It would be useless to release the software before a final editor is ready, and also until proper sounds are designed to demonstrate the new features. We will have to rearrange and skip some of the 99 factory preset sounds, to make space for the new ones. Anyway, our editor designer, Zsolt works usually very quickly, so there is good hope that you can get the new release soon. Andras Szalay" This is going to make an excellent pedal even better!
  13. Yes, definitely, when you've bought a bunch of investments for your pension and seen their value plummet. Although as someone better paid than me once said "it's a zero sum game!" But not when you're making a donation to a good cause and seeing a smile on a young child's face. And also not when you've bought a piece of kit that brings a grin to yours.
  14. Out of interest, how long have had your Stomp? I've just seen your pedal-board clear out in the FS of some really good dedicated pedals and I'm thinking "yup, another person has just cottoned on just how good their Stomp is!". It seems to me that the Stomp is already having an impact on the supply and demand for dedicated pedals. And the direction of travel IMHO (aka in my opinionated and not always correct mind) is clear. And goodness knows how good the next generation Stomp is going to be! That is one bass pedal I will be getting for sure and it may also end up being the last one I ever need.
  15. I'm not sure whether I've not seen that not occur or just not yet? But you're right, the important thing here is to make sure that you only lose money on things that you're happy to lose money on, in amounts that you can afford to lose. You'll note that there were no negatives in that last statement whatsoever.
  16. I found the HPF to be just as good if not better on the B3n
  17. How good is a Zoom B3n? User interface - 7/10 (on a scale where a MS-60B is about 3/10 until you discover the tonelib free editing software and then suddenly it's a breeze) Quality of effects sims - 6/10 (gets a little blown out of the water by Helix these days) Value for money - 7/10 (there's nothing better out there for a comparable price)** Compactness - 3/10 It's a great gateway to a bunch of dedicated pedals which you end up getting 'cos the B3n doesn't quite cut it. Then you get a Helix Stomp and start selling off the dedicated pedals you've just gone and previously bought 😊 **see later posts about the new Zoom B1 Four and Four X that's just about to hit the shelf.
  18. Sorry couldn't resist (for the second time today)... 😎
  19. After the weekend gig and last night's rehearsal I'm still struggling to work out whether I prefer the sound of my Yammy BB 735A in passive or active mode! But loving having both options on tap in a classic P/J BB 5er. How are folk typically playing their 734/5As - actively or passively or both?!
  20. We've all had a mega rant on the Mesa WD-800 thread about the £1,299 retail price for that head when the same head retails for $999 in the US i.e. 70% more expensive in $ terms over here rather than the usual 20% to 30% more. So it's nice to see a retailer NOT playing 'cartel' over here and introducing some price competition. Good luck to them - I suspect that they'll be getting a fair few extra sales.
  21. Here's an example to support your thesis. The DG M900 puts out > 900W at 4 ohms. There is a 2ohm selector switch which effectively cuts the power output to the cab. The DG spec states: "Min-Load: Press when using a 2Ω load. You can use this control to lower the output if your 4Ω cabinet is not able to handle more than 500W (you can also get 350W with an 8Ω cabinet in this configuration)." It's the bit in brackets that I'd never really taken on board before, but completely ties in with what you're saying. So scaling up, my DG M900 will put out around 950W through a 4 ohm cab and around 600W through an 8 ohm cab. Nice
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